Salau, T. A. O.Ajide, O. O.2018-10-112018-10-112012-012229-5518ui_art_salau_comparative_2012_01International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 3(1), pp. 1-5"This study utilized coniJination of phase plots,time steps dstribution and adaptive time steps Runge-Kutta and fifth order algorfthms to investigate a harmonically duffing osciliator. The object is to visually compare fourth and fifth order Runge-Kutta algorithms performance as tools for seeking the chaotic solutions of a harmonically excited duffing oscillator. Though flth order algorithms favours higher time steps and as such faster to execute than fourth order for all studied cases.The reliability of results obtained with fourth order worth its higher recorded total computation time steps period. "enComparative analysis of time steps distribution in Runge-Kutta algorithmsArticle