Kutu, J. O.2021-10-122021-10-122012-102251-1563ui_art_kutu_utilisation_2012Research Journal of Science and IT Management 1(12), pp. 1-15http://ir.library.ui.edu.ng/handle/123456789/5643The study investigates utilisation of information as determinants of job performance of library staff in public universities in Soult –West, Nigeria. Findings showed that effective management of resources depends on the adequate use of information in the decision making process of a library. Findings further showed that the independent variable (information utilisation) was found to be significantly related to job performance of library staff. The study recommends that information sources be provided to support library staff in performing their jobs. Also, to increase job performance, information sources in the library should be made available through library association, symposium, conference proceedings, attending seminars, scholarship and so on.enJob performanceInformation utilizationUtilisation of information as determinants of Job performance of library staff in public universities in south-west NigeriaArticle