Simolowo, O. E.Adeniji, O. O.2018-10-162018-10-162011ui_pat_simolowo_miltipurpose_2011RP:NG/P/2011/290 Federal Republic of Nigeria Act, CAP 344 LFN1990 multipurpose machine for sieving 'Ogi' (ground com slurry) and other applicable grain slurry comprises the sieving container (003) which receives water frorn an external water unit {OI2) and the slurry 'Ogi' to be sieved through a hopper. Sieving is achieved by an arrangement of vibration and sitting mechanism (&13) which is electrically driven (009) by a motor. Depending on the type of ground grain slurry, interchangeable assembly of sieving arrangement are applied within the sieving unit to account for the multipurpose usage of the machine.en-USMultipurpose machine for sieving "ogi" slurryOther