Hassan, A. A.Oyerinde, J. P. O.2019-10-282019-10-2820001117 9333ui_art_hassan_ultraviolet_2000Journal of Science Research. 6(2), Pp. 114-116http://ir.library.ui.edu.ng/handle/123456789/4883Batches of Schistosoma mansorti miracidia were irradiated with ultraviolet light for varying time intervals to determine the influence of radiation on the transmission potential of radiated miracidia. There was a decrease in the survival rate of hatched-free swimming miracidia that corresponded with the increasing radiation exposure time. The activity rate of radiated miracidia also decrease with increasing radiation exposure time, showing a 69.3% reduction in the mean rate of movement of miracidia irradiated for 30 minutes and 40.4% reduction in the miracidia exposed for 0.5 minutes. The infectivity rates of the free-swimming miracidia exposed to 5.0,15.0 and 30.0 minutes uv radiation were significantly different (P<0.001, dα=4.171,5.07,5.227) compared with the non- irradiated miracidiumenUltraviolet radiation of schistosoma mansoni. II. post-hatching radiation effect on some aspects of miracidia behaviour and infectivityArticle