Nja, M. E.Enang, E. I.Chukwu, A. U.Udomboso, C. G.2021-05-252021-05-2520111994-5388ui_art_nja_alternative_2011Journal of Modern Mathematics and Statistics 5(2), pp. 43-46http://ir.library.ui.edu.ng/handle/123456789/5327The Deviance and the Pearson chi-square are two traditional goodness-of-fit tests in generalized linear models for which the logistic model is a special case. The effort involved in the computation of either the Deviance or Pearson chi-square statistic is enormous and this provides a reason for prospecting an alternative goodness-of-fit test in logistic regression models with discrete predictor variables. The Deviance is based on the log likelihood function while the Pearson chi-square derives from the discrepancies between observed and predicted counts. Replacing observed and predicted counts with observed proportions and predicted probabilities, respectively in a cross-classification data arrangement, the standard error of estimate is proposed as an alternative goodness-of-fit test in logistic regression models. The illustrative example returns favourable comparisons with Deviance and the Pearson chi-square statistics.enDeviancePearson chi-squareStandard errorObserved proportionsPredicted probabilitiesp valueNigeriaAlternative goodness-of-fit test in logistic regression modelsArticle