Omidiora, E. O.||||Olabiyisi, S. O.Fakolujo, O. A.Olabiyisi, S. O.2018-10-092018-10-092008-08ui_inpro_omidiora_assessment_2008 proceedingIn this paper, faces were employed as the only control means of right of entrance and usage of information on the super-highway. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) algorithms were employed as our basis of comparison. An assessment of both algorithms was considered, it was discovered that PCA proved to be a better algorithm for access control and recognition system because of its very high average percentage of rightly classified faces (90.43%) and its strict attendance to both FAR and FRR (0.1077, 0.0609) than DCT with 64.57% and: 0.24 and 0.02 respectively.en-USAssessment of an access control system using principal component analysis and discrete cosine transform.Other