Olukunle, O.2019-03-222019-03-2220111597-443*Nigerian Journal of Fisheries 8(1), pp. 184-196ui_art_olukunle_evaluation_2011http://ir.library.ui.edu.ng/handle/123456789/4587The reported decrease in wild fish stocks has made the replacement of Fish Oil (FO)/codliver oil in aquaculture a priority. The use of vegetable oils (VOs), with lower cost, larger and wider supplies may be a good substitute for FO. The effects of total replacement of cod liver oil (CLO) with VOs, oil palm seed (OPS), Ugwu seed oil (USO)/pumpkin seed oil, soya bean oil (SBO), almond seed oil (ASO)) and a composite of all the VOs referred to as COs on growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus juveniles was investigated for 12- weeks. Each diet contained 45% CP fed to triplicate groups of 15 juveniles, with initial mean weight 22.82 ± 0.30 g and mean length 15.45 ± 0.04 cm. Fish fed OPS based diet had significantly (P ? 0.05) the highest body weight gain (126.34 ± 25.27 g), followed by USO (110.63 ± 15.48). The highest survival rates of (100%) were in USO and Cos but (97.77%) in ASO and CLO (Control) based diets. Significant differences at (P ? 0.05) were observed in carcass CP of fish fed OPS based diets ( 48.09 ± 1.40 g) compared with the CLO’s (44.86 ± 0.35 g).This research shows evidence that OPS and USO can effectively replace FO in diets of C. gariepinus.enAquacultureFish nutritionAnimal proteinLipidCatfish"Evaluation of different dietary oil sources on growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus juveniles "Article