Diji, C. J.Okiwelu, A. A.2018-10-182018-10-182002-02ui_inpro_diji_electricity_2002Proceedings of the National Conference on Energy Resources and Development, pp. 59-64http://ir.library.ui.edu.ng/handle/123456789/3139In-proceedingsIndustrialization the world over owes its growth to the discovery of electricity. Most machines and plants are driven by electric motors; residential and industrial lighting is predominantly electrical; and the communication and entertainment industry are largely dependent 011 electricity. This paper is an analysis of the demand and consumption pattern of electricity in a manufacturing industry in Ibadan. Based on the supply pattern of the electricity to meet the needs of the organization; the paper concludes that there is a need to improve electricity supply to tile manufacturing industry to cut down its production cost which has been on the increase due to energy as one of its prime causes.enElectricity demand and consumption in a manufacturing industryOther