Atalabi, O. MIbinaiye, O. P.Obajimi, M. O.Ogunseyinde, O.Akang, E. E. U.2018-10-162018-10-162006ui_art_atalabi_malignant_2006Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research 8(3and4),pp.171-173 is an uncommon mesenchymal neoplasm. Haemangiopericytoma is believed to arise from the pericytes, contractile spindle cells that surround the capillaries and post-capillary venules. We present an unusal case of histologically confirmed malignant haemangiopericytoma of the thigh in a 70 year old male with metastasis to the lungs and left femoral bone.enMalignant haemangiopericytoma of the left thigh with metastases to the bones and lungs: A case reportArticle