Aderibigbe, D. A.Oluwole, O. O.Olorunniwo, O. E.Atanda, P. O.Ogundare, O.2018-10-152018-10-1520061812-56541812-5662ui_art_aderigbigbe_earing_2006Journal of Applied Sciences 6(15), pp. 3103-3109 characteristics of deep-drawn cold-rooled and temper-annealed 1200 was studied at high deformation levels of 75,85,and 90% cold rolling. The relationshp of earing with varying degrees of cold roll was studied and the effect of different annealing temperatures on earing. Hardness, ductility and strength variations with earing were also studied. Earing was at an aneeal-temperature. The relationship of earing to hardness, ductibility and strength properties were observed to follow the same pattern. Hardness, ductility and strength properties of cold-rolled and temper-annealed Aluminium 1200 at lowest eaaring did not necessarily correspond to the materials lowest hardness, highest ductility or lowest strength respectively and were found to vary for varying degrees of cold-roll.enEaring characteristics of cold-rolled and temper annealed aluminium 1200Article