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Item Attitudes of undergraduate students to the study of french language as a general study course in Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria(Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture, 2013-10) Araromi, M. O.The study examined the attitudes of undergraduate students to the study of French language as a general study course in Nigerian tertiary institutions using Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria as a case study. A total of 200 undergraduate students of this university constitute the sample for this study. The research adopted descriptive research design of survey type. The results show that area of specialization has influence on attitudes of students towards French language. Also, there is no significant difference between the male and female undergraduate students’ attitude towards French language. The results further revealed that there is a significant difference in students’ attitudes and the knowledge of French language. It is recommended that the Government should make French language compulsory in all tertiary institutions in Nigeria as part of efforts to make Nigeria English-French bilingual nation.Item Audio-visual aids and foreign language learning: a case study of french language in Nigeria(Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Akoka-Lagos, Nigeria, 2013-01) Araromi, M. O.In the last century, trends in the teaching of foreign language had resulted into the emergence of a number of methods and approaches to the teaching and learning of foreign language across the world. Due to globalization and urbanization and the tendency in man to reduce the world into a global village through breaking the communication barriers via foreign language learning, attempt has been made to revolutionize the teaching and learning of foreign languages using audio-visual aids. Suffice,to say that audio-visual aids combine both the motivational and learning features. However, it is not an end in itself but a means to an end. The full potentials and benefits derivable from using audio visual aids in foreign language class have not been fully exploited. This may be considered as one of the factors underlying high rate of drop-out or attrition in the foreign language class. This paper therefore highlights the significance of using audio visual aids in the teaching and learning of foreign languages.Item The challenges of introduction of french language as a core subject in the new 9 year basic education curriculum structure(Atlantic Associated Publishers, Ikeja, Lagos state, 2010) Araromi, M. O.It is not an overstatement reiterating that French Language is an indispensable language in Nigeria and the world over, considering the numerical strength of the speakers of the language, its cosmopolitan status and because of its usefulness as an invaluable language of communication at different international forum such as United Nations summit, ECOWAS summit and African Union (AU) summit (French remains an indispensable language) in the recent time, the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) announced its intention to elevate the status of French language from being a vocational elective subject to a core subject right from middle basic education curriculum to upper basic educational curriculum. The decision of the NERDC is a laudable and a welcome development considering the necessary invaluable status attached to the study of French language to boost international and diplomatic relations between Nigeria and her nieghbouring Francophone African countries (NPE2004). We are of the opinion that the programme with its beauty and laudability would face some challenges that would stand as a clog in the wheel of its successful realization. This paper therefore sets out to address the challenges of according a compulsory status to French language from primary four to Junior Secondary School in the new nine year basic curriculum structure.Item Communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages and its motivational implications(2010-06) Araromi, M. O.This study explores the communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages. It also examines the motivational implications of the approach. The perceived ineffectiveness of earlier methods of language teaching paved way for the development of communicative language teaching method. The approach lay emphasis on communication as an ultimate goal and process of second language learning and teaching. The communicative activities that engender acquisition of skills in speaking and listening are engaged in by the learners through spontaneous guidance by the teacher, and under an autonomous atmosphere. This approach makes the learner to be self-motivated and more effective in the learning of the foreign language, thus making teaching easier.Item Foreign language anxiety among pre-service teachers of french language In selected tertiary institutions in South Western Nigeria(Ibadan University Printery University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2017-06) Araromi, M. O.; Olaseinde, F. O.The study examined the influence of anxiety on the success of some pre-service teachers of French Language in selected tertiary institutions in southwestern Nigeria. Descriptive research design was adopted. A total of 130 preservice teachers (male — 40 and female — 90) participated in the study. The results showed that the test anxiety level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety is slightly low (X = 2.32, Std. Dev = 1.162). The findings further showed that the fear of negative evaluation level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety is a bit high (X = 2.65, Std. Dev = 1.227). Data collected were analysed using PPMC and Regression Analysis. The results showed that the communication apprehension level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety was slightly low (X = 2.29, Std. Dev — 1.188). There was no influence of age on pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (F value —1.349, P>0.05). There was no gender difference in the pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (t-Critical value (t-Crit—1.99, P>0.05). Length of years of French study had no influence on the pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (F value — 1.349, Pro— 0.262>0.05). It was however recommended that pre-service teachers of French language in tertiary institutions should pay maximum attention to the variants of foreign language anxiety of fear of negative evaluation, communication apprehension and test anxiety in the process of learning French language as a foreign language.Item Foreign language education in Nigeria and the development of entrepreneurial skills among learners(Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria, 2017-12) Araromi, M. O.; Oladunni, Y. A.Foreign language education has not been given a pride of place in Nigeria due to poor policy implementation and negative attitude towards the teaching and learning of the languages. The rate of unemployment experienced by graduates of foreign languages has reached an alarming level and this has generated a concern among stakeholders in the field of foreign languages in Nigeria. Graduates of foreign languages are not expected to be redundant, jobless or unemployed or rely entirely on teaching jobs to survive as some people in some quarters frequently claim. Stakeholders in foreign language education have failed to take critical look at the curriculum content of the various foreign languages on the curriculum to. see whether they are relevant to the socio - economic realities and values in Nigeria. This paper however seeks to examine the curriculum content of the foreign languages on the curriculum with the view to ascertaining their relevance to the socio economic realities and values in Nigeria. It was affirmed that the content of the foreign language curriculum should be able to meet the vocational and entrepreneurial needs of the teeming unemployed youths in Nigeria. There is urgent need to disabuse the mind of people on the erroneous belief that the only career available for graduates of foreign languages is teaching career. We therefore recommended that government should focus more attention on the teaching of foreign languages for specific, technical and vocational purposes in order to resolve the problem of unemployment ravaging Nigeria as a country and African continent in its entirety.Item French-english bilingualism as a determinant of learners general language competence in some selected secondary schools in Ibadan(Benchmark Journals, Department of Vocational Education, University of Uyo, Nigeria, 2017-04) Araromi, M. O.; Akinsola, N. A.The poor performance in English and French language in public examinations has called for concern among stakeholders in the field of language education in Nigeria. While students recorded low performance in English across the years, there is low turn- out of students in French language. Researchers have looked into the viability of bilingualism in English and French as a symbiotic measure to finding lasting solution to the problem of general language deficiency among Nigerian learners’ of English and French language respectively. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the complimentary role of English and French language in the attainment of general language competence of some bilingual students in Ibadan, Oyo state. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 156 students in four junior secondary schools in Ibadan. Three research questions were raised. Two instruments were used to collect data i.e. English language achievement test (ELAT) and French language achievement test (FLAT). The result shows that there was significant difference in the bilingualism in French and English language among the selected students in the secondary school in Ibadan (t = 7.922, df = 155, P<0.05). There was no Gender difference in the attainment of Bilingualism in English and French from the selected secondary schools. (t-cal=-279 lesser than t-crit-1.95, P>0.05) There are significant relationships between students’ performance in English and French Language (r- 0.363, P<.05). It is therefore recommended that French and English should be taught concurrently to the students as their performance in French will aid their performance in English language The study examined the influence of anxiety on the success of some pre-service teachers of French Language in selected tertiary institutions in southwestern Nigeria. Descriptive research design was adopted. A total of 130 preservice teachers (male — 40 and female — 90) participated in the study. The results showed that the test anxiety level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety is slightly low (X = 2.32, Std. Dev = 1.162). The findings further showed that the fear of negative evaluation level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety is a bit high (X = 2.65, Std. Dev = 1.227). Data collected were analysed using PPMC and Regression Analysis. The results showed that the communication apprehension level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety was slightly low (X = 2.29, Std. Dev — 1.188). There was no influence of age on pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (F value —1.349, P>0.05). There was no gender difference in the pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (t-Critical value (t-Crit—1.99, P>0.05). Length of years of French study had no influence on the pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (F value — 1.349, Pro— 0.262>0.05). It was however recommended that pre-service teachers of French language in tertiary institutions should pay maximum attention to the variants of foreign language anxiety of fear of negative evaluation, communication apprehension and test anxiety in the process of learning French language as a foreign language.Item General overview of the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of foreign languages(2014-12) Araromi, M. O.The application of information and communication technology (ICT) to the teaching and learning of foreign languages has come a long way in the field of foreign language education. A good number of foreign language software developed by language software developers have been underutilized by foreign language teachers, thereby resulting to poor performance and attrition in foreign language learning most especially in the developing countries of the world. This problem cannot be divorced from teachers’ level of technical competence, availability and accessibility of computer and ICT facilities in schools and the attitude of foreign language teachers to the use of modem technology as an intervention in the foreign language classroom. In this paper however, the researchers discussed the extent to which foreign language teachers are reluctant to change from the conventional method of foreign language teaching in spite of the numerous advantages inherent in the use of ICT facilities and computer software in foreign language learning. We gave the general overview of the application, the use and the resultant effect of the information and communication technology (ICT ) and language software in enhancing the foreign language skills in the learners. It was therefore concluded that the significance of using ICT facilities in the teaching and learning of foreign languages is unquantifiable.Item Influence of student-related factors on junior secondary school students’ achievement in french language in Ibadan North local government area(Ibadan University Press Publishing House University of Ibadan Ibadan, Nigeria., 2017) Araromi, M. O.Item Language methodology, learners’ strategies and motivation as determining factors in the learners’ success in french language(Pan-African Book Company in association with JIMST, Medina New Road, Accra, Ghana., 2011) Araromi, M. O.Affirming that French Language is unavoidably important and indispensable in Nigeria is not an overstatement. Nigeria is a giant of Africa and in view of the roles she plays in the international politics in Africa, she needs French language more than any other essential resources one may think of. . This assertion is quiet sound because of the great number of Francophone countries that surround Nigeria and the diplomatic and economic ties between Nigeria and the neighbouring French speaking countries. The decline in the study of French language in Nigeria has been a major concern to the stakeholders in the field of French language education. Many researchers in this field have made frantic efforts to unravel the misery behind the slow pace of development in the study of French in Nigeria. Ogike (2005) opines that the problem that has bedeviled the teaching of French language after the political independence is beyond the control of the Nigerian French teachers. These factors responsible for this decline are multifaceted. This paper discusses the concept of language teaching methodology as an excruciating phenomenon in the success in language learning. Methodology of language learning cannot be under estimated while discussing the issue of foreign language education. In addition, the paper discusses the learners learning strategies in foreign language learning situation. Finally, the concept of motivation towards language learning would be considered in the light of the teachers' motivational skills.Item Language policy implementation in multilingual Nigeria: french and mother-tongue experience(2018-02) Araromi, M. O.By all standards, Nigeria is a multilingual and Multicultural state parading more than five hundred indigenous languages existing alongside English language as an official language and French language as the defacto second official language. Choosing a national language among the existing indigenous languages has become a complicated issue and a subject of controversy among the diverse ethnic groups and stakeholders in the political landscape of Nigeria due to multiplicity and plurality of languages in Nigeria. One cannot underestimate the significant value of languages in the socio- economic development of a nation. Thus, this necessitated the formulation of language policy religiously entrenched in the National Policy on Education. Though the language policy is quite laudable favouring the promotion of the indigenous languages and French language as a language of diplomacy and international relation, proper implementation of the policy provisions and most especially the teaching and learning of French language in a multicultural and multilingual country like Nigeria still suffers tremendous setback. However, this paper looked critically at the major constraints to the implementation of the language policy provisions as stated in the National Policy on Education having in focus the advantages inherent in the multilingualism and multiculturalism to promoting peaceful co-existence and socio-economic development in Nigeria. It was however recommended that government should endeavour to match policy formulation with policy implementation.Item Locus of control as correlate of students’ achievement in french amojsgsome selected junior secondary school students in ibadan(2013) Araromi, M. O.Low performance and high level of attrition in foreign language programmes with particular emphasis on French language in Nigeria have generated an outcry among stakeholders in foreign language education in Nigeria. Learners of French language tend to attribute their success or failure to their personal decisions, efforts, fate, luck or external circumstances. However, researchers have suggested looking into a personality construct such as locus of control as a determinant of learners’ achievement in French language. Therefore this study sought to investigate the influence of locus of control on learners’ achievement in French in some selected secondary schools in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. 150 subjects participated in the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select two local government areas in Ibadan, Oyo State while purposive sampling technique was used to select four schools' from the two local government areas. Two instruments were used for the study: Levenson IPC (intentionality, powerful others and chance) scale and French Language Achievement Test (FLAT).Data collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression Analysis. The result reveals that there are significant relationships between students’ achievement in French with Intentionality (r= 0.394, P<.05), and chance (r= 0.392, P<.05), while students’ achievement in French has no correlation with Powerful others (r= 0.086, P>.05). Locus of Control (Intentionality, Powerful Other, and Chance) jointly contributed 25.6% (Adj. R2x 100 = 0.256) to variance in students’ achievement in French. Moreover, Intentionality (p=0.345, t=4.425, P<0.05), and Chance (P=0.338, t=4.367, P<0.05) have relative significant contribution to the students’ achievement in French language. Therefore, foreign language teachers are admonished to be aware of the fact that learners’ success or failure in foreign language is determined by either chance or intentionality. They should be encouraged to take responsibility for their success or failure in foreign language learning process.Item Punctuality and teaching practice assessment(2018) Araromi, M. O.Item Reading interest, efficiency and emotional state as determinants of secondary school students’ achievement in reading comprehension in Oyo State(Positive Psychology Association, Nigeria with headquarters in University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2020) Araromi, M. O.; Olatunji, S. O.The participants of the study were 250 SS II students selected from five public secondary schools in Oyo West Local Government Area of Oyo State. Four instruments were used for data collection for the study; Students' Reading Comprehension Achievement Test (r=.79), Questionnaire on Students Reading Interest (r=.76), Questionnaire on Students Reading Efficiency (r=.81) and Questionnaire on Students Emotional State (r=.78). Data collected were analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis at 0.5 level of significance. The results revealed that reading comprehension positively correlates with reading efficiency (r= .308, p< 0.05), students’ emotional state (r = .751, p<0.05) and Students reading interest (r=.611, p<0.05). The results showed a coefficient of multiple regressions R = 0.185 and R-square = 0.34. This suggests that the three factors combined accounted for 34% (Adj.R2= .012) variance in the prediction of reading comprehension. There was no significant effect of the independent variables on the students’ reading comprehension, F (i) = 0.561 P>0.05. The most potent factor was students’ reading interest (Beta = .263, t= 1.789, P<0.05), followed by students; reading efficiency (Beta = .139, t= 1.613, P<0.05), except for students’ emotional state. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that English language teachers should create a friendly and supportive environment that will enhance students’ reading interest, efficiency and positive emotional state so that, they can read and comprehendItem The relevance of french language to journalism education in Nigeria(Global Journals Inc., Cambridge, USA, 2013) Araromi, M. O.The relevance of French language in the field of journalism Education in Nigeria is yet to be established. This situation cannot be totally divorced from the language policy in Nigeria and the past colonial experience of the country where English was placed at vantage position compared to French language in all spheres of life in Nigeria. However, researchers and experts in the field of journalism and mass communication education have worked extensively on the significant value of English language and indigenous languages in journalism education Nigeria but there is dearth of research in the area of French language. The researcher therefore investigated the relevance of French language to journalism education in Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a higher institution of learning in Ibadan, Oyo state. A total number of 125 students of mass communication at the Polytechnic, Ibadan participated in the study. Four research questions were raised and answered. The only instrument used for data collection was QMCSAFL. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of PPMC correlation, T. test and Chi- square. The results show that Knowledge of French language has significant effect on Journalism Education in Nigeria, at X2 Calculated (9) = 44.50 greater than X2 Critical (9) =16.9 at P=0.000<0.05. There is no relationship between attitude and knowledge at (r=0.065; p>0.05) There was significant difference between Students’ Knowledge of French and students’ career development as prospective Journalist. It was observed that the t- Calculated value was greater than t-Critical values (t-Cal=-8.941 > t=Crit =1.96) (P<0.05). Self-concept has significant effect on students’ knowledge of French language as Journalist. X2 Calculated (9) = 52.11 greater than X2 Critical (9) =16.9 at P=0.000<0.05. It is therefore recommended that students' knowledge of French language should be critically looked into as it has significant effect on their career development as journalist. The self- concept has significant effect on students’ knowledge of French language as Journalist. Therefore, it must be keenly considered in designing foreign language programme for prospective Journalists.Item The roles of literature in the development of foreign language skills : the case of french language(Global Journals Inc., Cambridge, USA, 2013-12) Araromi, M. O.The teaching of Literature in French in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination syllabus has spanned several decades in the Nigeria system of Education. It forms an integral part of the examination syllabus together with Essay and letter writing, Translation Lexis and structure, Dictation, Listening comprehension, reading of texts, conversation and cultural studies. A lot of controversies have trailed the continuous inclusion of French Literature into the examination syllabus at this level due to some problems encountered by students which include among others: lack of interest, language deficiency and non-availability of reading texts. Therefore, this paper sought to investigate the relative importance of literature to the development of language skills in the foreign language learning programme with particular interest in French language as the second official language in Nigeria. It was affirmed in this paper that literature helps in the training of the mind, (t serves as authentic materials for language learning and it motivates the learners because it is open to interpretation and gives room for drawing inferences from the reading texts. It was also concluded that the link between culture and language should not be over-emphasized in foreign language learning programme. Language competence and cultural competence are two essential skills in foreign language learning that could be treated in isolation without doing any arm to the acquisition of these skills.Item Teacher curriculum-awareness and students' achievement in english oracy skills in Ibadan, Nigeria(2018-06) Akanbi, O. O.; Araromi, M. O.; Kolawole, C. O. O.This study investigated English language teacher curriculum awareness at senior secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria. The descriptive design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all Senior Secondary English Language teachers and students in senior secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria. Simple random sampling was used to select six local government areas in Ibadan. Three public secondary schools were randomly selected from each local government area making a total of 18 schools, while purposive random sampling method was used to select three English language teachers and 50 students from each school making a total of 54 teachers and 900 students. The instruments used were: Teacher Curriculum Awareness Questionnaire (r=0.93) and Teachers Oral interview Guide for teachers on curriculum awareness (r=0,87). Descriptive statistics of frequency counts, mean and standard deviation were used in analyzing the quantitative data generated from the questionnaire, while qualitative data from oral interview were content-analysed. Results revealed that 63.3 7% of the teachers (mean=2.67) are aware of the English Language curriculum on oracy skill and their awareness is high. It is recommended that curriculum planners and designers should endeavor to make the copies of the English language curriculum available because it is one thing to plan and design the curriculum it is another thing for the curriculum to be readily available for the teachers.Item Teachers' awareness and utilization of assessment techniques as predictors of students' achievement in english reading comprehension in Ibadan North local government area(2019-06) Araromi, M. O.; Oyesola, D. O.This study investigated teachers' awareness and utilization of assessment techniques as predictors of students' achievement in English reading comprehension in Ibadan North Local Government. Descriptive research design of correlational type was adopted. Simple random sampling technique was used to select thirty English language, teachers and nine hundred and sixty students from public senior secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government. The instruments used for data collection were: Questionnaire on English Language Teachers' Awareness of Assessment Techniques in Reading Comprehension (OOELTAARC) (0.77). English Language Teachers' Observation Scale on the Utilization of Assessment Techniques in Reading Comprehension (ELTOSUATRC) (0.75) and Reading Comprehension Achievement Test (RCAT) (0.88). Data collected were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics of Mean. Standard Deviation. Frequency Count and Percentage. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression Analysis. Findings revealed that there were negative, non significant relationships between English language teachers' awareness of assessment techniques, utilization of assessment techniques and students' achievement in Reading Comprehension. The composite contribution of English language teachers' awareness and utilization of assessment techniques to students' achievement in Reading Comprehension was not significant. The relative contribution of English language teachers' awareness of assessment techniques, utilization of assessment technique to students' achievement in Reading Comprehension was not significant. None of the independent variables significantly predicts students' achievement in Reading Comprehension. Based on the findings, it was recommended that various assessment techniques should be given more prominence in assessing students' achievement in Reading Comprehension.Item The teaching of french language in Nigeria: a historical perspective(2015-06) Araromi, M. O.The significant value of French language in Nigeria is unquantifiable. Nigeria shares frontiers with many Francophone West African countries and she is also a notable member of many international organizations where she played dominant role. Hence, the diplomatic tie between Nigeria and these francophone countries can be further strengthened with the knowledge of French language. This study however focused attention on the historical analysis of the teaching of French language in Nigeria from the pre-colonial era through the post colonial era with the view to finding a lasting solution to the underdevelopment in the teaching of the language in Nigeria system of education. The incursion of French language into Nigeria system of education dates back to 1878 but not as a core subject. The development in the study of the language did not start until the post colonial era when the need to interact among the independent African states was strongly felt. However, the policy declaration of French language as the second official language in. .'Nigeria in 1997 by General Sanni Abacha, though a welcome development, has not really changed the outlook of the language in Nigeria system of Education. Lack of policy implementation, insensitivity of the government upwards the policy and proliferations of languages on the school curriculum constitute obstacles towards the teaching of French language in Nigeria. It was therefore recommended that government and stakeholders in education should be more alive to their responsibilities in encouraging the teaching and learning of French language across schools in Nigeria.Item Vocabulary knowledge and grammatical competence as correlates of senior secondary school students' achievement in essay writing in Ibadan north local government area(Department of Social Work University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 2020-06) Araromi, M. O.; Olatunji, S. O.The study investigated vocabulary knowledge and grammatical competence as correlates of senior secondary school students’ achievement in essay writing in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State. The study adopted the descriptive research design of the correlational type. Five (5) senior secondary schools were randomly selected from forty-two (40) public senior secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo State. Fifty (50) students were randomly selected from each school making a total of two hundred and fifty students (250). Three instruments were used for data collection for the study: Essay Writing Achievement Test (r= .81), Students' Vocabulary Knowledge Test (r= .84) and Students' Grammatical Competence Test (r= .79). Three research questions were raised and answered. Data collected were analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis at 0.5 level of significance. The results showed that there was a positive significant relationship between vocabulary knowledge, grammatical competence and students' achievement in essay writing, (r— .432, p< 0.05), (r= 435, p< 0.05). It was revealed that there was a joint contribution of the two independent variables (vocabulary knowledge and grammatical competence) to students' achievement in essay writing (Adj R2= 0.274) (F (2:497) = 95.204). The independent variables account for 27.4% of the total variance in students' achievement in essay writing. The result showed that vocabulary knowledge contributed relatively to students' achievement in essay writing (β= 0.260). Also, grammatical competence contributed relatively to students' achievement in essay writing (f = 0.346). Based on the findings, it is recommended that teachers of English should pay more attention to the teaching of English vocabulary and grammar in order to make students develop acceptable level of competence in vocabulary and grammar.