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Item Blow up for a viscoelastic wave equation with space-time potential in Rn(2022-07) Ogbiyele, P. A.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper, we consider the following wave equation: with space-time dependent potential, where the initial data have compact support. Under suitable assumptions on the nonlinear function f, the relaxation function g and the damping potential b, we obtain blow up results using the perturbed energy method.Item Energy decay for a viscoelastic wave equation with space-time potential in Rn(Elsevier Inc., 2022) Ogbiyele, P. A.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper, we consider the following viscoelastic wave equation with space-time dependent potential and where the initial data u0(x), u1(x)have compact support. Under suitable assumptions on the relaxation function g and the potential b, we obtain a more general energy decay result using the perturbed energy method.Item Oscillation criteria for three dimensional nonlinear conformable fractional delay differential system with forcing terms(2022-01) Ogunbanjo, A. M.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper, we study the oscillation of three dimensional non- linear conformable delay differential system with forcing terms. By using generalized Riccati transformation, conformable derivatives and some inequality based techniques, we obtain several oscillation criteria for the system. Furthermore, an example is given to authenticate our results.Item On asymptotic behavior of solution to a nonlinear wave equation with space-time speed of propagation and damping terms(2021-12) Ogbiyele, P. A.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper, we consider the asymptotic behavior of solution to the nonlinear damped wave equationutt − div¡a(t, x)∇u¢+ b(t, x)ut = −|u|p−1u t ∈ [0, ∞), x ∈ Rn u(0, x) = u0(x), ut(0, x) = u1(x) x ∈ Rn with space-time speed of propagation and damping potential. We obtained L2 decay estimates via the weighted energy method and under certain suitable assumptions on the functions a(t, x) and b(t, x). The technique follows that of Lin et al.[8] with modification to the region of consideration in Rn. These decay result extends the results in the literature.Item On blow up of positive initial energy solution of a nonlinear wave equation with nonlinear source and boundary damping terms(2021-08) Ogbiyele, P. A.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper, we consider a nonlinear wave equation having nonlinear source and boundary damping terms and obtain blow up results under certain polynomial growth conditions on y, r, m and p, where the polynomial growth order of the nonlinear functions g and / are p + 1 and to +1 respectively. We obtain the blow up result using the perturbed energy technique.Item Oscillation criteria fora forced superlinearconformable fractional differential equation with damping term(2020-06) Ogunbanjo, A. M.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper we establish some new oscillation criteria for the solution of a forced superlinear conformable fractional differential equation with damping term by using the averaging functions method. Our results provide extensions and improvement to some existing ones. Some examples are also given to show the relevance of our results.Item Oscillation criteria for a nonlinear conformable fractional differential system with a forcing term(Pushpa Publishing House, Prayagraj, India, 2020) Ogunbanjo, A. M.; Arawomo, P. O.We employ the averaging functions, conformable fractional derivative and some inequalities to establish new oscillatory behaviour of the solutions of fractional differential system with a forcing term. The results obtained here extend and improve on some existing results. Examples are also given to show the validity of our results.Item Existence and Blow up Time Estimate for a negative initial energy solution of a nonlinear cauchy problem(Springer Nature B.V., 2020-06) Ogbiyele, P. A.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper, we consider nonlinear wave equations with dissipation having the form utt −div_(|∇u|γ−2∇u)+b(t, x)|ut |m−2ut = g(x,u) for (t, x) ∈ [0,∞) × Rn. We obtain existence and blow up results under suitable assumptions on the positive function b(t, x) and the nonlinear function g(x,u). The existence result was obtained using the Galerkin approach while the blow up result was obtained via the perturbed energy method. Our result improves on the perturbed energy technique for unbounded domains.Item On the behaviour of solutions for a class of third order neutral delay differential equations(2019) Ademola, T. A.; Mahmoud, A. M.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper, a new class of third order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations is discussed. By reducing the third order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations to systems of first order, the second method of Lyapunov is engaged by constructing a complete Lyapunov functional and used to establish criteria that guarantee uniform asymptotic stability of the trivial solution and uniform ultimate boundedness of solutions. The obtained results are not only new but also include many outstanding results in the literature. Finally, the correctness and effectiveness of the obtained results are justified with examples.Item Hyers-ulam stability of a perturbed generalised lienard equation(Academic Publications, Ltd., 2019) Fakunle, I.; Arawomo, P. O.In this paper, we consider the Hyers-Ulam stability of a perturbed generalized Lienard equation, using a nonlinear extension of Gronwall-Bellman integral inequality called the Bihari integral inequality.