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Item Case control study of dry eye and related ocular surface abnormalities in Ibadan, Nigeria(Springer, 2010) Bekibele, C. O.; Baiyeroju, A. M.; Ajaiyeoba, A.; Akang, E. E. U.; Ajayi, B. G. K.Background: Tear instability is associated with symptoms of ocular discomfort and irritation. Many patients with dry eyes remain untreated due to improper diagnoses. Objective; To identify symptoms and surface abnormalities associated with dry eyes. Materials and methods: One hundred and fifty-six eyes of 78 subjects attending the Eye Clinic of the University College Hospital Ibadan were screened for dry eyes/tear instability using rose Bengal stain (graded 0-9), tear break-up time (TBUT), Schirmer's 1 tests, tear meniscus height and a standardised symptoms questionnaire. Grades 4-9 rose Bengal staining were considered as positive dry eye and were compared with grades 0-3 staining eyes as negative controls. Results: Mean tear meniscus height, Schirmer's test and TBUT were lower among cases than their corresponding control eyes. The difference between the mean Schirmer's test values of cases and their controls were statistically significant (P = 0.00 for right eyes and P = 0.002 for left eyes). Rose Bengal grades were inversely correlated with the mean Schirmer's values (Pearson correlation -0.429, P = 0.05 for right eyes and -0.335, P = 0.03 for left eyes) and TBUT (Pearson correlation -0.316, P = 0.05 for right eyes and -0.212, P = 0.06 for left eyes). About 95.8% of the cases were symptomatic, as opposed to 70.4% of the controls (P = 0.01, Fisher's exact test) and 95.8% of dry right eyes compared to 61.1 % of their controls had ocular surface abnormalities (P = 0.001), while 89.5% of dry left eyes compared to 62.7% of controls had surface abnormalities (P = 0.07). Conclusion: A close relationship exists between ocular irritation symptoms, surface abnormalities and functional evidence of tear instability. Such patients should be treated empirically or screened for dry eyes.Item Tear function and abnormalities of ocular surface: relationship with subjective symptoms of dry eye in lbadan, Nigeria(2008-03) Bekibele, C.O.; Baiyeroju, A. M.; Ajaiyeoba, A. I.; Akang, E. E. U.; Ajayi, B. G. K.Objective: To determine the relationship between tear function and ocular surface abnormalities with subjective symptoms of dry eye. Methods: Patients with various ocular irritation symptoms suggestive of dry eye were examined for tear break up time (TBUT), Schirmer's test 1, and Rose Bengal staining pattern. They were compared with a group of asymptomatic healthy subjects. Results: There were 63 subjects, mean age 43.8 years (+/-14.7 years) with various complaints of dryness presenting as having irritation or foreign body sensation. A group of 17 asymptomatic subjects, mean age 42.1 years (+/-12.7 years) were studied as controls. There were 22 (34:.9 %) males and 41(65.1%) females in the symptomatic group while the control group had 4 (23.5%) males and 13(76.5%) females. Ocular irritations included itching 38(60.3%), pricking and itching 10 (15.9%). Mean Shirmer's test value were lower for symptomatic, subjects (mean 14.5mm +/-12.3 right eye; 14.9mm+/-12.4 left eye), compared to the controls (23.0mm +/-13.4 right eye; 17. 9mm +/-13.4 Ieft eye) P=0.02, for right eye and 0.4 for left. The mean TBUTwere also lower amongst the symptomatic subjects (10.5 seconds, right eye and 10.1 seconds left eye), while for controls mean TBUT was 12.7.,seconds right eye and 12.1 seconds left eye (P=0.2). Fifty -six out of 126 (46.8%) eyes of all symptomatic subjects compared to 7 out of 34 (20.6%) eyes of asymptomatic subjects had positive staining of conjunctiva with rose Bengal (p=0.06). For subjects with itching as the primary symptom 44.7% of them as opposed to 23.5% of the controls were likely to stain positive with rose Bengal, (sensitivity of itching as screening tool for dry eye was 81%, specificity 38.2%). Itching and pricking sensation together (sensitivity 46.2% and specificity improved to 65%). Rose Bengal grades were also inversely correlated with mean Schirmers values (Pearson correlation -0.429; P = 0.001) and TBUT (Pearson correlation -0.316, P=0.005). Conclusion: Itching and other ocular irritation symptoms may be indicative of underlying abnormal tear function and ocular surface damage, their presence calls for further examination for tear deficiency and prompt institution of treatment for dry eyeItem Visual outcome of pressurised bottled drinks related eye injuries in Ibadan(2003) Bekibele, C. O.; Ajayi, B. G. K.; Baiyeroju, A. M.; Ayeni, E. A.Records of 15 patients presenting with pressurised bottled drinks related eye injuries between January 1996 and 2001 were reviewed to identify factors contributing to accidental eye injuries from pressurised bottled drinks, reason for poor outcome and to make recommendations. In all, 16 eyes of 15 patients were studied out of which 7 were males (M:F, ratio I :1.1). Age range, 3 years-49 years, mean 23.6 years. The majority of those affected were students 46.7%, and traders 26.7%. The commonest activity leading to injury was explosion during the process of arranging the bottles or crates of drinks (43.8%) and accidental fall of bottle from hand or height (37.5%). Drinks implicated include, Coca-cola 50%, beer 25%, others (Fanta, Legend stout, Mirinda, Grape juice) 25%. Complications arising from the injury included, hyphema 43.8%, vitreous haemorrhage 12.5%, and retinal detachment 12.5%. The globes were retained in 12 (75%) cases, 3 defaulted and one eye became phthisical. The final visual acuity was 6/18 or better in 25%, between 6/24 and 6/60 in 12.5% and less than 6/60 in 31.3 %. The final visual acuities of three patients who were lost to follow up were unknown. Reason for poor visual outcome include severity of injury with resultant serious complications, and delay with instituting surgical treatment. Eye injuries resulting from exploding bottled drinks are potentially very serious and therefore best prevented. It is recommended that conversion of bottled drinks to canned or plastic containers be considered by the manufacturers. Greater care should be taken with the handling of bottled drinks by the sellers, factory workers and consumers. High risk occupations such as bottled drink sellers and factory workers may need to wear protective goggles during handling. Public health education on need to seek prompt and proper treatment as well as need for Government to institute the National health insurance scheme to cater for indigent patients.