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Scholarly works in Centre for Educational Media Resources
Item Assessing determinants of perceived ease of use of institutional repositories by lecturers in Nigerian universities(Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2020) Bamigbola, A. A.; Adetimirin, A. E.Institutional repositories (IRs) present platform to disseminate research findings to complement the traditional scholarly communication model. The use of IRs is beneficial to authors, host institutions, libraries and society at large. Despite the numerous benefits of IRs, there is low deposit of scholarly works by lecturers and the investment on IRs seems to be a waste. This study examined determinants of perceived ease of use (PEOU) of IRs by lecturers in Nigerian universities. A survey of lecturers received 857 respondents. Awareness, anchor and adjustment factors were found to be determinants of PEOU of Institutional repositories by lecturers in Nigerian UniversitiesItem Evaluating use of institutional repositories by lecturers in Nigerian universities(2017) Bamigbola, A. A.; Adetimirin, A. E.The study investigated use of Institutional Repositories (IRs) among lecturers in Nigerian Universities. It examined the level of awareness, frequency of use, preferred archiving method, purpose of use of IRs and challenges of use of IRs among lecturers. Five universities in Nigeria that had functional institutional repositories for at least three years as at 2015 were purposively selected. Five faculties were purposively selected from which 1151 lecturers were randomly selected. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Findings revealed that majority of the lecturers were aware of IRs, they accessed materials from IRs on daily and weekly basis while they deposited their works into IR on annual and bi-annual basis. It was also revealed that lecturers preferred mediated archiving and they used materials from IRs to prepare lecture notes and research works. Fear of copyrights infringement, plagiarism and lack of awareness were major challenges of use of IRs. The study recommended that the university libraries should check the copyrights status of scholarly works to ensure non-infringement, organise more awareness programs on IRs and mediated archiving method should be used to encourage lecturers to submit their scholarly worksItem Library services for rural women empowerment in Oyo state: a case study of african heritage research library and cultural centre, Oyo state, Nigeria(2014) Bamigbola, A. A.; Adetimirin, A. E.Rural women remain the most underprivileged group of the developing societies because of lack of empowerment. In the recent years, there are diverse government and non-governmental organisations and initiatives aimed at empowering rural women in order to alleviate their sufferings yet a lot of rural women are not empowered. Information is recognized as power, a critical resource and sine-qua non for true empowerment and library is an important store house of information. This paper discusses roles of libraries to rural dwellers and the importance of information in empowerment. The study adopted a qualitative approach with case study research method. Data was collected from twelve rural women (users) and four members of the management of African Heritage Research Library and Cultural Centre (AHRLC) through interview, focus group and inspection of AHRLC facilities. AHRLC is a private library situated at Adeyipo, a village in Lagelu local government area of Oyo State Nigeria. The findings of the study revealed that library services such as education support services (literacy programme, reading programme, seminars and talks), economic support services (workshops and demonstration farms), culture and recreation support services were available at AHRLC and utilized by rural women at Adeyipo and its environs. Subsequently, AHRLC was perceived by rural women as solution, civilization and all purpose centre. However, lack of funds, electricity, trained manpower and motorable road were major challenges facing AHRLC. Finally, some recommendations were made as way out of the challenges