Publications by University of Ibadan Library Staff

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    An evaluation of risk management strategies in academic libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Nigerian Library Association Cross River State Chapter, 2012) Adeyemi, B. M.; Eguavoen, O. E. L.
    This study investigated the risks and risk management strategies adopted in selected academic libraries in Oyo state. A structured questionnaire was developed to elicit information from 60 respondents selected randomly from four academic libraries in the state. The study sought to provide answers to four research questions raised. Simple percentages were used to analyze the data obtained. The findings showed that fire outbreak, building collapse, flooding as well as risks associated with users top the list of risk factors and that risk management policies were not adequately provided in the surveyed libraries. Based on the findings, recommendations were made that risk management be incorporated into the strategic and operational planning processes at all levels of academic libraries and that risk assessments be conducted on all new equipment and facilities and that risks should be identified, reviewed and monitored on an ongoing basis at nominated levels within library system.
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    Automation in libraries: retrospective conversion exercise
    (Evi- Coleman Publications, Ibadan, 2004) Eguavoen, O. E. L.; Adeyemi, B. M.
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    Health information needs of the visually impaired in urban centres: a cse study of Oyo State, Nigeria
    (2001) Eniola, M. S.; Eguavoen, O. E. L.
    This paper examines health information needs and its utilization by the visually impaired in urban centres in Oyo State. The main focus of the study was to determine the health problems for which the visually impaired seek health information in an attempt to live well. The sample population was made up of sixty visually impaired. They include twenty-eight (males) and thirty-two (32) females, and the instruments employed in collecting data include, questionnaire and interview. The analysis of the data revealed that the visually impaired needed different types of health information for their well-being in Oyo State. To achieve good patronage of the health information centres, there is need for the various contres to be better organised with the aim of improving thier services to the visually impaired
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    Pre-cataloguing bibliographic searching
    (End-time Publishing House Ltd, 2001) Eguavoen, O. E. L.
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    The relevance of library and information services for the visually impaired in Nigeira
    (2007) Eguavoen, O. E. L.; Eniola, M. S.
    The paper discusses the relevance of library and information services to the visually impaired persons in Nigeria. The visually impaired persons have some peculiarities and their disabilities vary according to the degree of severity requiring tailored library and information services, which is responsive to individuals needs. It acknowledges government efforts as well as that of organizations and individuals in the educational provisions for the visually impaired in the country since 1957, though library and information services are still in thier infancy. Problems encountered by the visually impaired in an attempt to have access to library services are also highlighted while recommendations were proffered for developing library and information services for this category of handicapped people.
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    The OPAC:Kenneth Dike Library reconversion project
    (2002) Faniran, A.; Eguavoen, O. E. L.; Adeyemi, B. M.
    The focus of this paper is the re-conversion of manual catalogues to machine-readable form at Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan. It examines the relevance of retrospective conversion of Library records in an attempt to improve library services to users. The paper also examines the various attempts at reconverting the large records of the library from 1975 till date as well as enumerating the activites of the re-conversion team at the in-house re-conversion exercise. It also highlights the problems encountered in the course of the project. The efforts and experiences of the exercise will go a long way to facilitate successful retrospective conversion in other libraries in Nigeria
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    A survey of the relevance and effectiveness of the library catalogue: the case Kenneth Dike Library.
    (Codat Publications, 1999) Eguavoen, O. E. L.; Ola, C. O.
    As libraries in Nigeria step into the age of Information Technology just like other libraries the world-over, an inventory of the use of manual system of information retrival is surveyed with Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan as a case study. The survey, which is to ascertain the relevance and effectiveness of the use of card catalogue as means of information retrieval, reveals a general lack of understanding of its use. A non-challant attitude to Library Orientation is shown. A quiet sense of joyful expectancy and a mild hesitant sense of apprehension towards a full-blown computerisation of the library catalogue is revealed. This paper suggests a re-orientation in the attitude of students towards library orientation programmes such that their interest in the programmes could be rekindled while recommending that there should be continued instruction, all the year through, on library use at the Main and Faculty Library levels, preparatory to the introduction of On-line Public Acess Catalogue (OPAC)
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    Cataloguing law materials. A practical guide for law libraries
    (LINCOM GmbH2010, 2010) Eguavoen, O. E. L.; Oyadongha, J. C. E.
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    The Library
    (Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd., 1999) Eguavoen, O. E. L.
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    The book itself
    (Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd., 1999) Eguavoen, O. E. L.