Publications by University of Ibadan Library Staff

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    Administration in Kenneth Dike Library: 1948-2011
    (Ibadan University Press, 2018) Oyelude, A. A.; Fabunmi, B. A.
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    The role of information and communication technology in development of university education in Nigeria
    (2013-06) Fabunmi, B. A.
    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play vital roles in the development of university education in Nigeria. They aid in the storage, retrieval, display, and dissemination of information. This study examined the importance of ICTs in achieving the mission and vision of university education in Nigeria. This was informed by the fact that ICT has become an invaluable tool for the enhancement of teaching, learning, and research; and also community service. ICT facilities are now becoming indispensable tools for development with positive effects of ICT noted in commerce and industry, education, politics and government, culture, and other aspects of human life. The use of the ICTs may make or mar the goals and objectives of university education. This paper reviews the concept of information technologies, its application to education, the prospects and the challenges facing utilization of ICTs in the universities. Most lecturers and other stakeholders are not able to use ICTs. The researchers therefore suggested that seminars and workshops should be organized to educate lecturers and stakeholders in the education industry to acquire the technical skills required to be able to apply lCTs to teaching, learning and research, and its essence in the development of university education.
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    An investigation into the awareness, occurrence and preparedness for disaster management in selected academic libraries in Tanzania, East Africa
    (Medium Publishing Company and Educational Consult in Collaboration with Options Books Ibadan, Nigeria, 2013-06) Fabunmi, B. A.
    This study investigated the awareness, occurrence and preparedness to manage disaster in selected academic libraries in Tanzania. The study was conducted with a view to addressing the inefficiency in library disaster management and offers some suggestions on how to prepare before, during and after a disaster strikes in the library. Survey research technique was used to obtain data for the study. The population of the study consisted of all the 83 workers in the two libraries used for the study, because the responsibility for effective disaster management is collective. All the workers in the libraries were sampled because the population size is small. Five research questions guided the study and a questionnaire titled "Disaster Preparedness and Management Questionnaire" (DPMQ) containing 52 items was designed and administered to all the 84 members of staff used for this study. Fifty-one (51) copies out of 83 copies administered were returned, thus giving a respondent return rate of 61.4 per cent. The data collected were analyzed using percentages. The findings revealed that members of staff are aware of disaster in the library. However; there was no adequate preparation for its prevention and management. The study recommends that adequate funds should be provided to train staff, buy disaster kits, cultivate maintenance culture of the resources in the library, and create awareness, among others.
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    The role of libraries in higher education in Africa
    (2012-12) Fabunmi, B. A.
    Libraries have been the companions of higher education for many centuries. Library in higher education is supposed to play a critical role in the teaching, research, and learning activities through selection, acquisition, organization, preservation, and given access to all sorts of relevant and current materials which include books and periodicals, manuscripts, rare documents, journals, maps, etc. needed by teachers and students. This paper therefore made an attempt to examine the state of higher education libraries and how they have been able to support the institutions to which they are attached. The academic library is a vital force at the heart of higher education. Yet, its future seems to be uncertain, hence the need to bring into limelight the challenges facing academic library in Africa and offer possible strategies for responding to them. It was discovered that higher education libraries in Africa have not been providing the expected services effectively and efficiently due to the severe economic challenges facing them such as inability to stock libraries with current and relevant information resources, under staffing among others. The study recommended that higher education library should be well funded in order to employ enough staff, acquire materials such as current journals, books, equipment, integrate the use of Information and Communication Technology to carry out their housekeeping operations and services in order to be more effective and efficient in the information delivery, global access to information, and also to easy retrieval of information.
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    Analysis of differences in private returns to education among Nigerian workers
    (Faculty of Education, Kampala International University College, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 2012-11) Fabunmi, B. A.; Babalola, J. B.
    This study investigated the extent to which demographic factors were responsible for the variations in private returns to education among Nigerian workers. Data were collected using the 2005 Labour Market Survey of the National Manpower Board covering 19,888 Nigerian workers: 7,032 were with no formal education, 4,910 with primary school certificate, 4,873 with secondary school certificate and 3,073 with first degree. Occupations were categorised into agriculture, information management, commerce and industry, education, health and safety, .science and technology, legal and security, and others. Sectors of employment were grouped into private and public. 2 research questions were answered. Data were analysed using multiple regression at 0.05 level of significant. The findings revealed that all the independent variables significantly correlated with workers' earnings. They also accounted for the variance in workers' earnings. Work experience, level of education and sector of employment predicted earning differentials. Based on these findings, it was recommended that employers of labour should ensure that workers' remunerations are commensurate with their level of education so as to minimize earning differentials.
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    Information sourcing in an automated academic library
    (Devon Science Company, 2010) Oyelude, A. A.; Fabunmi, B. A.
    Purpose - Information seeking is a fundamental human process closely related to learning and problem solving, thus the information sourcing characteristics of users of the Kenneth Dike Library, University of lbadan is examined with a view to evaluating their use of modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities provided. Use patterns, user satisfaction with (he ICT facilities, and user preference of manual and electronic facilities provided are evaluated Methodology. Descriptive survey research to appraise the adequacy of modern ICT in the library was carried out. Questionnaire, interview and participatory observation methods were used Findings - The results show that majority of the users (81%) prefer the new ICT facilities to the manual, even though they encounter difficulties in use. Lack of constant power supply, limited access to online resources, lack of adequate user and staff training and non-creation of awareness for the ICT facilities is identified as some of the problems. The CD-ROM and the Internet are the most frequently consulted ICT facilities, while many called for enhancement and updating of the book/journal collection. Originality/value - The research brings to the fore types of ICT needed and sourced for by users, and the need for information providers and users to adapt to the changes. Challenges facing the library in information provision (IS well as the prospects are discussed, and recommendations made for future improvement and continuous evaluation.
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    Automation planning in an academic library
    (Faculty of Education, Kampala International University College, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, 2012-01) Fabunmi, B. A.
    The application of computers to library house keeping operations and services has brought tremedous changes into the life cycle of information. These changes are obvious in the process of information generation, processing, storing, evaluation of use, dissemination, and disposition. Library automation is the modern methods that helps libraries and their users in effective use of library resources. In addition to improvement of services and operations efficiently and effectively, libraries are able to develop effective computer networks, towards optimum utilization of resources and facilities. The benefits of converting routine task and repetitive processes into some form of automation have been recognised and such use of automation became a long-term objective of library management. However, many academic libraries are still battling to find their feet in the application of computers to the operations in the library.This paper therefore highlighted some of the steps involved in planning for automation in academic libraries. These will guide those that are yet to automate their libraries in particular and those finding it difficult to have a breakthrough in general to accomplish the mission of automating their libraries. The study established that while the automation of an academic library is indispensable, there is a need for proper planning of library automation in order to harness the benefits of automation.Recommendations on how to have streamline library automation were made.
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    Crimes incidence and control in an academic library: implications for management and policy
    (2010-06) Fabunmi, B. A.
    The study investigated the incidence and control of crimes in Kenneth Dike library, university of Ibadan, Nigeria. Observation and survey research techniques were used to obtain data for the study. 120 copies of questionnaire developed were administered to the different categories of workers in the library, because the responsibility for effective security is collective and not exclusive to any particular individual or group within the library. Out of these, 102 were returned, while 100 were validly completed, thus giving a response rate of 83.3 percent. The findings reveal that inadequate staff, lack of proper supervision, non availability of photo-coping machines, amongst others are the reason for prevalence of criminal activities in the library. The study has established the prevalence of criminal activities and offer some suggestions on how to combat and reduce the incidence of crimes in a library.
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    Cataloguing in an automated library:policy options for libraries in developing countries
    (2011-04) Fabunmi, B. A.
    The tremendous growth of information and its utilization has led to the emergence and use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in libraries. The use of ICT is obvious in the information handling process. The introduction of automation in cataloguing has opened up a new era of information processing in libraries. While many libraries in developed countries have embrased automated cataloguing, only few libraries embraced this technology in developing countries. The art of cataloguing is in a state of constant dynamic change due to advancement in ICT. The capabilities of automation are causing changes in the tools used by cataloguers. Catalogues are being computerised all over the world to facilitate better access points and multidimensional searches in the library holdings. As result of these, this article gives an exploration of cataloguing in the library before the advent of automation as well as cataloguing in an automated age. It also attempts to discuss cataloguers' roles in an automated library. There are many policy implications which should be given due considerations as the library materials are being processed electronically. The paper therefore suggests that the library management needs to be pro-active rather than reactive, ensure relevant training and re-training of cataloguers on the use of these modern tools in cataloguing by sending cataloguing staff to attend conferences, seminars and workshops in order to update their knowledge and maintain awareness of current trends in cataloguing, maintenance of the infrastructure, patrons education, among others.