Publications by University of Ibadan Library Staff

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    Twenty-four hour library services in Kenneth Dike Library: challenges and prospects
    (Pacific Northwest Library Association, 2013) Adeyemi, B. M.; Ojo, R. A.; Adekujo, O. A.
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    The challenges of human resources for information communication technologies (ICTs) in Nigerian universities libraries
    (Nigerian library association, 2003) Ikem, J. E.; Ojo, R. A.
    The paper examines the scenario and challenges associated with Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) with particular focus on human resources (HRs) well-equiped with know- how and skills for innovative adaptations of ICT utilisationk in Nigerian universities libraries. It identifies and discusses the need for availability of "Appropriate Human Resources" i.e. a calibre of ICThumanresources well-equipped with know-how and skills for innovative adaptations of ICT utilisation in Nigeiran Universities Libraries(NULs). The paper also stresses that the technological salvation of Nigerian Universities libraries (NULs). The paper also stresses that the technological salvation of Nigerian Universities libraries lies not in their perpetual dependence on technologically equipped expatriates and thier agencies, rather it lies in thier ability to evovle internally generated programmes for appropriate human resources development aimed at providing indigenous ICT capacity for adaptive and innovative ICT utilization within their specific local environments. It also emphasises that this is a way for Nigerian Universities Libraries to move from being just ICT consumers to being ICT producers for the benefits of thier patrons.
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    A survey of the use of electronic resources in Hezekiah Oluwasanmi library, Obafemi Awolowo university, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
    (University of Nebraska- Lincoln, 2013-02) Oyedapo, R. O.; Ojo, R. A.
    This paper discussed the impact of electronic information resources as an enabler of research activites in Hezekiah Oluwasanmi library, Obafemi Awolowo university, Ile -Ife, Nigeria. A structured questionnaire was used to survey the opinions of the researchers who are the regular users of the library under study. The study showed various electronic information resources available and the degress of its utilization by the researchers and postgraduate students. There is a significant influence of the level of availability of electronic information resources on utilization [F(3,79)=10,337, P<0.05]. The study also revealed that only 6.0% of respondents use e-resources frequently thus, the usuage of e-resources is still very low in the university community. Consequently, it was recommended that the library should organize teaching of information literacy skills through user education programmes.
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    Planning and evaluation library automation systems
    (Nigerian Library and Information Science Review (NLISR), 2003) Ojo, R. A.
    This paper examines the critical issues of planning and evaluating library automation systems as it affects both academic and research libraries in Nigeria. Automation is complicated and distruptive, that is why critical attention must be given to its proper planning and evaluation, so that the desired results can be achieved. Procedures for proper planning and evaluation of the most important modules in a phased approach that will usher in ability to concentrate on monetary and human resources according to a planned and coordinated implementation schedule are hereby suggested.
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    Electric document delivery: the Ibadan University Library experience
    (Routledge Informa Ltd, 2011-09) Ajala, E. B.; Ojo, R. A.
    New information communication technologies, such as the internet and electronic publishing, not ony enhance the range of publications that libraries can provide for their users but also increase the speed with which such requests can be met. This article describes the development of electronic document delivery(EDD) at the Kenneth Dike Library at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. A successful EDD program depends upon good intranet and internet network systems, document availability, user awareness and training, and ease of use. The major challenge to this service is inconsistent power supply which the university is addressing with the aid of a grant from the MacArthur Foundation for backup electric generator and a university solar energy project. It is hoped that this will assure better and more reliable power service in support of EDD in future. New information delivery regulations and laws guiding adequate service will also emerge but must be properly applied for effective and positive results.
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    Creating electronic access to newspaper information in Nigeria: the Information Aid network (IFAnet) experience
    (Academic Journals, 2006-10) Ola, C. O.; Ojo, R. A.
    This paper highlights the value of newspaper information and the method adopted in organizing, preserving and disseminating it. The paper dwells on the traditional ways of managing newspaper resources and the need to device a new medium of accessing the information contents of the resource. It enumerates the steps taken in conserving newspaper information and building access descriptors for retrieval from the massive information contained in numerous newspapers churned out daily, weekly, or periodically. An NGO, (IFAnet), concerned with managing information and using newspapers as one of its major resources has been used as the case study.
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    The development and evaluation of a multimedia resource centre to support ICT training in information age: a case study of Abadina Media Resource Centre
    (KIU Journal of Education, 2012-01) Omoba, F. A.; Ojo, R. A.
    Addressed are the issues surrounding the process of training the staff of a multimedia center in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and application of outcomes of training in the workplace. It was discussed in the context of development and evaluation of a multimedia centre with respect to supporting proper adoption and implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in information age. It highlights important issues that must be kept in proper perspective if the objectives of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) adoption to enhance perfomance on the part of staff are to be achieved. It reports on the pilot study, focusing on design issues, training needs, processes and users' experiences.
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    The felt needs assessment of a typical public Library in the Information age: the case of Osun of Osun state branch of the National Library of Nigeria
    (The department of Library and Information Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria, 2011-12) Ojo, R. A.; Shabi, I. N.
    This study addressed the felt needs of the library users at National Library of Nigeria (NLN), Oshogbo, in an attempt to determine the extent of user satisfaction and the provision of improved library services in and around Oshogbo, Osun State. Copies of as self administered "library needs assessment" questionnaire were admistered to 120 library clinetele over a period of two weeks. Ninety two copies of the questionnaire were duly completed and returned for analysis. The result showed that majority of the correspondents were students. Highest on their list of felt needs was the provision of more reading space 67(72.8%), while only 13 (14.1%) users felt that the provision of the internet connectivity was a major priority. Only 3 (3.3%) respondents were satisfied with the library resources provided at the National Library of Nigerian (NLN) Oshogbo. Majority of the respondents 67(72.8%) were satisfied with the performance of the library staff. Apart from the provision of a quiet reading room as indicated by 57(62.0%), 41(44.6%) respondents requested for the provision of a computer training center. In conclusion, the finding of the study suggest that Osun branch of NLN, Oshogbo has great potentials but with major financial constraints. The facilities need to be enlarged and upgraded with the provision of a computer training center, Internet connectivity and computer work stations
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    Information Communiations Technology (ICT) use and perceived impact on learning among postgraduate students of Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye
    (Association of Applied Psychology and Human Performance, P. O. Box 25, Winneba, Ghana, 2008) Ojo, R. A.; Lawal, O. W.
    This paper examines Information Communications Technology (ICT) use and perceived impact on learning among post graduate students of Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye. A descriptive survey research methods was adopted for the study. A total of One Hundred (100) respondents were selected from the institution using simple random sampling technique.The level of usage of Information and Communications Technology(ICT), in teaching and learning was examined. Questionnaire was used to gather data from the respondents who participated in the study. The data collected were analysed, using frequency grade tabulations and t-test statistical method. The results of the analysis indicated that there is a significant impact of Information and Communications Technology(ICT) use on teaching and learning. Result alsoshowed that there is a significant improvement on the part of the students and lecturers in using ICTs in teaching and learning activities of Olabisi Onabanjo University post graduate students