Publications by University of Ibadan Library Staff

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    Accessibility and retrieval of national information in Nigerian university libraries
    (African Educational Research Network, 2011-06) Ola, C. O.; Oseghale, O.
    This paper sets out to examine the accessibility, retrieval and use of Publications Ordinance (PO) materials in Nigerian university libraries using Kenneth Dike Library (KDL) as a case study. The survey research design was adopted and a structured questionnaire was distributed to 400 users comprising students, staff and external users. The records of the use of PO materials between October 2009 and September 2010 were also perused. Result shows that majority of users are aware of the availability and importance of legal deposits collection in the library but have difficulty in retrieving the materials due to inability to have direct physical contact with the materials. The study therefore proffers that Nigerian university libraries should, as a matter of urgency, organize PO collections and adopt a harmonized library management system in order to enhance users’ access and retrieval of the materials.
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    Motivation, job satisfaction and service delivery: mid-level staff at Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2012) Ola, C. O.; Adeyemi, B. M.
    This is a study on motivation and job satisfaction of mid-level staff in Kenneth Dike Library (KDL), University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Survey method was adopted where responses were elicited through a questionnaire administered on the staff. Answers were sought to questions on staff welfare, satisfaction and productivity. The data collected was analyzed through frequencies, percentages and inferences. It is shown that the morale of staff in the target group was doused due to: frustration resulting from lack of involvement in decision making and inadequate tools and materials with which to work; over-centralization of authority; lack of proper incentives by way of welfare schemes and adequate remunerations. Suggestions are made on the adoption of genuine participatory management style, the introduction of welfare committees to handle staff welfare matters, stringent measures for disciplinary cases plus the fact that government should improve the working conditions of all employees to enhance their level of productivity.
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    Information technology: an erosion of cataloguing and classification practices?
    (1998-06) Ola, C. O.; Adeyemi, B. M.
    The gradual metamorphosis of information handling techniques from the era of book arrangement according to weight, length/size, colour, etc. to the informatised epoch is explored. TINLIB software has been made the paradigm in the study and analysis of the impact of Information Technology on Library Management Packages. There has been a progression in the system of managing information in Nigeria, albeit only minimal. The information handling mechanism has also crawled-up to a level where cataloguers, classifiers and indexers need a re-orientation to be able to cope with the on-going universal informatisation of society.
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    Funding local government and public sector libraries in austere times
    (Codat Publications, Ibadan, 2001-05) Ola, C. O.; Adeyemi, B. M.
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    Creating electronic access to newspaper information in Nigeria: the Information Aid network (IFAnet) experience
    (Academic Journals, 2006-10) Ola, C. O.; Ojo, R. A.
    This paper highlights the value of newspaper information and the method adopted in organizing, preserving and disseminating it. The paper dwells on the traditional ways of managing newspaper resources and the need to device a new medium of accessing the information contents of the resource. It enumerates the steps taken in conserving newspaper information and building access descriptors for retrieval from the massive information contained in numerous newspapers churned out daily, weekly, or periodically. An NGO, (IFAnet), concerned with managing information and using newspapers as one of its major resources has been used as the case study.
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    A survey of the relevance and effectiveness of the library catalogue: the case Kenneth Dike Library.
    (Codat Publications, 1999) Eguavoen, O. E. L.; Ola, C. O.
    As libraries in Nigeria step into the age of Information Technology just like other libraries the world-over, an inventory of the use of manual system of information retrival is surveyed with Kenneth Dike Library, University of Ibadan as a case study. The survey, which is to ascertain the relevance and effectiveness of the use of card catalogue as means of information retrieval, reveals a general lack of understanding of its use. A non-challant attitude to Library Orientation is shown. A quiet sense of joyful expectancy and a mild hesitant sense of apprehension towards a full-blown computerisation of the library catalogue is revealed. This paper suggests a re-orientation in the attitude of students towards library orientation programmes such that their interest in the programmes could be rekindled while recommending that there should be continued instruction, all the year through, on library use at the Main and Faculty Library levels, preparatory to the introduction of On-line Public Acess Catalogue (OPAC)
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    Budgeting for Library Technical Services in an Electronic Age
    (Univeristy of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008-10) Oyelude, A. A.; Ola, C. O.