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    Factors influencing career decision-making of senior secondary school students in Osun State
    (2013-01) Junaid, I. O.
    Despite all efforts at giving adequate training to Nigerian graduates, it is worrisome to note that instances of job inefficiency are on the increase, and job dissatisfaction continues unabated, while the zeal for occupational change among the workers did not stop. The study therefore investigated some of the factors influencing career decision-making of secondary school students in Osun State. Multistage sampling technique was employed to select 600 students from 12 secondary schools in Iwo federal constituency of the state. Four validated instruments were used to collect data, namely: Student Questionnaire on Self- Efficacy, Student Questionnaire on outcome expectation, Student Questionnaire on Family influence, and Student Career Questionnaire. Their reliability indices ranged from 0.63 to 0.86. The result of findings revealed that science students have the highest percentage of 55.7%, while Arts students have the lowest representation of 18.7%. There is strong relationship between career and self-efficacy (r=.822, p<.05); while outcome expectation showed low relationship with career (r =.128, P< .05). Family has no relationship with career (r= .040, P>.05). Self-efficacy, outcome expectation and family-influence had composite contribution to career decision-making. Self-efficacy and parental educational background were the most influential factors that contributed to career decision making of secondary school students. It was recommended that Government should appoint career counselors in schools who would assist students in discovering where their aptitude lie when career is to be chosen. Parents should not enforce any career on their children and career talk should be organized in schools before students register for external examinations.
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    Personality factors and emotional Intelligence as predictors of frontline hotel employees’ emotional labour
    (Global Advanced Research Journals, 2012-10) Ehigie, B. O.; Oguntuase, R. O.; Ibode, F. O.; Ehigie, R. I.
    The paper examined the influence of emotional intelligence and the big-five personality attributes on the performance of emotional labour of hotel frontline employees. A correlation design was adopted. Emotional labour was viewed as both multidimensional (deep acting and surface acting) and one-dimensional. A total of 145 frontline hotel workers, randomly selected from ten hotels within Ibadan, Nigeria, participated in the study. It was found out that hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that extraversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness negatively predicted deep acting, extraversion positively predicted surface acting, while extraversion and neuroticism negatively predicted overall emotional labour. Emotional intelligence predicted deep acting and overall emotional labour. The research limitation was the fact that the study did not cover all possible personality attributes; also the dispositions needed for efficiency in other units of a hotel need to be investigated. This implies that hotel management should consider for employment into hotel frontline positions, applicants who have requisite dispositions on extraversion, neuroticism, and conscientiousness, and emotional intelligence. In addition, the training of frontline hotel workers should be tailored towards the behavioural dimensions of these personnel attributes. The study ventured into an uncommon area of human capital management in the hotel setting in Nigeria.
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    Knowledge of english language as a predictor of students cognitive achievement in senior secondary school mathematics
    (Ozean Publication, 2011-06) Adegoke, B. A.; Ibode, O. F.
    In this paper, the authors, using ex-post-facto procedure, attempted to show the effect of knowledge of English language on students' cognitive achievement in senior secondary school mathematics. In all 504 SS II students, comprising 252 males and 252 females were sampled, using cluster sampling technique. Using simple regression analysis, the findings showed that knowledge of English language appears to be a predictor of students cognitive achievement in mathematics even irrespective of gender. The implications of the study as well as suggestions for improving the teaching and learning of mathematics at the senior secondary school level were highlighted.
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    Motivational strategies as correlates of senior secondary school geography students' achievement
    (2011-07) Okwilagwe, E. A.
    The study investigated the level of teachers' awareness and utilization of motivational strategies and their influence on secondary school students' cognitive achievement in geography. Eight one geography teachers who were randomly selected from the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria participated in the study. The teachers responded to awareness as well as utilization of motivational strategies' scales, while Geography achievement test was administered on the students. Frequency counts, percentages and multiple regression were used to analyse the data. Results shopwed that over 85% of the teachers were aware of motivational strategies that can be used to enhance students' learning. Teachers' level of utilisation of relevant teaching materials strategies was, however, poor. Teachers' use of statistically significantly significant effect on cognitive achievement in geography. Findingd in this study ahve implications for introduction of capacity building that will delve into emergent educational issues that can be used to solve instructional problems in the classroom. These should be organised through regular training and re-training programmes for teachers.
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    Development and validation of studetns' social interaction scale in practical physics class in Oyo state
    (2011) Adewale, J. G.
    The focus of this study was to develop and validate a scale that can be used by teachers to ascertain the type of interaction of students with their peers in practical physics class. The scale was administered to a sample of senior secondary school physics students (SS2) in twenty local government areas in Oyo State. The samples for this study were selected using multi stage random sampling method and 1000 students were selected. Four research questions posed guided the study and were answered using factor analysis method. To purify the data, factor loading of <0.3 were discarded and items with >0.40 loading on two or more factors were removed. The scale possessed reasonably high internal consistency and adequate construct validity. A principal component analysis was used to extract eight- factor solution which reflected what students considered before engaging themselves in social interaction with their peers. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed with maximum likelihood and x2 analyses. The eight factors extracted include student's socio-economics status, student's gender, student's residence, student's religious persuasion.