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    Towards the global abolition of the death penalty: comparing the criminal law in the United States of America and Nigeria
    (Human Right and Peace Centre, Uganda., 2007) Bamgbose, O.
    This article begins with a short history of the punishment of death and highlights the methods by which it is carried out. It then discusses the death penalty from a global perspective with emphasis on Nigeria and the United State of America, and considers recent trends towards its abolition. The international and national efforts towards the abolition of the death penalty are examined. The article concludes that the global move towards abolition of death penalty is a move in the right direction
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    Traite d’enfants au Nigeria et dans le monde
    (Centre Tricontinental, France., 2005) Bamgbose, O.
    Les pays africains en général, et le Nigeria en particulier, sont des points de départ, de transit et de destination de la traite lucrative d’enfants en vue de leur exploitation sexuelle. Ce trafic, contrôlé par le crime organisé qui se joue des frontières, est la forme moderne de la traite des esclaves. La mondialisation a contribué à l’expansion rapide d’une industrie du sexe grande consommatrice d’enfants, notamment via internet et le tourisme international. Si le mode de recrutement des jeunes nigérians varie, la vulnérabilité liée à la pauvreté est souvent déterminante. La perméabilité des frontières, l’importance des profits générés et la loi du silence constituent d’autres ressorts de la traite à des fins d’exploitation sexuelle. Les effets physiques et psychologiques sur les enfants victimes sont souvent irréversibles. Quant aux conséquences pour la nation, ils s’évaluent notamment en termes de désintégration sociale, de corruption des autorités, de détérioration de l’image du pays et de stagnation économique. Des mesures concertées visant l’éradication de ce fléau doivent être prises et appliquées aux niveaux national et international.
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    Euthanasia: another face of murder
    (Sage Publications, London, 2004-02) Bamgbose, O.
    Debate over euthanasia is not a recent phenomenon. Over the years, public opinion, decisions of courts, and legal and medical approaches to the issue of euthanasia has been conflicting. The connection between murder and euthanasia has been attempted in a few debates. Although it is widely accepted that murder is a crime, a clearly defined stand has not been taken on euthanasia. This article considers euthanasia from the medical, legal, and global perspectives and discusses the crime of murder in relation to euthanasia, taking into consideration the issue of consent in the law of crime. This article concludes that in the midst of this debate on euthanasia and murder, the important thing is that different countries need to find their own solution to the issue of euthanasia rather than trying to import solutions from other countries.
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    Teenage prostitution and the future of the female adolescents in Nigeria
    (Sage Publications, London, 2002) Bamgbose, O.
    Nigeria has a large number of adolescents living and making a living on the streets. This has been attributed to economic factors and exposure to all forms of risks. The result is the proliferation of prostitution among the adolescents with its attendant problems. This article considers the different forms of adolescent prostitutes: those in brothels, street walkers, call girls, and casual, part-time, or floating prostitutes, as well as the trafficking of adolescent girls across international borders. The causes of adolescent prostitution in Nigeria are largely economic, sociological, and socioeconomic factors. A two-dimensional approach was adopted in considering the attitude to prostitution. Coping mechanisms include endurance, self-medication, seeking medical attention, and adaptation. The effects of prostitution are psychological reactions, psychosocial damage, and the political implication, which damages the image of the nation. Approaches to combat adolescent prostitution in Nigeria include legislative steps, governmental efforts, policy making, awareness programs, and the efforts of nongovernmental organizations, community conscientization, and societal measures.
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    Coping with accommodation stress by female students in Nigerian Universities
    (2001) Bamgbose, O.
    Female students in Nigerian Universities face some problems. Some of the problems are peculiar to them. The problems include erratic power failure, inadequate supply of water, over-crowding, poor facilities and poor and inadequate transport facilities. The female students have devised coping strategies to deal with the problems. These include, the use of lamps and candles, using independent contractors to carry out repairs, and personal acquisition of some amenities. This has its effects, which include frequent students unrest, anti-social behavior, fire outbreak and health hazards. The paper recommends that adequate funding, provision of good transport facilities and the establishment of an efficient housing bureau are ways of finding a solution to the problems.
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    Inhibition of women in leadership roles : A legal perspective
    (Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, 2000) Bamgbose, O.