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    (2014) OBASOLA, A. A.
    Offending behaviour among adolescents is on the increase, and is of concern to social welfare practitioners and the criminal justice system because such behaviour represents a significant measure of adolescents� well-being and future personality. Often, adolescents are at logger-heads with significant others when they engage in different types of activities like stealing, truancy, bullying, murder and gangsterism. The consequence is collision with the criminal justice system for discipline, correction and rehabilitation. Correctional psychologists have called for special intervention programmes like Risk-Focused Technique (RFT) and Life Coaching Skills (LCS) in rehabilitating such offending adolescents. Previous studies have concentrated more on opinionated studies with a view to finding solutions to the causal factors of offending behaviour among adolescents than on experimenting with social intervention programmes. This study, therefore, investigated the effectiveness of Risk-Focused Technique (RFT) and Life Coaching Skills (LCS) on the reduction of offending behaviour among inmates of remand homes in Southwestern Nigeria. The moderating effects of gender and self esteem were also determined. The study adopted pretest-posttest, control group, quasi-experimental design with a 3x2x3 factorial matrix. Participants were assigned into RFT, LCS and Control groups. Treatment lasted eight weeks. Fifty-two participants (41 males and 11females) out of (52 males and 16 females) were purposively selected from three remand homes in Oyo (19), Ogun (24) and Osun (9) States. The samples were stratified into two experimental conditions - RFT and LCS and the control group. Two instruments were used: Self-Report Measures of Offending Behaviour Scale (r = 0.78) and Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (r = 0.77). Seven hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. Data were analysed with Analysis of Covariance, and Multiple Classification Analysis. There was significant main effect of treatment on the reduction of offending behaviour of participants (F2,39 = 135.991; ?2 = 0.88). The experimental participants: LCS (x = 43.83) and RFT (x = 48.99), performed better than the control group (x = 57.37) on offending behaviour reduction. Also, self-esteem had a significant main effect on the reduction of participants� offending behaviour (F2,39 = 3.827; ?2 = 0.16). The experimental participants: LCS(x = 42.35) and RFT (x = 38.28) had higher self-esteem than those in control group(x = 20.98). However, gender had no significant main effect on reduction of offending behaviour. There was also no significant interaction effect of treatment and gender on participants� offending behaviour. Further, there was no significant interaction effect of treatment and self-esteem on offending behaviour of the participants. However, there was significant interaction effect of self-esteem and gender on participants� offending behaviour (F2,39 = 5.991; ?2 = 0.24). Finally there was no significant interaction effect of treatment, gender and self-esteem on participants� offending behaviour. Risk-focused technique and life coaching skills were effective in the reduction of offending behaviour among inmates of remand homes in Southwestern Nigeria. Therefore, it is recommended that the two interventions should be utilised by officials of youth agencies and social welfare practitioners involved in correctional psychology.
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    (2011) ADERIYE, J. A.
    N�dama, an indigenous cattle to tropical environment, is characterized by slow growth and poor milk production due to inadequate all year round dietary energy supplementation. Oil Palm Slurry (OPS) is an industrial waste that has potential to replace the conventional energy supplements in ruminant diet. However, information on its use as energy supplement is very scanty, particularly for N�dama. Thus, the performance of grazing N�dama cattle supplemented with OPS-based diets was investigated. In the first study, eighteen N�dama in-cows were randomly divided into six groups of three animals per treatment in a completely randomized design such that OPS replaced Wheat Offal (WO) at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% and grazing alone (control) in treatments I, II, III, IV, V, and VI respectively for ten months. Parameters measured were Voluntary Feed Intake Supplement (VFIS), Calf Weight at Birth (CWB), Calf Daily Weight Gain (CDWG), Milk Off-take (MO) and Calf Weaning Weight (CWW). In another study, sixteen weaned calves were randomly divided into four groups of four animals per group and fed Panicum maximum supplemented with 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% OPS replacing WO in treatments I, II, III, and IV respectively for 180 days. Parameters measured were VFIS, Total Dry Matter Intake (TDMI), Weight Gain (WG) and Efficiency of Feed Utilization (EFU). The animals were slaughtered to obtain information on carcass qualities such as Dressing Percentage (DP), Meat Color (MC), Shear Force (SF), and Meat to Bone Ratio (MBR). Data obtained were analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA (p=0.05). The VFIS (2.46 � 2.70kg DM/cow/day) and MO (2.54 � 2.67kg/cow/day) were similar for cows on treatments I-III, but significantly higher than those on treatments IV-VI (1.35 � 1.53kg DM/ cow/day and 1.37 � 1.42kg/cow/day respectively). The CDWG and CWW were similar for animals on treatments I-III (0.44 � 0.50kg and 95.80 � 97.57kg respectively), but significantly higher than corresponding values obtained for treatments IV-VI (0.22-0.31kg) and (70.17-71.03kg). The VFIS and TDMI were similar for weaners on treatments I, II, and III (1.96 � 2.04kg and 2.56 � 2.57kg respectively), but significantly higher than those on treatment IV (1.31 and 2.17kg). The WG (kg/calf/day) for weaners on treatment I (0.48) was significantly lower than those on treatments II (0.58) and III (0.63), but similar to those on treatment IV (0.50). The EFU of weaners on treatments II, III and IV (0.23 - 0.24) were similar but higher than those on treatment I (0.20). The DP (%) of weaners on treatments I (40.86) and IV (43.45) were similar and significantly lower than those on treatments II (49.19) and III (50.99). The MC and SF for weaners on treatments II, III and IV (6.00 � 7.00% and 5.03 - 5.27% respectively) were similar but significantly higher than those on treatment I (4.00 and 4.23% respectively). The MBR (0.08 � 0.18) increased significantly from treatment I to III after which it decreased to 0.10. Oil palm slurry can replace up to 50% wheat offal in the diets of N�dama cows while 20% replacement of wheat offal with oil palm slurry in weaner diets enhanced performance and carcass qualities.
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    (2014) ADESINA, S. A.
    Increasing cost of feedstuffs due to competition among fish and other livestock feed industries necessitated research into Low-Cost Unconventional Feedstuffs (LCUF) for profitable fish production. The potential of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed as a LCUF has not been fully documented. The nutritional potentials of sunflower seed meal as a substitute for soybean meal in the diets of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, were therefore investigated. Proximate and mineral composition of Boiled Sunflower Seed Meal (BSSM), Roasted Sunflower Seed Meal (RSSM), Mechanically Extracted Sunflower Seed Meal (MESSM) and Solvent Extracted Sunflower Seed Meal (SESSM) were determined using standard procedures. Nutrient digestibility of the meals was conducted in a feeding trial with C. gariepinus juveniles. The meals with best digestibility indices were each used for growth and nutrient utilisation studies. The BSSM and MESSM were each used to replace soybean meal at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% respectively in formulating isonitrogenous (40% crude protein) and isocaloric (4651.5Kcal/kg) diets representing six treatments per meal. Diets were fed twice daily at 5% body weight to C. gariepinus juveniles (mean weight 21.3 � 0.1g) for 105 days. Mean Weight Gain (MWG), Specific Growth Rate (SGR) and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) were measured. Packed Cell Volume (PCV), White Blood Cells (WBC), Red Blood Cells (RBC), Plasma Glucose, Plasma Protein and Albumin were determined using standard procedures. Histo-pathological evaluations of the experimental fish were carried out. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA at p = 0.05. Crude protein (45.3%) was highest in SESSM and lowest (32.0%) in BSSM. Crude lipid (21.6%) and ash (5.1%) were highest in BSSM. Crude fibre varied from 14.2% in BSSM to 23.9% in RSSM. Calcium (0.4 mg/g), phosphorus (1.7 mg/g) and iron (0.4 �g/g) were highest in BSSM. Tannin ranged from 0.2 �g/g in RSSM to 0.4 �g/g in both SESSM and MESSM. Oxalate varied from 0.1�g/g in BSSM to 0.2 �g/g in MESSM. Apparent digestibilities of dry matter (84.3%) and crude protein (85.9%) were highest in fish fed MESSM and least (82.0% and 80.7%) in fish fed RSSM respectively. Fish fed 20% BSSM-based diet had significantly higher MWG (52.5 � 2.5g), SGR (0.5%) and least FCR (0.6). Fish fed 20% MESSM inclusion had the highest PCV (38.0%) and RBC (10.2 � 0.1 x 1012/mL). Elevated WBC value (12.5 � x109/mL) was obtained in fish fed 80% MESSM. Fish fed 40% MESSM had the highest total plasma protein (4.2� 0.1 g/100mL) while a depressed level (2.3 � 0.0 g/100mL) was obtained at 100% BSSM inclusion. Albumin was highest (1.4 � 0.1 g/100mL) in fish fed 80% MESSM and least (0.9 � 0.1 g/100mL) at 100% BSSM inclusion. Fish fed BSSM and MESSM at inclusion levels above 20% had significant increase in plasma glucose level. Diffuse vacuolations and vacuolar degeneration of liver hepatocytes, as well as tubular epithelial degeneration of the kidney were observed for BSSM and MESSM inclusion levels above 20%. Substitution of 20% boiled sunflower seed meal for soybean meal in the diet enhanced optimal nutrient utilisation and growth in Clarias gariepinusjuveniles. Inclusion above this level caused nutritional and health hazards to the fish.
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    (2014) MBARAH, G. O.
    Chi, in Igbo traditional thought, is conceived of as a being responsible for the individual�s success and failure, in which the person�s ontological moral autonomy is denied. Existing studies have addressed the idea of Chi from Christian and literary perspectives, which emphasise fatalistic interpretation, but have not adequately studied the concept in relation to the individual as an autonomous moral agent. This study, therefore, investigated the concept Chi in Igbo culture, with a view to identifying the moral and ontological roles and attributes of Chi, in which the individual enjoys autonomy. The study adopted as its framework, Kant�s theory on moral autonomy, which holds that the will of a rational being is not subject to moral principles. Six relevant texts in metaphysics, eight texts in ethics and six texts on Igbo culture/African philosophy were purposively selected because they addressed the issues of Chi, moral autonomy and Igbo philosophy. The methods of conceptual-analysis and reconstruction were adopted. The former was used in the interrogation of relevant texts and positions, and to clarify the key concepts such as Chi, freedom, responsibilityand moral autonomy, while the latter was employed to reconcile the conception of Chi as different from the individual, and yet decides the individual�s wellbeing. Texts in metaphysics establish that the human persons are not in control of their well being, but do not consider the human will in its ontological dimension as very significant in their explanations, and therefore, under-explore the connection between the existence of destiny and the state of the human will. Texts in ethics reveal that the individual is bound to behave in certain laid down ways in which the individual does not enjoy autonomy, but is held responsible for their actions. These positions do not explicitly incorporate the human will, as the initiator and driver of decisions and actions in human persons. Texts in Igbo philosophy reveal that, ontologically, the (self) onwe in Igbo culture is empirical and enjoys moral autonomy. There are Igbo proverbs that affirm the idea of moral autonomy, freedom and responsibility in Igbo culture. For instance, Arusi/ agbarakpamngaga, egosiyaosisiejirimeputaya- �a god cannot be more powerful than the owner, else, it will be told of what wood it is made from�, emphasises human freedom and responsibility. Critical reflection on the idea of Chi demonstrates that the human person is morally autonomous and that the human will is not bound by any external forces, because every individual has akonauchewhich decides moral actions as being right or wrong. For instance; iheonyemetara, ya-buru- �whatever individuals do, they alone bear the consequences�, emphasises moral autonomy. The idea of Chi in Igbo culture demonstrates that the human person, as a moral agent, is morally autonomous. Therefore, the concept Chi plays both moral and ontological roles in the individual�s action which makes it (Chi) not to be conceived as fatalistic or deterministic since the individual enjoys some freedom and takes responsibility for their actions.
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    (2013) UFUOPHU-BIRI, E.
    Digitalisation of newspaper publishing, that is, the application of new digital tools (NDTs) across newspaper departments, is a global practice meant to facilitate speed and efficiency in publishing. Studies on digitalisation have focused on its outcomes such as speed and efficiency but have neglected the correlation between it and employees� job motivation, job performance and gender. This neglect needs to be addressed given the proclivity of an unmotivated workforce to resort to unethical practices and industrial rancour. This study therefore, investigated the application of NDTs in newspaper publishing in Nigeria to determine its correlation with employees� job motivation and job performance and gender. The Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) which explains reasons for the adoption and use of technology, the Marxist Theory of Alienation (MTA) which explains the effect of technology use on job motivation and job performance, and Hygiene Factors and Motivators theory which explains factors of motivation, served as the theoretical guide. Survey method was adopted. Through a questionnaire, data were collected from 2,669 respondents selected from all the departments of newspaper workforce in 12 national general-interest newspapers. Selection of respondents was through stratified and quota sampling techniques. Interviews were conducted with 12 senior staff of the newspaper houses. A rating scale of 0�4 was developed to measure the level of digitalisation, job motivation and job performance in the selected newspaper departments and organisations. The data were analysed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Interview data were analysed through emerging themes technique. The IT department was the most digitalised (3.55 out of a maximum of 4); followed by Production and Editorial (3.51); Servicing departments (3.50); and Circulation (3.49). Newspaper workers used NDTs significantly in their job activities (?�=61.56; p<.05). Job performance was high (?�= 1097.08; p<.05) but job motivation was low. Digitalisation level did not correlate significantly with job motivation. This Day had the highest level of digitalisation (3.92) but not the highest level of job motivation (2.75); The Champion had the lowest level of digitalisation (1.53) but not the lowest level of motivation. The Punch and The Nation had the highest level of job motivation but not the highest level of digitalisation. Digitalisation correlated significantly with job performance (R= 0.76).There was no significant correlation between employees� gender and NDTs use. Gender and job motivation did not correlate significantly. Job motivation and job performance did not also correlate significantly. Although interviewees used NDTs as much as they wanted at work, they expressed frustration, dissatisfaction and anger with reference to their job, yet described their job performance as high. Digitalisation is high among Nigerian newspaper workers and it positively influences job performance. Job performance is also high among the workers despite low job motivation among them. This agrees with MTA�s postulation that sophisticated technology, without adequate motivation, is capable of alienating workers by turning them into near-robots that do the work they are not enjoying. Newspaper owners should address ways of increasing job motivation beyond digitalisation.
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    (2014) OMOROGIE, M. O.
    The quest to protect the environment from toxic metal ions pollution has led to the development of simple, cheap, adaptable and environmentally friendly techniques for the removal of these pollutants from wastewaters. Biosorbents which are biodegradable and locally available have been used for the removal of toxic metal ions from wastewaters. However, there are no reports on the use of Naucleadiderrichii Seed Epicarp(NDSE) and its nanoparticles-doped derivatives. Hence, this study was aimed at investigating the adsorption capacities of NDSE and its nanoparticles-doped derivatives for some toxic metal ions from simulated wastewaters. Identified NDSE were collected from Forest Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. They were oven dried at 60�2 �C, pulverised, sieved to 450 �m and stored in airtight plastics at room temperature. The MnO2, mesoporous SiO2, graphene oxide and TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by hydrothermal, liquid templating, chemical oxidation and sol-gel methods respectively. Thereafter, NDSE was doped with the nanoparticles to give NDSE-MnO2 (NMD), NDSE-Mesoporous SiO2 (NMS), NDSE-Graphene Oxide/Mesoporous SiO2 (NGM) and NDSE-TiO2 (NTD). The nanoparticles, native and nanoparticles-doped adsorbents were characterised by various techniques including scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and surface area/porosity analysis. Adsorption studies were carried out using 20-500 mg of adsorbents to remove 20-100 mg/L toxic metals solution containing Cr(III), Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions for 0.5-180 min (agitation time), 125 rpm (agitation speed) at 303-333 K. The supernatants from the mixtures were analysed for toxic metal ions adsorbed using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer. The native and nanoparticles-doped adsorbents had varying surface morphologies. The nanoparticles were 10-100 nm with large surface areas, while the nanoparticles-doped adsorbents were 10-200 �m with greater surface areas than that of the native adsorbent. The removal of Cr(III), Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions per unit weight by the native and nanoparticles-doped adsorbents decreased with increase in adsorbent dose from 20 to 500 mg and were in the order NGM>NMS>NTD>NDSE>NMD. Adsorption of Cr(III), Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions on the five adsorbents increased with time from 0.5-180 min, initial metal ion concentration from 20 to 100 mg/L and temperature from 303 to 333 K. The ?H�, ?G� and ?S� values for the removal of Cr(III), Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions by NDSE indicated reactions that were endothermic and spontaneous with decrease in entropy. Those of Cr(III), Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions on NMS and NGM were endothermic and spontaneous with increase in entropy. Those of NMD and NTD were endothermic and non spontaneous with decrease in entropy. The highest and lowest adsorptions respectively were 8.0�0.02 mg/g of Pb(II) ion on NGM and 3.1�0.02 mg/g of Cr(III) ion on NMD at 20 mg/L. Naucleadiderrichii seed epicarp doped with graphene oxide/mesoporous SiO2 nanoparticles adsorbed toxic metal ions more than the other adsorbents. The Naucleadiderrichii seed epicarp doped with MnO2 nanoparticles adsorbed lesser than the native adsorbent.
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    (2013) NONGO, N. N.
    African trypanosomosis, a disease complex of livestock caused by pathogenic trypanosomes (Trypanosomavivax, T. congolense, T. brucei), is characterised by intermittent fever, anaemia, progressive emaciation, rapid loss of condition and often terminates in death. The disease is associated with severe economic loss, thus posing a threat to food security in sub-Saharan Africa. The occurrence of Trypanosoma species in goats was investigated in Makurdi, Nigeria and experimental infections of West African Dwarf (WAD) and Red Sokoto Goats (RSG) were carried out to determine their susceptibility to trypanosomes. A retrospective review of records of 241 caprine cases from veterinary clinics located in Makurdi was done to determine the occurrence of trypanosomosis in goats between April 2005 and March 2009. Using purposive sampling, blood samples were collected from 254 household and market goats between December 2009 and January 2011 to determine the field occurrence of Trypanosoma species by standard parasitological techniques. Thirty-two goats comprising 16 WAD and 16 RSG were purchased from farms, sub-divided into groups of four animals each and stabilized. One group of WAD and RSG each were infected with 5.2x105/ml ofT. brucei(WADtb, RSGtb), T. congolense(WADtc, RSGtc), T.bruceiand T. congolense(WADtbc, RSGtbc), the fourth were uninfected controls (WADc, RSGc). Standard morphological methods and conventional Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with specific primers were used to confirm the isolates. Post-inoculation parasitaemia, haematological values and serum biochemistry were determined weekly for seven weeks by standard methods. Scrotal circumference, body weight and mortality were also recorded weekly and post-mortem examination conducted. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA (p<0.05). Clinical records yielded a 1.7% prevalence of trypanosomosis. The occurrence of T. congolense and T. brucei from the field blood samples were 1.3% and 0.0% respectively. The PCR confirmed trypanosomes used for experimental infection as T. brucei (540bp) and T. congolense(750bp). The WADtb and RSGtb had significantly higher temperatures (41.37�0.50�C and 41.28�0.48�C respectively) than WADc (38.05�0.03�C) and RSGc (38.07�0.03�C). Log10parasitaemia at two weeks post-infection was in the order WADtb>WADtc>RSGtb>RSGtc>RSGtbc and highest at five weeks post-infectionin WADtbc. The RSGtbc had higher level of alanine aminotransferase (22.79�2.25U/L) and aspartate aminotransferase (165.60�28.25U/L) than RSGc with 20.61�0.93U/L and 117.35�8.67U/L respectively. Total protein was higher in WADtb (87.55�2.09g/L) and RSGtb (85.20�2.70g/L) than WADc (73.52�1.85g/L) andRSGc(74.13�2.01g/L) respectively while albumin-globulin ratio was lowest in RSGtb (0.47�0.04) compared to other groups. The lowest haemoglobin (15.82�0.03g/L) and mean corpuscular volume (16.96�1.50fL) was recorded in the RSGtb. Packed cell volume was lowest in RSGtc. The mean scrotal circumferences (cm) decreased and were WADtb 15.82�0.87, WADtbc 16.44�0.33, WADtc 17.33�0.34, RSGtb 17.80�0.23, RSGtc 18.02�0.59 and RSGtbc 19.24�0.49. Mortality in RSGtb, RSGtc and RSGtbc were 25.0%, 25.0% and 50.0% respectively, while no mortality was recorded in the infected WAD and control groups. Histopathology of RSGtb, RSGtc and RSGtbc showed haemosiderosis and Kupffer cell hyperplasia. Red Sokoto goats were more susceptible to Trypanosoma infection than West African Dwarf. The West African Dwarf should therefore be considered as a better breed of goat to boost animal production.
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    (2013) MAJOLAGBE, H. O.
    Sesame Seed Meal (SSM) is rich in phosphorus and Crude Protein (CP). However, these nutrients are bound by phytate, resulting in poor utilisation, and excretion of phosphorus and CP into the environment. The improvement of phosphorus and CP digestibility by the inclusion of phytase in feed can reduce their levels in poultry excreta. Information on supplementation of phytase to improve its phosphorus and CP digestibility is inadequately documented. The effects of phytase supplementation on Preceacal Digestibility (PD) of phosphorus and CP in broilers were therefore investigated. Two hundred and sixteen 1-day old broilers were randomly allotted to six dietary groups containing 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% SSM to replace soyabean meal with six replicates for each group. The broilers were fed for three weeks after which they were asphyxiated in CO2. Further, 210 one day old broilers were randomly allotted to seven diet groups containing 20, 25 and 30% SSM with or without phytase and a control (0%) with five replicates of each group, using completely randomized design, in 2 x 4 factorial arrangements. They were fed for three weeks after which samples of digesta were collected for PD of phosphorus, CP and Available P (AP). Another 210 one day old broilers were randomly allotted to seven diet groups containing 20, 25 and 30% SSM with or without phytase and a control (0%) with five replicates each, using completely randomized design, in 2 x 4 factorial arrangements. The birds were fed for six weeks, after which two birds from each replicate were sacrificed for tibia bone collection. Phosphorus and CP retention, Tibia Ash P (TAP, mg/g), Feed Intake (FI, g), Weight Gain (WG, g) and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) were recorded. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, regression analysis and ANOVA at P>0.05. The PD (%) decreased from 42.2 to 29.6; 85.2 to 76.3 and 31.7 to 17.9 for phosphorus, CP and AP respectively for birds without phytase supplementation. Feed intake, WG, and FCR decreased significantly with increasing level of SSM. The PD (%) was between: 45.8 and 54.6; 85.1 to 91.8; 32.2 to 82.0% for phosphorus, CP and AP respectively for birds with phytase supplementation. The retention (between 64.4 and 85.2%); (between 27.6 and 51.8%) for P and CP respectively were significantly increased but there was no effect of phytase supplementation on TAP. The effects of interaction of phytase and SSM on PD of phosphorus and CP were significant. Phosphorus (0.0357) and CP (0.0545) retention were not significant. The FI ranged between 2963.0 and 3470.4, WG from 1576.2 to 1688.9 and were significantly improved by phytase supplementation. Interaction of phytase and SSM had significant effect on WG and FCR but not FI (0.0676). Replacing soybean meal with 15% sesame seed meal in broiler starter diet had no effect on performance while level of sesame seed meal above 15% reduced the performance, phosphorous and crude protein digestibility. With phytase supplementation sesame seed meal could be used up to 30% inclusion level.
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    (2014) OGUNDAJO, A. L.
    The increase in the incidence of Alzheimer disease and infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis are of considerable global health challenge. The inability of existing drugs to cure the Alzheimer disease and the rise in multi-drugs resistant strains of M. tuberculosis has led to continuous search for new anti-alzheimer and antimycobacterial drugs. Terrestrial plants and marine organisms have been major sources of bioactive components for drug development. This study was designed to isolate the chemical constituents, and investigate potential antimycobacterial activity of Coffeabrevipes and antiacetylcholinesterase activity of the marine sponge Pseudoceratinapurpurea based on their ethnomedicinal uses. Dried whole plant of C. brevipes (5.0 kg) was extracted with ethanol. The crude extract was macerated with hexane, chloroform and ethylacetate successively. These fractions were screened against two clinical strains of M. tuberculosis (ZMC 303 and 050) at standard load of 10-2 and 10-4 inoculum concentrations using egg enriched Lowensten Jensen medium following standard method. Isoniazid, dihydrostreptomycin, ethambutol and rifampicin were used as positive controls. Freeze dried P. purpurea (1 kg) was extracted with methanol:tetrachloroethylene (1:1). The obtained extract was successively partitioned with hexane, tetrachloroethylene, chloroform and butanol. The fractions were assayed for acetylcholinesterase inhibition using microplate method with galanthamine as positive control. The bioactive compounds were isolated using chromatographic techniques. Structural elucidations of the isolated compounds were carried out using infrared (IR), ultraviolet, 1D and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance augmented with Mass spectroscopy (MS). The C. brevipes crude extract yielded hexane (7.4 g), chloroform (8.5 g) and ethylacetate (9.3 g) fractions. Similar Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) against ZMC 303 and 050, were obtained for hexane (5 mg/mL), Chloroform and ethylacetate (>1000 mg/mL) fractions. The MIC of isoniazid, dihydrostreptomycin, and ethambutol were 0.2, 8.0 and 2.0 �g/L respectively. Rifampicin was not active against both strains. Two new flavonoids were isolated from C.brevipes named Coffethone A and B with absorptions due to hydroxyl, carbonyl and aromatic C=C groups at ? max 3435, 1712 and 1400-1600 cm-1 in the IR spectrum. The characteristic NMR signals of flavonoids were seen at ? (ppm) of 12.2(1Hs), 12.1(1Hs), 7.8(1Hd, J=7Hz), 7.6(1Hd, J=7Hz), 7.7(1Hs) and 7.1(1Hs). The MS of coffethone A and B suggested the molecular formular C23H24O5 and C23H26O4 at m/z 380.43 and 366.18 respectively. The P. purpurea extract gave hexane (7.4 g), tetrachloroethylene (79.1 g), chloroform (66.4 g) and butanol (115.4 g) fractions. The Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity for butanol (93.7%) and chloroform (91.9%) fractions were obtained. Other fractions showed no activities. Three compounds, Bromospiranol, Iso-anomoian and Aplyzansine were isolated from P.purpurea. Their IR spectra showed similar absorption band for the presence of hydroxyl, amide carbonyl and amine at 3400, 1695 and 3300 cm-1. The MS revealed clusters of peaks for pseudomolecular ion at m/z 973.0/974.9/976.9 725/727/730/732 and 740/742/744/746 indicating the presence of bromine atoms in bromospiranol, Iso-anomoian and Aplyzansine respectively. Coffeabrevipes and Pseudoceratinapurpurea extracts are potential sources of antimycobacterial and anti-alzheimer drugs respectively. The new isolated compounds have increased the library of natural products.
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    (2012) CHUKWUNTA, E. C.
    Oil exploration and production and socio-political stability of Nigeria have for over a decade, been undermined by conflict and insecurity in the oil-producing communities in the Niger Delta region. The potentials for peace-building partnerships between oil-producing communities and oil companies have not been adequately studied. Therefore, this study examined how partnerships between business, especially transnational oil companies and local oil-producing communities may enhance security and peacebuilding in the Niger Delta region. The Communities and Shell Together (CAST) project being implemented in Egbema, Imo State, Nigeria, was used as a case study. The study adopted a survey research design. Interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to obtain data for the study. This was complemented with key informant interviews (KII), non-participant observation and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with CAST-worker and non CAST-worker residents of the communities, representatives of community-based organisations, non-governmental organisations, and government agencies. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 85% of the 167 CAST-worker residents which yielded 142, and 142 non CAST-worker residents were purposively selected from the 13 Egbema communities. The data were analysed using frequency counts, percentages, and charts. The KIIs and FGDs data were content analysed. The impact of the CAST project on community-company relations, peace, and security in the oil-producing communities was acknowledged as positive. A total of 90.1% of the respondents observed that in the pre-CAST era, the relationship between the communities and Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) was very conflictual, and 93% reckoned that since the inception of CAST, the relationship has been peaceful. Almost all (97.9%) of the respondents noted that before the beginning of CAST, the pipelines and facilities of SPDC were insecure while 77.9% stated that the pipelines and facilities of the company have been very secure since the inception of CAST. The CAST project has brought about the much needed youth employment, better community-company relations, diminished community displeasure about company operations, improved security for SPDC pipelines and facilities, and boosted a sense of belonging among communities. Through its inclusive approach which involves the communities in the design, implementation, and ownership of security, peace-building, and developmental projects, the CAST partnership is enhancing community-company relations, peace, and security in the areas of its implementation. There is an urgent need in the oil-producing communities for developmental programmes that are inclusive in design, implementation, and ownership. Efforts should be geared towards directing the CAST initiative to further foster job creation. Governments, oil companies, and other stakeholders should explore the replication of the CAST model across the whole of the Niger Delta as a means to ensure security and peace in the region.