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Item Determination of temperature profile of the lithosphere between zero and 150 km penetration at Itagunmodi, Nigeria(AJOL, 2019-06) Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Bello, A. K.In this work the temperature profile for the lithosphere was determined using data from radiogenic heat source and heat from other sources from 0 to 150 km depth was determined using a suitable mathematical expression. The temperature at the base of the lithosphere was given between 1200°C to 1600°C. The Fourier’s law was applied and the results showed that the profile range from 27.0°C to 1483.3°C. These results compared favourably well with existing literature values.Item Peak particlevelocitydataacquisitionfor monitoring blast induced earth quakes in quarry sites(Elsevier Inc., 2018) Hammed, O. S.; Popoola, O. I.; Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Awoyemi, M. O.; Adagunodo, T. A.; Olubosede, O.; Bello, A. K.The peak particle velocity datasets recorded during quarry blasts in the neighborhood villages and towns in Ibadan and Abeokuta were processed and analyzed in order to recommend a safe blast design for each of the quarries. The minimum peak particle velo- city of 48.27 mm/s was recorded near the foundation of the nearest residence at the shot to monitored distance of 500m. The ten- dency of ground vibration emanating from the quarry sites to cause damage to the structures in the nearby dwelling areas is very high. The peak particle velocity datasets recorded were not within the safe limit. Therefore, the peak particle velocity that will not exceed 35 mm/s is recommended for a safe blast designItem Numerical modeling to study the effect of small bottom irregularities on steady flow in homogeneous ocean(2018-07) Bello, A. K.; Ogunseye, T. T.; Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Ibrahim, A. H.The numerical modeling of topographic waves is based on the continuity and momentum equations. The solutions of these equations for the vertical and horizontal velocities and surface elevation of the oceans were obtained through a FORTRAN- program that was run using different values of bottom slope (a), coefficient of bottom friction (r) at different intervals (n). Slopes of the plots of horizontal, vertical velocities and surface elevation of the ocean for flat bottom ocean and fixed values of bottom friction were obtained. Similarly, slopes of the plots of resultant velocity against surface elevation and surface elevation versus horizontal and vertical velocity were also obtained. The resultant velocity (c) against the surface elevation η of the ocean produced negative slopes. The low value of slopes is an indication that the ocean waves move slowly and steadily.Item Determination of stress-bulk modulus in the lithosphere and the peak particle velocity with regards to sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposit(2017-03) Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Bello, A. K.The tectonic activities happening within the subsurface has led to a huge trapped pressure within the plate boundaries looking for escape through the weakest points to the surface. This has led to deformation in the lithosphere which was greatest at the plate boundaries. In recent time, sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits had been an important ore mineralization. From research it was suggested that gold, a material from subsurface derived from the core-mantle region passes through different regions of different densities, pressures and temperatures. Bulk modulus, an important parameter determined from the thermodynamic properties was investigated to the depth of the lithosphere. The ground movement was also determined with a view to ascertain the save distance and precautions when handling explosives as tools in underground mining.Item Thermodynamic properties prediction of the bulk modulus of sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits(2015-06) Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Bello, A. K.An equation of state that connects pressure, volume, and temperature are very important in studying the temperature dependence of the thermal bulk modulus. Pressure, and temperature also determines the state of mutter at different depths, different geological environments. A lot of work has been carried out on gold which includes: the determination of the Critical point of gold, geochemistry of gold, the role of organic matter and source of gold in sediment-hosted disseminated gold mineralization using Rock-Eva Analysis. Temperature effects on the universal equation of state of solids among others. Hence, this work aimed at the investigation of high temperature thermodynamic properties prediction of the hulk modulus of sediment-hosted disseminated gold using model with experimental data. Analysis was carried out with pressure vessel, analysis of both pressure and temperature effects on bulk modulus of gold can be use to predict the future state of gold deposits.Item Environmental impact assessment of the potability of water from bore-hole, hand dug well and stream at Itagunmodi gold deposits Southwestern, Nigeria using FORTRAN algorithm for monitoring leachates and interpreting physicochemical data of contaminants in groundwater(Academic Journals, 2015-01) Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Adelegan, F. T.; Bello, A. K.This study determined the quality of surface and underground water in Itagunmodi in Nigeria. Physicochemical analysis of water samples collected within gold mining area and the water consumed in the town was carried out to determine their hygienic conditions. The major objective of this study was assessment degree of groundwater pollution around the mining sites and the available water consumed in the town. Four major sources of water were analyzed. Several physical and chemical parameters were tested in roundwater, these include pH, total solids (TS), total dissolved solids (TDS), conductivity, total alkalinity, total hardness (TH), chloride (Cl-1), sulphur (S), heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu), major cation (Mg). The results show that the parameters are within the standard acceptable levels which are required for drinking water adapted from World Health Organization. The pH of the samples was suitable for drinking according to the World Health Organization standard. For a safe drinking water, the pH should be between 6.5 and 8.5); it can be said that the water quality of the samples are fairly good based on the monitored elements and physicochemical characteristics.Item Variation of height integrated eastward current intensity of the equatorial electrojet during solar maximum and minimum years(2012) Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Hammed, O. S.; Bello, A. K.Variation of the height integrated eastward current intensity of the equatorial electrojet was examined in the solar maximum years (1991 and 2002) and solar minimum years (1995 and 2006) respectively using CHAMP satellite data. Data were selected from the hours of 10 to 13 around local noon and during magnetically quiet periods when the Equatorial electrojet was expected to be strongest. Daily averages over all longitudes were used to obtain mean monthly variation. Mean monthly variations in all the seasons were averaged to obtain the mean seasonal variations. The mean monthly and mean seasonal variabilities were also obtained using standard methods. Daily variability exists in the eastward current intensity both in the solar maximum and solar minimum years. The magnitude of the mean monthly eastward current intensity is higher in the solar maximum than in the solar minimum. The eastward current intensity is highest during the equinoctial months than other months in both solar maximum and solar minimum years.Item High temperature and pressure impact on volume of Ore deposits; itagunmodi gold deposit, South West Nigeria as a case study(2012) Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Bello, A. K.; Hammed, O. S.An understanding of the Earth’s interior depends on information about the behavior and properties of matter under high pressures and temperatures. An equation of state that connects pressure (P), volume (V), and temperature (T) is very important. This work examines the impact of high temperature and pressure on the formation and maturity of sediment-hosted disseminated gold (SHDG) deposits in Itagunmodi, Osun State, Nigeria located in the clayey soil types derived from variably migmatised gneiss, biotite-and-biotite-homblende- gneiss and weathered amphibolites respectively. The melting temperatures of gold were determined by differential thermal analyses. After application of appropriate correction for the effect of pressure on emf of thermocouples, the melting curves are linear with the isothermal volume of the melting solid to within the precision of the measurement. This melting point of gold at variable high temperature and pressure, if extrapolated could be used as a primary standard for measurements.Item The geological and geochemical characteristics of soil on Ore deposits, Itagunmodi gold deposits as a case study(2011-02) Adetoyinbo, A. A.; Bello, A. K.; Hammed, O. S.This work examines the geological and geochemical characteristics of soil on Ore deposits on the formation and maturity of (SHDG) deposits in Itagunmodi, Osun State, Nigeria. Although, some investigations have been carried out on their geological and geochemical characteristics in general, most of the studies are based on limited database. The source and the nature of the gold in the deposits are still not clear. The major objective of this study is to determine the geochemical characteristics of host soil. The plots of major elements collected from five different locations in the mining areas named A-E and three locations outside the mining areas F-H shows that the concentrations of the element is higher within the mining site than area outside the mining site.