Obstetrics. & Gynecology

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    Burden of cytopaenia among HIV positive women at University College Hospital, Ibadan
    (2018-02) Adesina, O. A.; Fasola, F.; Adekanbi, O.; Ogunbosi, B.; Akinyemi, J.; Kuti, M. A.; Kuti, M. A.; Michael, O.; Fayemiwo, A.; Awolude, O.; Adewole, I.
    Introduction: Few studies have examined cytopaenia among HIV positive pregnant women. Objectives: To assess burden of cytopaenia among HIV positive pregnant women. Methodology: This cross-sectional study of women on HAART <6months, defined anemia as hematocrit <33%, leucopenia as total white blood cell count <3,000 cells/mm3 and thrombocytopenia as absolute platelet count <100,000 cells/mm3. Univariate and bivariate analyses were performed. Results: Over 8 years, of 1,197 women, the mean age was 29.02(±5.4) years and mean gestational age 25.9(±8.1) weeks. Prevalence of anaemia was 76.8%, leucopaenia 6.9% and thrombocytopenia 4.7%. The mean haematocrit was 28.5%(±4.5); median white blood count 5,500/mm3 ; median platelet count 200,000/mm3 and median CD4 323 cells/mm3. Mean haematocrit was highest (29.7%±5.3) in women in the first trimester but lowest (28.4% ±4.6) in women in second trimester (p=0.04). Compared with earlier trimesters, women in the third trimester had higher median white blood count (5,600 cells/mm3), higher neutrophil (61.0% ±11.2) but lower lymphocytes (28.3%± 9.2) (p=0.18; 0.00, 0.00). Median absolute platelet count was highest (206,000 cells/mm3) in the first trimester but lowest (195,000 cells/mm3) in third trimester (0.04). Women with lower CD4 had higher prevalence of cytopaenias. Conclusion: Cytopaenias are not uncommon in this population especially with lower CD4.
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    The incidence of abortion in Nigeria
    (2015-12) Bankole, A.; Adewole, I. F.; Hussain, R.; Awolude, O.; Singh, S.; Akinyemi, J. O.
    CONTEXT—Because of Nigeria’s low contraceptive prevalence, a substantial number of women have unintended pregnancies, many of which are resolved through clandestine abortion, despite the country’s restrictive abortion law. Up-to-date estimates of abortion incidence are needed. METHODS—A widely used indirect methodology was used to estimate the incidence of abortion and unintended pregnancy in Nigeria in 2012. Data on provision of abortion and postabortion care were collected from a nationally representative sample of 772 health facilities and estimates of the likelihood that women who have unsafe abortions experience complications and obtain treatment were collected from 194 health care professionals with a broad understanding of the abortion context in Nigeria. RESULTS—An estimated 1.25 million induced abortions occurred in Nigeria in 2012, equivalent to a rate of 33 abortions per 1,000 women aged 15–49. The estimated unintended pregnancy rate was 59 per 1,000 women aged 15–49. Fifty-six percent of unintended pregnancies were resolved by abortion. About 212,000 women were treated for complications of unsafe abortion, representing a treatment rate of 5.6 per 1,000 women of reproductive age, and an additional 285,000 experienced serious health consequences but did not receive the treatment they needed. CONCLUSION—Levels of unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion continue to be high in Nigeria. Improvements in access to contraceptive services and in the provision of safe abortion and postabortion care services (as permitted by law) may help reduce maternal morbidity and mortality.
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    Attitudes of women and men living with HIV and their healthcare providers towards pregnancy and abortion by HIV-positive women in Nigeria and Zambia
    (Routledge, 2015) Moore, A. M.; Bankole, A.; Awolude, O.; Audam, S.; Oladokun, A.; Adewole, I.
    Fertility decisions among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) are complicated by disease progression, the health of their existing children and possible antiretroviral therapy (ART) use, among other factors. Using a sample of HIV-positive women (n = 353) and men (n = 299) from Nigeria and Zambia and their healthcare providers (n = 179), we examined attitudes towards childbearing and abortion by HIV-positive women. To measure childbearing and abortion attitudes, we used individual indicators and a composite measure (an index). Support for an HIV-positive woman to have a child was greatest if she was nulliparous or if her desire to have a child was not conditioned on parity and lowest if she already had an HIV-positive child. Such support was found to be lower among HIV-positive women than among HIV-positive men, both of which were lower than reported support from their healthcare providers. There was wider variation in support for abortion depending on the measure than there was for support for childbearing. Half of all respondents indicated no or low support for abortion on the index measure while between 2 and 4 in 10 respondents were supportive of HIV-positive women being able to terminate a pregnancy. The overall low levels of support for abortion indicate that most respondents did not see HIV as a medical condition which justifies abortion. Respondents in Nigeria and those who live in urban areas were more likely to support HIV-positive women’s childbearing. About a fifth of HIV-positive respondents reported being counselled to end childbearing after their diagnosis. In summary, respondents from both Nigeria and Zambia demonstrate tempered support of (continued) childbearing among HIV-positive women while anti-abortion attitudes remain strong. Access to ART did not impart a strong effect on these attitudes. Therefore, pronatalist attitudes remain in place in the face of HIV infection.
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    Does knowledge about anti- retroviral therapy and mother-to- child transmission affect the relationship between HIV status and fertility preference and contraceptive use?
    (Cambridge University Press, 2014) Bankole, A.; Biddlecom, A. E.; Dzekedzeke, K.; Akinyemi, J. O.; Awolude, O.; Adewole, I. F.
    The increasing availability of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and drug regimens to prevent mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) has probably changed the context of childbearing for people living with HIV. Using data from 2009-2010 community-based surveys in Nigeria and Zambia, this study explores whether women’s knowledge about ART and PMTCT influences the relationship between HIV status and fertility preferences and contraceptive behaviour. The findings show that women living with HIV are more likely to want more children in Nigeria and to want to limit childbearing in Zambia compared with HIV-negative women. While there is no significant difference in contraceptive use by women’s HIV status in the two countries, women who did not know their HIV status are less likely to use contraceptives relative to women who are HIV-negative. Knowledge about ART reduces the childbearing desires of HIV-positive women in Nigeria and knowledge about PMTCT increases desire for more children among HIV-positive women in Zambia, as well as contraceptive use among women who do not know their HIV status. The findings indicate that knowledge about HIV prevention and treatment services changes how living with HIV affects childbearing desires and, at least in Zambia, pregnancy prevention, and highlight the importance of access to accurate knowledge about ART and PMTCT services to assist women and men to make informed childbearing decisions. Knowledge about ART and PMTCT should be promoted not only through HIV treatment and maternal and newborn care facilities but also through family planning centres and the mass media.
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    Knowledge of the human papilloma virus vaccines, and opinions of gynaecologists on its implementation in Nigeria
    (2013-06) Morhason-Bello, I. O.; Adesina, O. A.; Adedokun, B. O.; Awolude, O.; Okolo, C. A.; Aimakhu, C. O.; Akinwunmi, B. O.; Oladokun, A.; Adewole, I. F.
    The objective of this study was to determine the knowledge and perception of Nigerian Obstetricians and Gynaecologists towards human papilloma virus vaccine use in Nigeria. A cross sectional study was conducted amongst participants that attended the 42nd Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. The findings revealed that 44.5% knew the correct HPV vaccine schedule. Regarding implementation in Nigeria, 87.4% suggested its incorporation into the national immunization program and about a third agreed that it should be a precondition for school enrolment. Regression analysis showed that senior residents were more likely to have adequate knowledge of the vaccine compared to junior residents (AOR 7.181 95% CI OR=1.792 – 28.782). We conclude that the knowledge of eligibility and schedule is poor. It is recommended that adequate information should be provided to this group of health workers because of their strategic position in its implementation in Nigeria
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    Community attitudes toward childbearing and abortion among HIV-positive women in Nigeria and Zambia
    (2013) Kavanaugh, M. L.; Moore, A. M.; Akinyemi, J.; Adewole, I.; Dzekedzeke, K.; Awolude, O.; Arulogun, O.
    Although stigma towards HIV-positive women for both continuing and terminating a pregnancy has been documented, to date few studies have examined relative stigma towards one outcome versus the other. This study seeks to describe community attitudes towards each of two possible elective outcome of an HIV-positive woman’s pregnancy – induced abortion or birth – to determine which garners more stigma and document characteristics of community members associated with stigmatising attitudes towards each outcome. Data come from community-based interviews with reproductive-aged men and women, 2401 in Zambia and 2452 in Nigeria. Bivariate and multivariate analyses revealed that respondents from both countries overwhelmingly favoured continued childbearing for HIV-positive pregnant women, but support for induced abortion was slightly higher in scenarios in which anti-retroviral therapy (ART) was unavailable. Zambian respondents held more stigmatising attitudes towards abortion for HIV-positive women than did Nigerian respondents. Women held more stigmatising attitudes towards abortion for HIV positive women than men, particularly in Zambia. From a sexual and reproductive health and rights perspective, efforts to assist HIV-positive women in preventing unintended pregnancy and to support them in their pregnancy decisions when they do become pregnant should be encouraged in order to combat the social stigma documented in this paper.
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    Risk of anaemia in HIV positive pregnant women in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria
    (2011) Adesina, O.; Oladokun, A.; Akinyemi, O.; Akingbola, T.; Awolude, O.; Adewole, I.
    Anaemia in pregnancy is an important cause of maternal and neonatal mortality. It is a recognized co-morbidity of HIV infection. This study aimed to determine the risk of anaemia in HIV positive pregnant women. Methodology- This is a cross sectional study of healthy pregnant women attending Adeoyo Hospital, a secondary health centre in South-western Nigeria over a 1- month period (January 2007). During the study period, 2,737 eligible women presented for antenatal care. About 98% (2,682) of these women consented to HIV testing. Over all, their mean (± S.D) packed cell volume was 30.96% (±4.13). The prevalence of HIV infection was 2.9% (95% Cl 2.3% - 3.6%) and the overall prevalence of anaemia was 33.1%. Frequency of anaemia was significantly higher in HIV +ve women (57.3% vs. 42.7%, p= 0.00. OR=2.81., CI=1.72-4.58). HIV +ve women presented more frequently with moderate or severe anaemia. In the logistic regression analysis only HIV infection (OR=2.4, 95%CI=1.37- 4.21) and primigravidity (OR=1.25,95% 0=1.04-15.2) remained independently associated with anemia. Anaemia is common in HIV positive pregnant women in this environment. Care providers must endeavor to determine the HIV status of every pregnant woman especially if she presents with anaemia with a view to providing appropriate interventions.
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    Human immuno-deficiency virus and hepatitis B virus coinfection in pregnancy at the University College Hospital, Ibadan
    (2010) Adesina, O.; Oladokun, A.; Akinyemi, O.; Adedokun, B.; Awolude, O.; Odaibo, G.; Olaleye, D.; Adewole, I. F.
    Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) share common modes of transmission which include blood borne and the vertical routes. Although, the natural course of HTV does not appear altered by HBV, the rate of liver-related deaths is several times higher among HIV/HBV co-infected persons. Clinicians providing care for HIV positive individuals, including pregnant women, need to be aware of this problem. This is a 2-year cross-sectional study that commenced in January 2006, among HIV positive pregnant women seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. During the study period, 721 HIV positive pregnant women were screened for hepatitis B virus infection. Sixty-four women (8.9%) were positive for HBsAg, 14(1.9%) were HCV positive and 642 (89.2%) were negative for both HBV and HCV. One patient was positive for both HBV and HCV. There were no remarkable differences between HIV infected and IIIV-HBV coinfected patients in terms of the hematological, albumin and bilirubin measurements. Alanine transaminase was however higher in the HIV-HB V co-infected patients than HIV patients and this was statistically significant (17.5 iu/ ml vs. 15.0 iu/ml, p value- 0.009). In addition, the CD4 cell count was lower and the viral load marginally higher in the hepatitis B virus positive patients. The differences were however not statistically significant (p value- 0.114 and 0.644 respectively). HIV- HBV co-infection in HTV positive pregnant women is not of negligible proportions as demonstrated in this study. Thus, HIV positive pregnant women should be screened for HBV and assisted to access care targeted at preventing morbidity and vertical transmission.
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    National prevention of mother to child transmission program- the APIN experience
    (New Academia Publishing, 2018) Ladi-Akinyemi, B.; Awolude, O.
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    Missed opportunities for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria
    (Scientific Research, 2014) Ogunbosi, B. O.; Oladokun, R. E.; Awolude, O.; Brown, B. J.; Adeshina, O. A.; Kuti, M.; Taiwo, B.; Berzins, B.; Kyriacou, D. N.; Chadwick, E. G.; Osinusi, K.; Adewole, I. F.; Murphy, R. L.
    Background: Nigeria has the largest paediatric HIV-infected population in the world. Missed opportunities for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) compromise efforts at eliminating new pediatric HIV infections. Methods: Six hundred children, aged < 15 years, presenting to the pediatric units of the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan Southwest Nigeria between June to December 2007 were studied. The demographics, HIV status and socioeconomic status of mothers and their children were studied. A 4-step hierarchy was used to assess the missed opportunities for PMTCT. Step 1: utilization of a health facility for antenatal care and delivery; Step 2: maternal HIV status determination during pregnancy; Step 3: provision of antiretroviral medication to HIV-infected mother and baby; and Step 4: avoidance of mixed feeding in HIV-exposed children. The rates of missed opportunities for PMTCT services at different steps in the PMTCT cascade, perinatal transmission rates, and associated factors were reported. Results: There were 599 mothers and 600 children (one set of twins), 60 (10%) were HIV infected and 56 (93.3%) of these were adjudged perinatally infected. Of 78 HIV-infected women, 7 (9.0%) accessed all interventions in the PMTCT cascade and 71 (91.0%) had missed opportunities for PMTCT. Missed opportunities for PMTCT occurred 42.9% in cascade Step 1, 64.2% in Step 2, 52.6% in step 3 and 73.7% in Step 4. All mother-baby pairs who accessed complete PMTCT interventions received care at a teaching hospital. Among infants with perinatal HIV infection, 53 (94.6%) were born to mothers who had missed opportunities for PMTCT. Most women with missed opportunities attended antenatal care outside the teaching hospital setting and belonged to low socioeconomic status. Conclusion: It is imperative to expand PMTCT access to women who receive antenatal care outside the teaching hospitals and to those of low socioeconomic status.