Obstetrics. & Gynecology
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Item Risk of anaemia in HIV positive pregnant women in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria(2011) Adesina, O.; Oladokun, A.; Akinyemi, O.; Akingbola, T.; Awolude, O.; Adewole, I.Anaemia in pregnancy is an important cause of maternal and neonatal mortality. It is a recognized co-morbidity of HIV infection. This study aimed to determine the risk of anaemia in HIV positive pregnant women. Methodology- This is a cross sectional study of healthy pregnant women attending Adeoyo Hospital, a secondary health centre in South-western Nigeria over a 1- month period (January 2007). During the study period, 2,737 eligible women presented for antenatal care. About 98% (2,682) of these women consented to HIV testing. Over all, their mean (± S.D) packed cell volume was 30.96% (±4.13). The prevalence of HIV infection was 2.9% (95% Cl 2.3% - 3.6%) and the overall prevalence of anaemia was 33.1%. Frequency of anaemia was significantly higher in HIV +ve women (57.3% vs. 42.7%, p= 0.00. OR=2.81., CI=1.72-4.58). HIV +ve women presented more frequently with moderate or severe anaemia. In the logistic regression analysis only HIV infection (OR=2.4, 95%CI=1.37- 4.21) and primigravidity (OR=1.25,95% 0=1.04-15.2) remained independently associated with anemia. Anaemia is common in HIV positive pregnant women in this environment. Care providers must endeavor to determine the HIV status of every pregnant woman especially if she presents with anaemia with a view to providing appropriate interventions.Item Human immuno-deficiency virus and hepatitis B virus coinfection in pregnancy at the University College Hospital, Ibadan(2010) Adesina, O.; Oladokun, A.; Akinyemi, O.; Adedokun, B.; Awolude, O.; Odaibo, G.; Olaleye, D.; Adewole, I. F.Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) share common modes of transmission which include blood borne and the vertical routes. Although, the natural course of HTV does not appear altered by HBV, the rate of liver-related deaths is several times higher among HIV/HBV co-infected persons. Clinicians providing care for HIV positive individuals, including pregnant women, need to be aware of this problem. This is a 2-year cross-sectional study that commenced in January 2006, among HIV positive pregnant women seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. During the study period, 721 HIV positive pregnant women were screened for hepatitis B virus infection. Sixty-four women (8.9%) were positive for HBsAg, 14(1.9%) were HCV positive and 642 (89.2%) were negative for both HBV and HCV. One patient was positive for both HBV and HCV. There were no remarkable differences between HIV infected and IIIV-HBV coinfected patients in terms of the hematological, albumin and bilirubin measurements. Alanine transaminase was however higher in the HIV-HB V co-infected patients than HIV patients and this was statistically significant (17.5 iu/ ml vs. 15.0 iu/ml, p value- 0.009). In addition, the CD4 cell count was lower and the viral load marginally higher in the hepatitis B virus positive patients. The differences were however not statistically significant (p value- 0.114 and 0.644 respectively). HIV- HBV co-infection in HTV positive pregnant women is not of negligible proportions as demonstrated in this study. Thus, HIV positive pregnant women should be screened for HBV and assisted to access care targeted at preventing morbidity and vertical transmission.Item Emergency obstetric patients in a developing country and prevalence of HIV infection(2009) Awolude, O. A.; Oladokun, A.; Adesina, O. A.; Mutiu, W. B.; Adewole, I. F.The availability of VCT for HIV for booked antenatal patients offers a unique opportunity for best obstetrics practice but not for patients presenting with emergencies and unknown HIV status. Health workers who attend to such patients are at higher risk of acquiring HIV infections. Between 1st March 2005 and 30th September 2007, unbooked emergency obstetric patients in the labour ward of a teaching hospital who consented were tested using double rapid immunodiagnostic technique and confirmed by Western Blot. HTV positive patients were post-test counselled and offered single dose nevirapine tablet (200mg) in labour with syrup given to the baby at birth at 2mg/kg followed by syrup zidovudine for 6 weeks: The results showed that 275 (89.0%) of the 309 women pre-test counselled agreed to testing. The mean age of clients was 27.7 years (± 4.4 SD). The mean gestational age at presentation was 36.4 weeks (± 4.2 weeks). Primigravidae constituted 37.5% of the patients. Twenty-one (7.6%) of these consenting patients were H3V positive. In conclusion, the HIV prevalence of 7.6% among these unbooked obstetric patients is higher than the 4,7% among our booked antenatal patients and National prevalence of 4.4%. This poses substantial risk of transmission of HIV to attending health workers considering the readiness with which needle prick accident can occur in emergency situations.Item Anaesthesia considerations for the HIV positive parturient(Association of Resident Doctors, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2009-06) Adesina, O.; Oladokun, A.The HIV epidemic in children parallels that among women on account of perinatal transmission. A combination of antiretroviral therapy and elective caesarean section reduces the rate of vertical transmission to <2%. Elective caesarean section independent of antiretroviral therapy decreases the risk of HIV vertical transmission from mother to baby. However, a caesarean section is a major surgical intervention that has well-reported complications. Women infected with HIV have been reported to be more susceptible to such complications. The multi-organ nature of HIV poses challenges at the time of surgery and anesthesia. Preoperative evaluation will allow a good prediction for the perioperative risk of the HIV-patient. The anesthesiologist should be aware of the possible toxic side effects or the possible interaction of antiretroviral drugs with the anesthetics. Some of these adverse effects may mimic signs and symptoms of the HIV disease itself. Regional anesthesia has been shown to be associated with reduced morbidity and mortality in a wide range of patients, including HIV positive parturients. Finally, the possibility of transmission in the health care setting highlights the need for anesthetists to enforce rigorous infection control policies to protect themselves, other health workers and their patients.Item Emergency obstetric patients in developing countries and prevalence of HIV infection(College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2009) Awolude, O. A.; Adesina, O. A.; Oladokun, A.; Adewole, I. F.The availability of VCT for HIV for booked antenatal patients offers a unique opportunity for best obstetrics practice but not for patients presenting with emergencies and unknown HIV status. Health workers who attend to such patients are at higher risk of acquiring HIV infections. Between 1st March 2005 and 30th September 2007, unbooked emergency obstetric patients in the labour ward of a teaching hospital who consented were tested using double rapid immunodiagnostic technique and confirmed by Western Blot. HIV positive patients were post-test counselled and offered single dose nevirapine tablet (200 mg) in labour with syrup given to the baby at birth at 2 mg/kg followed by syrup zidovudine for 6 weeks. The results showed that 275 (89.0%) of the 309 women pre-test counselled agreed to testing. The mean age of clients was 27.7 years (± 4.4 SD). The mean gestational age at presentation was 36.4 weeks (± 4.2 weeks). Primigravidae constituted 37.5% of the patients. Twenty-one (7.6%) of these consenting patients were HIV positive. In conclusion, the HIV prevalence of 7.6% among these unbooked obstetric patients is higher than the 4.7% among our booked antenatal patients and National prevalence of 4.4%. This poses substantial risk of transmission of HIV to attending health workers considering the readiness with which needle prick accident can occur in emergency situations.