Obstetrics. & Gynecology

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    Demographic and epidemiological characteristics of HIV opportunistic Infections among older adults in Nigeria
    (2017) Akinyemi, J. O.; Ogunbosi, B. O.; Fayemiwo, A. S.; Adesina, O. A.; Michael, O.; Kuti, M. A.; Awolude, O. A.; Olaleye, D. O.; Adewole, I. F.
    Background: In view of the maturing HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa, better understanding of its epidemiology among older adults is necessary in order to design appropriate care and treatment programmes for them. Objectives: To describe the demographic and epidemiological characteristics of HIV opportunistic infections among newly enrolled patients aged 50 years and above in Ibadan, South-West Nigeria. Methods: Analysis of data extracted from electronic records of 17, 312 subjects enrolled for HIV/AIDS care and treatment between January 2006 and December 2014 at the ART clinic, University College Hospital, Ibadan. Results: Age of the patients ranged from 18 to 90 years with a mean of 36.4 years (SD= 10.3) with older adults constituting 12.0% (2075). Among older adults, about half (52.9%) were females. Majority (59.1%) were currently married while 25.9% were widowed. Prevalence of opportunistic infections was 46.6%. The commonest opportunistic infections (OIs) were: oral candidiasis (27.6%), chronic diarrhoea (23.5% and peripheral neuropathy (14.8%). Significant factors associated with opportunistic infections in older adults were: CD4 count less than 350 (OR=3.12, CI: 2.29-4.25) and hepatitis C virus co-infection (OR=2.17, CI: 1.14-4.13). Conclusion: There is need for prompt response to the peculiar challenges associated with the emerging shift in the epidemiology of HIV and associated infections in sub-Saharan Africa.
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    Roles of the librarian in a research library in the digital era: challenges and the way forward
    (Taylor & Francis, 2013) Ilesanmi, T. C.
    This article describes the roles of librarians in a research library, particularly in the digital era. Librarians’ roles vary from the custodian of resources to providers of a diverse nature of activities ranging from collection development, organization of knowledge, information services, preservation and conservation, and management. Librarians perform the aforementioned functions traditionally by using printed tools ranging from collection development tools (e.g., publishers’ catalogues, books in print, Ulrich, bibliography); cataloguing tools (e.g., classification schemes such as Library of Congress Classification [LCC] and Dewey Decimal Classification [DDC]); information services (e.g., bulletin, notice board, flyers); preservation and conservation (e.g., clean shelves, use of acid free boxes); and so forth. The traditional ways of performing these functions is being eroded by modern technology. This calls for changes in the products and services of research libraries to the research community served. These changes and the roles that librarians play are discussed in this article. Also enumerated are the challenges, such as dwindling budgets, capacity building, inadequate facilities, among others, of optimizing innovative ways of achieving more enhanced services. Some suggestions that could move the profession forward are also proffered
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    Patterns and determinants of dropout from maternity care continuum in Nigeria
    (2016) Akinyemi, J. O.; Afolabi, R. F.; Awolude, O. A.
    Background: The maternal, newborn and child health care continuum require that mother/child pair should receive the full package of antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care in order to derive maximum benefits. Continuity of care is a challenge in sub-Saharan Africa. In this study, we investigate the patterns and factors associated with dropout in the continuum of maternity (antenatal, delivery and postnatal) care in Nigeria. Method: Using women recode file from the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey, we analysed data on 20,467 women with an index birth within 5 years prior to data collection. Background characteristics and pattern of dropouts were summarised using descriptive statistics. The outcome variable was dropout which we explored in three stages: antenatal, antenatal-delivery, delivery-6 weeks postnatal visit. Multilevel logistic regression models were fitted to identify independent predictors of dropout at each stage. Measure of effect was expressed as Odds Ratio (OR) with 95 % confidence interval (CI). Results: Overall, 12,392 (60.6 %) of all women received antenatal care among whom 38.1 % dropout and never got skilled delivery assistance. Of those who received skilled delivery care, 50.8 % did not attend postnatal visit. The predictors of dropout between antenatal care and delivery include problem with getting money for treatment (OR = 1. 18, CI: 1.04–1.34), distance to health facility (OR = 1.31, CI: 1.13–1.52), lack of formal education, being in poor wealth quintile (OR = 2.22, CI: 1.85–2.67), residing in rural areas (OR = 1.98, CI: 1.63–2.41). Regional differences between North East, North West and South West were significant. Between delivery and postnatal visit, the same factors were also associated with dropout. Conclusion: The rate of dropout from maternity care continuum is high in Nigeria and driven by low or lack of formal education, poverty and healthcare access problems (distance to facility and difficulty with getting money for treatment). Unexpectedly, dropouts are high in South east and South south as well as in the Northern regions. Intervention programs focusing on community outreach about the benefits of continuum of maternal healthcare package should be introduced especially for women in rural areas and lower socio-economic strata.
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    Knowledge of the human papilloma virus vaccines, and opinions of gynaecologists on its implementation in Nigeria
    (2013-06) Morhason-Bello, I. O.; Adesina, O. A.; Adedokun, B. O.; Awolude, O.; Okolo, C. A.; Aimakhu, C. O.; Akinwunmi, B. O.; Oladokun, A.; Adewole, I. F.
    The objective of this study was to determine the knowledge and perception of Nigerian Obstetricians and Gynaecologists towards human papilloma virus vaccine use in Nigeria. A cross sectional study was conducted amongst participants that attended the 42nd Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria. The findings revealed that 44.5% knew the correct HPV vaccine schedule. Regarding implementation in Nigeria, 87.4% suggested its incorporation into the national immunization program and about a third agreed that it should be a precondition for school enrolment. Regression analysis showed that senior residents were more likely to have adequate knowledge of the vaccine compared to junior residents (AOR 7.181 95% CI OR=1.792 – 28.782). We conclude that the knowledge of eligibility and schedule is poor. It is recommended that adequate information should be provided to this group of health workers because of their strategic position in its implementation in Nigeria
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    A review of vulvar and vaginal cancers in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2013) Okolo, C. A.; Odubanjo, M. O.; Awolude, O. A.; Akang, E. E. U.
    The objectives of this study are to give an update on the previous studies on vulvar and vaginal cancers from the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria, to elucidate any changes in pattern, and to enumerate some of the factors affecting the management of these cancers at the UCH today. All the cases of cancer of the vulva and vagina seen at the UCH between January 1981 and December 2008 were reviewed and re-classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) histological classification of 2004. The results are as follows: Vaginal and vulvar cancers were the 4th (1.4%) and 5th (1.2%) most common of the 5913 gynecological cancers seen. The mean age was 49.7 years. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was the most common histological type. Notably, vulvar cancer is more common than vaginal cancer in the US and the UK and this opposes our findings. We studied time periods before and after the year 2000, and found vaginal cancer to be more common before and vulvar cancer after the year 2000. We suggest that this may be related to the introduction of the FIGO guidelines in 2000. We conclude that it is important to strictly adhere to the FIGO guidelines in determining the primary site of origin of these cancers in patients with advanced local disease as this distinction has implications for clinical management. The objectives of this study are to give an update on the previous studies on vulvar and vaginal cancers from the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Nigeria, to elucidate any changes in pattern, and to enumerate some of the factors affecting the management of these cancers at the UCH today. All the cases of cancer of the vulva and vagina seen at the UCH between January 1981 and December 2008 were reviewed and re-classified according to the World Health Organization (WHO) histological classification of 2004. The results are as follows: Vaginal and vulvar cancers were the 4th (1.4%) and 5th (1.2%) most common of the 5913 gynecological cancers seen. The mean age was 49.7 years. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was the most common histological type. Notably, vulvar cancer is more common than vaginal cancer in the US and the UK and this opposes our findings. We studied time periods before and after the year 2000, and found vaginal cancer to be more common before and vulvar cancer after the year 2000. We suggest that this may be related to the introduction of the FIGO guidelines in 2000. We conclude that it is important to strictly adhere to the FIGO guidelines in determining the primary site of origin of these cancers in patients with advanced local disease as this distinction has implications for clinical management.
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    Human immuno-deficiency virus and hepatitis B virus coinfection in pregnancy at the University College Hospital, Ibadan
    (2010) Adesina, O.; Oladokun, A.; Akinyemi, O.; Adedokun, B.; Awolude, O.; Odaibo, G.; Olaleye, D.; Adewole, I. F.
    Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) share common modes of transmission which include blood borne and the vertical routes. Although, the natural course of HTV does not appear altered by HBV, the rate of liver-related deaths is several times higher among HIV/HBV co-infected persons. Clinicians providing care for HIV positive individuals, including pregnant women, need to be aware of this problem. This is a 2-year cross-sectional study that commenced in January 2006, among HIV positive pregnant women seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. During the study period, 721 HIV positive pregnant women were screened for hepatitis B virus infection. Sixty-four women (8.9%) were positive for HBsAg, 14(1.9%) were HCV positive and 642 (89.2%) were negative for both HBV and HCV. One patient was positive for both HBV and HCV. There were no remarkable differences between HIV infected and IIIV-HBV coinfected patients in terms of the hematological, albumin and bilirubin measurements. Alanine transaminase was however higher in the HIV-HB V co-infected patients than HIV patients and this was statistically significant (17.5 iu/ ml vs. 15.0 iu/ml, p value- 0.009). In addition, the CD4 cell count was lower and the viral load marginally higher in the hepatitis B virus positive patients. The differences were however not statistically significant (p value- 0.114 and 0.644 respectively). HIV- HBV co-infection in HTV positive pregnant women is not of negligible proportions as demonstrated in this study. Thus, HIV positive pregnant women should be screened for HBV and assisted to access care targeted at preventing morbidity and vertical transmission.
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    Condom use among antiretroviral therapy patients in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2010) Akinyemi, J. O.; Awolude, O. A.; Awolude, O. A.; Adewole, I. F.; Kanki, P. J.
    Background: While antiretroviral treatment (ART) has improved the health status of people living with HIV, new challenges to their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and their ability to prevent secondary HIV infections have risen. This study aimed to determine the level and factors that affect condom use among ART-experienced patients at the premier teaching hospital in Nigeria. Methodology: This longitudinal study involved patients who initiated treatment at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria, between January and December 2006. Sexually active patients who had received treatment for at least six months and had not defaulted on clinic follow-up schedules were studied. Data on socio-demographic characteristics and condom use were extracted from clinic records. Chi square test and logistic regression were employed to determine factors associated with condom use. Results: The study involved 866 patients, specifically, 306 (35.3%) men and 560 (64.7%) women aged 40.7 (SD 7.6) and 33.3 (SD 6.5) years respectively. Condoms usage before treatment and at last clinic visits was 14.0% and 43.3% respectively. Overall reports of condom use at specified periods were as follows: 1 – 6 months (33.0%); 7 – 12 months (37.3%) and above 12 months (53.8%). Patients in a marital union and those with higher education were more likely to use condoms. Conclusions: Condom use is significantly influenced by marital status and educational level. Although condom use increases together with follow-up time, the level can be improved. Primary and secondary prevention efforts targeting high-risk sexual behaviour among ART patients need to receive greater and continual attention.
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    Uncomplicated midvaginal vesico-vaginal fistula repair in Ibadan: a comparison of the abdominal and vaginal routes
    (2008-12) Morhason-Bello, I. O.; Ojengbede, O. A.; Adedokun, B. O.; Okunlola, M. A.; Oladokun, A.
    Background: Obstetric fistula is a resultant effect of prolonged obstructed labour. The best surgical management of simple uncomplicated fistula determines the outcome of care. Objective: To compare outcome of uncomplicated mid-vaginal fistula between vaginal and abdominal route of repair. Materials and Method: This was a hospital based retrospective study conducted at the University College Hospital, Ibadan from January, 2000 till December, 2006. Result: Of the 71 midvaginal fistulae managed, 40.8% had abdominal repair while the remainder were through vaginal approach. The overall repair success rate was 79.2% with comparable outcome in both groups-78.3% for the abdominal and 80% for the vaginal group (p=0.999). The duration of hospital stay did not differ significantly between the groups (p=0.972). Post operative complications were found in 41.4% of the abdominal group compared to none in the vaginal group (p<0.001). The complications were failed repair (20.7%) and urinary tract infection (20.7%). The mean estimated blood loss was 465.5ml in the abdominal group compared to 332.9ml for the vaginal group (p=0.303). Conclusion: Despite the comparable surgical repair outcome of the two methods, the vaginal approach is associated with lesser blood loss and lower risk of post-operative complications. It is recommended that the vaginal route should be employed in the repair of uncomplicated midvaginal fistula unless there are other compelling reasons to the contrary
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    Profile of women seeking fetal gender at ultrasound in a Nigerian obstetric population
    (British Medical Ultrasound Society, 2008) Ekele, B. A.; Maaji, S. M.; Bello, S. O.; Morhason-Bello, I.O.
    Objective: To determine the proportion of women that wanted to know fetal gender at ultrasound, characterize them and document reasons for wanting to know fetal gender. Methodology: A cross-sectional study on consecutive pregnant women at 20 weeks or more gestation that presented for prenatal ultrasound at a private hospital in Nigeria from May to December 2005. Results: Of the 1135 women, 167 (14.7%) sought to know the fetal gender. Significant independent factors included ethnic group, as women from the predominant Hausa–Fulani were less likely when compared to those of other ethnic groups (OR: 0.4, 95% CI: 0.2–0.7). Women with tertiary education were 6.6 times (OR: 6.6, 95% CI: 3.3– 13.2) more likely. Women with a previous male baby were 30.6 times more likely (OR: 30.6, 95% CI: 13.6–68.5), while those with previous female baby were 54.3 times more likely (OR: 54.3; 95% CI: 23.4–125.8) to seek fetal gender. Main reasons for seeking fetal gender were preference for a particular fetal gender (57%); what wears to buy for the baby (24%) and curiosity (18%). Conclusion: About 15% of the study group requested to know fetal gender and it was associated with ethnic group, maternal educational level and gender of the previous baby. The most common reason for wanting to know fetal gender was the desire for a particular gender
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    Contraceptive practice and commodity sources amongst female undergraduates in Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria
    (2008-09) Okunlola, M. A.; Morhason-Bello, I. O.; Adekunle, A O. .
    Objective: To determine the pattern of contraceptive use, and its sources among female undergraduates of the University of Ibadan. Methodology: A cross-sectional study design using self administered questionnaire. The study was conducted from November 2005 till March 2006. Results: The result of one thousand six hundred and thirty respondents were analysed out of 1800 interviewed. The commonest age group was 21-25years and about half were in their second and third undergraduate training year. They were mostly single, Christians and of the Yoruba ethnic group. Among those interviewed, 84% admitted to previous sexual activity. However, only a third had ever used any form of modern contraception. The commonest method of contraception ever used was male condom (82.0%) and the least was implantable contraception (1.4%). Other methods used included spermicides, oral contraceptive pills, and injectables. Of those that used contraception, 59.0% procured the service/commodity from pharmacy shops and patent medicine outlet. Other sources mentioned included; non-governmental organization private hospitals, and friends/relatives. Some did not indicate the source of procurement. Conclusion: The study revealed that students in Nigeria engage in risky sexual practices which may be detrimental to the future reproductive activities. Even those that claim to use contraceptives may not have been properly counseled prior to use. We recommend that safer sexual practices should be encouraged and some emphasis on abstinence. Advocacy on appropriate sources of contraceptives commodities should be pursued