Push and sustaining factors of child labour in Nigeria.
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Ife Centre for Psychological Studies
This paper examines a particular aspect of child labour activities- Street trading. Using 241 subjects, the paper highlighted the push, pull and sustaining factors of child labour. Data collection exercise involved the use of questionnaires, interview and observation of the children at work. Conducted in a business district Ibadan, Nigeria, the study reveals that the children are generally pushed out of their household given the increasing instability of maintenance; attracted to street trading beacause of its economic yields; sustained in the job by the harmonious social context, but continuously being ruined and denied of their future by the hazards of the hazards of the workplace and the anti-social elements that they daily come in contact with on the streets. Major recommendations include a reworking of various economic policies, the proper implementation of the Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAD) involvement of various voluntary organizations and a conducive educational and political atmosphere.