Harmonious song-list generation: anapplication of the sequence dependent machine set up time problem model

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International Research Publication House


Song- list generation, a crucial component of m us IC information retrieval system. has been carried out based on users experiences and bias with no quantitative method to guarantee the generation and repeatability of harmonious arrangements. In this study, the problem of generating harmonious song-list has been modelled as a Single Machine Set-up Problem (MSP) and solution software developed. Music factors that affect user perception and cognition of a smooth transition were identified through interview of experts and literature search. These factors were transformed into suitable quantitative scale for calibration. Thirty (30) Nigerian songs were selected for analysis. A cost matrix was developed for the songs. A MSP Solution algorithm, the Set-sequencing Solution Algorithm (SSA) was adopted as the solution procedure. An interactive version of the SSA was developed using the VB.NET. Using randomly generated song-lists as input sequences into the software. new song-list was generated and compared to the input sequence. An improvement on total song list harmony of about 57% was obtained using the MSP on thirty (30) songs. The software was seen to be user friendly. It is concluded that the new software is a useful tool for church worship and the entertainment industry in general.







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