Laboratory investigation of salt-water intrusion through porous media
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Flow rate of salt-water and fresh-water through porous media depends on the hydraulic
gradient, porosity and hydraulic conductivity of the sand materials and the properties of
the fluids such as density and viscosity. This study examined flow rate of salt-water and
fresh-water in porous media in a modeled laboratory experiment. Porous materials were
filled into the conduit of two arms glass cylindrical tube with valve (control) at the middle.
Salt-water and fresh-water were made to flow through the porous materials from the
different arms. The volume displacements of salt-water and fresh-water in the two arms
glass cylindrical tube filled with riverbed sand of varying porosities were determined
when the valve between the two arms was opened with different hydraulic heads of fluids
in the tube. Salt-water displaced the fresh-water upward in the set up when hydraulic
level of salt-water is greater than hydraulic level of fresh-water. Salt-water also displaced
the fresh-water in the set up when the hydraulic level of salt-water is the same as the
hydraulic fresh-water. But fresh-water displaced salt-water only when hydraulic level of
fresh-water is greater than hydraulic level of salt-water.