Evaluation of radiation emissions, physico-chemical parameters and insect fauna around the environment of National Institute of Radiation Protection and Research (NIRPR), Ibadan, Nigeria
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Maxwell Scientific Organization
Radiation emissions from the University of Ibadan National Institute of Radiation Protection and Research (NIRPR), physico-chemical properties measurement and insect’s fauna collection around the surrounding of the Institute were conducted for a period of six months (November, 2011-April, 2012). Radiation survey meter model (RDS-30) type was used to take readings along the immediate surroundings of the NIRPR surroundings. Soil samples were collected at five points in the study site at a distance of 50 m from the Institute and the football pitch with a distance of 250 m away from the Institute as control site. Heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Pb) were analysed using MiniPal 4 energy-dispersive X-Ray fluorescence (EDXRF) bench top spectrometer. Pit falls and sweep net were used in collection of crawling and flying insects respectively, some other arthropods were also collected. Results showed that radiation emission values of 0.012-0.016 μSv/hr was recorded, which was higher than the control site with reading of 0.009 μSv/hr. Heavy metal readings showed that iron (Fe) was higher at the sites than other metals. Correlation between chromium and lead was high (0.797) at (p<0.01). Diversity indices (Margalef, Shannon Wiener and Evenness respectively) for control site (3.56, 0.54, and 0.52) were higher than at the study site (2.62, 0.15 and 0.17). There was no correlation between arthropods abundance and radiation. This result therefore suggests that radiation could not be implicated in abundance and distribution of these arthropods.