On the comparative study of estimators in seemingly unrelated regression equation
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This work examined the efficiencies of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) estimators in lagged and unlagged models. Literature has shown gain in efficiency of SUR estimator over OLS estimator when the errors are correlated across equations. This paper studied the efficiencies of these estimators in a lagged and unlagged models and also sought a comparative study of these estimators in both models. Data was simulated for sample sizes 50, 100 and 1000 with 5000 bootstrapped replicates in each case with the predictors having Gaussian distribution.
Results from the study showed that both estimators were efficient in each model with the SUR estimator being consistently more efficient than the OLS estimator as the sample size increased. On the assessment of the models, the unlagged model was found to be more efficient than the lagged model in small sample but converged as sample size increased.
Bootstrapping, Feasible generalized least squares, Generalized least squares, Ordinary leastsquares, Seemingly unrelated regressions