Composition and abundance of arthropod biodiversity in Aba-Eku and Apete dumpsites, Ibadan, Nigeria
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Federal College of Education, Abeokuta
Species composition, abundance and diversity of arthropods in Apete, Aba-Eku dumpsites and control site were examined. Materials used for the collection of sample was pitfall i.e arthropod trap. The pitfall was made of tin of 250g size and was placed in each site with (one third volume level) of 5% formalin inside in order to trap and preserve the arthropods collected from the site. Pitfalls were implanted in each site so as to have adequate representation of the arthropods. Each specimen bottle contains 70% alcohol for preservation of the arthropods harvested before identification. The specimen collected were taken to the laboratory for analysis and identification. Data collected were subjected to statistical analysis, means and percentages were used to determine the values of arthropod. Richness, diversity and abundance were measured by using margalefs specie richness index (D), Shannonweiners diversity index (H) and eveness index (E). A total of 4,763 arthropod were recorded belonging to 17arthropod orders. The higher percentage abundance of dipterans (Musca domestica ) indicated that organic waste materials being deposited on the dumpsites supported the breeding of the houseflies. The results showed that relative humidity and temperature have a greater effect on the abundance of arthropods. The distinct taxa found in Apete and Aba-eku suggested that the organic input from residential areas around the dumpsites has positive effect on the arthropod abundance.