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Item Student perspectives on open and distance learning in universities in South-west, Nigeria(2014-06) Emunemu, B. O.; Isah, E. A.; Isuku, E. J.The problem of access to higher education is not new to Nigeria. Over the years, scholars have researched into possibilities of providing education but some African scholars suggested mass education. The arrival of globalization and Information Communication Technology (ICT) has facilitated what is now known as distance education. The Open Distance Learning (ODL) keeps lecturer and student in contact through technology. This study investigated the effectiveness of the system through student perceptions. The study adopted the survey research design with its respondent population drawn from four universities in South-West, Nigeria namely; University of Ibadan (Ul) with 100 respondents, Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) with 100 respondents, University of Lagos (UNILAG) with 100 respondents. The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) had 150 respondents. All respondents were purposively selected. A researcher-designed instrument entitled 'Perspectives in Open Distance Learning in Universities in South-West, Nigeria Questionnaire' [PODLUSWNQ) with four sections was adopted. The instrument was subjected to face and content validity by colleagues in the Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. A trial test of the instrument yielded 'r'-0.75. The study found a significant difference in ICT availability among universities [F (3, 479) = 6.382, p <.05j. The level of ICT availability among students in Obafemi Awolowo University (M = 15.8974, sd = 3.41998) was lower than that of students in NOUN (M = 17.8416, sd = 4.29356) and University of Lagos (M =18.0187, sd = 3.88024). ICT availability from OAU was not significantly different from those in Ul (M = 16.9430, sd = 4.50088) while Ul is not significantly different from others. It was revealed that the use of radio and television were average hence recommendations centered on the development of radio and television dissemination of information with adequate funding.Item Evolving education development plan strategy for Ondo State(2021-06) Isuku, E. J.The problem of high cost of education to both governments and parents, poor quality of school outcome, and declining public funding for education among many others, have continued to impose serious challenges to most state governments over the years. These challenges have the capacity to restrict the provision of quality education delivery, and subsequently limit the human capital stock necessary for overall national development. This underscores the need for government to evolve an enduring education development planning strategy that will address the aforementioned problems. This paper therefore discussed the actionable areas of concern in Ondo state education sector, which include: access to all levels of education, quality of school output, cost and financing, and effective management of the sector. The paper highlights the actions to be taken in order to improve the quantity and quality of education service delivery in Ondo state, NigeriaItem The assessment of universal basic education policy in the provision of school facilities: a case study of Oyo State, Nigeria(2019-06) Ogunniran, M. O.; Isuku, E. J.; Hou, L.School facilities are over stretched due to the student population explosion in Ibadan South-West Local Government Area of Oyo State. The available classrooms are either dilapidated, uncompleted or with dusty floors that show holes of rodents and ant lion larvae. The study was a descriptive survey design of ex-post facto type. The population for the study was all principals and teachers. The Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to test hypotheses al 0.05 level of significant. However, it was shown that both school facilities were not statistically significant in relating lo graduates from upper basic education. Conclusions were made that School facilities are very strong predictors of enrollment into JSS l. There are supply of school facilities for UBE implementation but not adequate. As government strive to provide more found, school authority should put strict measure against students ' destructive activities for durability of the school facilitiesItem The necessity and dynamics of public-private partnership in the provision of higher education in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Nigerian experience(2020-09) Isuku, E. J.Nigeria has one of the largest higher education systems in Sub-Saharan Africa with over 360 higher institutions in the country. Thus higher education enrolment has grown in the country over the past few years with over 1.7 million students at all levels of higher education in the country. This growth reflects the number of students in both public and private higher institutions in the country. It is important to note that private institutions have played-important role in higher education enrolment in Nigeria over the past few years. However despite these impressive statistics, the number of prospecting students to the Nigeria higher education system and indeed in Sub-Saharan African countries still pales into insignificance when compared with other regions in the world. Access into HE in Nigeria still averaged about 10%, while it is just about 6% in Sub- Saharan Africa. As most regions and countries in the world adopt the public private partnership to expand access to education, it is recommended that Nigeria and other Sub-Saharan Africa countries adopt the option of PPP in view of the numerous benefits associated with it to ensure a universal higher education access to the ever growing youth populationItem Budgetary allocation and quality of secondary education in Oyo State, Nigeria(2019-06) Isuku, E. J.; ldowu, B. T.This study investigated the impact of budgetary allocation and quality of secondary education in public secondary school in Oyo state. Nigeria. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The population of the study comprised all the public secondary schools principals and teachers in Oyo State and Ministry of Education staffs (TESCOM officers). The study adopted multi-stage sampling procedure. The sample size of the study comprised 30principals. 420 teachers and 50 TESCOM officers which mode up a total of 500 respondents from 8 local governments of the state and 30 secondary schools. Six (6) research questions were raised and answered and Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study findings indicated that quality of secondary education in Oyo State is low. There was fluctuations in budgetary allocations to education; within its components (infrastructural facilities. furniture and flitting’s, staff recruitment. wages and salaries, and teaching-learning materials) and in its totals under the years reviewed (2011-2017). The study finding revealed that budgetary allocation has not promoted that quality of furniture and fittings in Oyo State. Budgetary allocation has not improved the quality of teachers in Oyo State. Budgetary allocation has not improved teaching-learning materials in Oyo State. In light of findings, the study forwarded the following recommendations. Government should make effort to improve secondary education budgetary allocation by adopting a policy of proactive investment in secondary education. Government should have that political will and test 26%funding of education using annual budget of nation's resource for at least five years and assess the impact amongst othersItem Depoliticising the financing of higher education in fiscally challenged sub-Saharan Africa economies: the Nigerian case(2019-05) Isuku, E. J.The concern of this paper was to analyse the need to depoliticise the financing of higher education, and to suggest more sustainable financial channels to improving higher education financing in order to achieve an efficient and effective higher education System that is capable of performing its social and economic development functions in the competitive global marketItem Income inequality and climate change in Nigeria(Islamic University in Uganda, 2019-12) Isuku, E. J.; Nwafor, E. I.Climate change is without doubt one of the greatest threats that mankind has to contend with in this 21s1 century globally. Although, climate change invariably provides opportunities to create a more improved environment for the future, the drive to address the risks and effects of climate change has been hindered due to income inequalities in developing countries. This paper presents offers an understanding of the relationship between climate change and Income inequalities. Available evidence indicates that this relationship is characterized by a vicious cycle, whereby income inequality causes the low-income groups to suffer more from the adverse effects of climate change and vice versa, resulting in greater subsequent inequality. The paper identifies the main pathways through which the inequality-aggravating effect of climate change materializes, namely (a) low income earners in the exposure to the adverse effects of climate change; (b) increase in their vulnerability to damage caused by climate change. The paper presents evidence to explain the above. It also notes that the same cycle can be used to discuss the relationship between climate change and inequality in other developing countries. Finally, it points to the ways in which the climate change and income inequality can be reduced to the minimumItem Fund accessibility on research and output of academic staff in the University of Ibadan, Nigeria(2018-05) Isuku, E. J.; Bello, A. O.The problem in accessing funds for research by most university academics in Nigeria has imposed serious limitations to the growth of quality research output in the country. Thus, this study investigated the influence of fund accessibility on the research output of academic staff of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design was adopted study. The population comprised the entire academic staff of University of Ibadan. A total of 320 academic staffs were sampled via the simple random technique. Data were collected through self-designed questionnaire and checklist Questionnaire was used to measure the extent to which fund accessibility influence research output while checklist was used to show the six years (2011-2016) trend in research funding and the of fund accessibility in the University. The collected data were analyzed using level descriptive statistics (Frequency counts and percentages) and inferential statistics (Pearson Correlation. The hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that there is significant positive relationship between research fund accessibility and research output in the University of Ibadan. The stringent conditions attached to research grant, difficulty in the retirement process for the grant and inadequate information have made it difficult for university lecturers to access research grant This invariably has negative impact on the output of research (reduction in the research output). The study therefore recommends that university-based research grants be made readily, frequently, made and easily accessible to lecturers in the university for research output hat will enhance national social and economic developmentItem Social and communications skills acquisition: panacea to economic safety among unemployable graduates in Nigeria(2017-11) Isuku, E. J.The economy of Nigeria is plagued with an alarming rate of unemployment. Stakeholders are of the view that graduates are not employable due to lack of or insufficient relevant skills Yet, there is a constant increase in the number of higher institutions of learning who produce graduates annually with the view that education guarantee employment. This proposes the appraisal of graduates from these higher education institutions of learning in Nigeria. This study, therefore, examined social and communication skills as determinants of graduate’s employability in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo state. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The research was carried out in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo state. Purposive sampling technique was used to select six local governments in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo state. A total of 200 employers of labour were selected for the study. The results revealed employers required the employability skills (social and communication skills) (t = -10.42; df 398; p < 0.05) and (t= -5.821; df 398; p < 0.05) respectively, from graduates at high rate both private and public organizations, nevertheless graduates displayed high level of communications and social skills in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo state. It was recommended that stakeholders should be aware of the perseverance far the creations of more job opportunities for graduates in order to tackle the problem of increasing unemployment in NigeriaItem Effectiveness of information and communication technology on crime prevention in the Nigeria customs service(Department of Social Work University of Ibadan, 2018-06) Saleh, K. M.; Isuku, E. J.The study examined the effectiveness of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the prevention of crime by the Nigeria Customs Service. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design. A total of four hundred (400) customs officers were purposively drawn from the three (3) Area Commands in the South-West that share border with neighboring countries (Benin Republic and Republic of Togo). A questionnaire tagged “Perception of workers on the effectiveness of ICT in Crime Prevention in Nigeria Customs Service was developed and used lo collect data. Simple percentage, frequency counts, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation were used in analyzing the data collected. Two research questions and one hypothesis (tested al 0.05 level of statistical significance) were raised. The hypothesis revealed a significant positive relationship between ICT and crime prevention r = (752), 0.000, P< .05. It was recommended that the NCS should further improve on the aspect of E-payment so as to completely eliminate the use of bribes to bring in contraband goods into the country. NCS should also improve further on the ASYCUDA++ in order to better simplify clearance of goods