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    Knowledge and abuse of psychoactive substances among commercial drivers in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
    (Nigerian School Health Association (NSHA), 2018-06) Amao, O. Z. K.; Odelola, J. O.
    This study examined knowledge and abuse of psychoactive substances among commercial drivers in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was used for this study. One hundred commercial drivers were sampled from commercial motor parks in Ibadan. The instrument used for the study was a self-developed questionnaire which was appropriately validated by experts and cronbach alpha was used to establish the reliability. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation. Results showed that commercial drivers in Ibadan do not have knowledge of psychoactive substance and they indulge in abuse of psychoactive substances. It was therefore recommended that drug education with greater emphasis on negative effects of psychoactive substances should be organized regularly for commercial drivers in Ibadan metropolis.
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    Capacity building and material resources as determinants of practitioners’ effectiveness in delivering health education for poverty alleviation and sustainable development in Oyo State Knowledge and abuse of psychoactive substances among commercial drivers in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
    (2018-06) Odelola, J. O.
    The study investigated capacity- building and material resources as determinants of practitioners' effectiveness in delivering health education for poverty> alleviation and sustainable development in Oyo state rural communities. A descriptive survey research design was adopted. The study sampled 244 community health practitioners from fifteen local government areas of Oyo State in South Western Nigeria. Data were collected through questionnaire. Three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The finding showed a significant joint effect of variables of capacity building (collaborative learning, knowledge management and technological support) and material resources equipment, facilities and fund) on practitioners' effectiveness in delivering health education (F(6.237= 17.732; P<0.05). It was concluded that effectiveness of community health practitioners in delivering health education is a function of technical exposure, motivation and provision of necessary materials. It was recommended that community health practitioners should be equipped with knowledge and skills through regular attendance of conferences, symposia, and seminars. Also, they should be given necessary motivation and materials with which to be effective in delivering health education.
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    Impact of health education on awareness of sedentary lifestyle as predisposing factor to cardiovascular diseases among secondary school principals in zone 4, Nigeria
    (2018) Akinwusi, A. T.; Odelola, J. O.
    Skeletal muscles contract to produce body movement Essentially, skeletal muscle activities affect the health of other organs such as heart, adipose tissue, brain. Engaging in physical exercise enhances proper functioning of body organs, thus promoting healthy living. Nigerian secondary school principals are not known to engage in physical exercise, probably due to poor awareness of its importance to their health. Meanwhile, a life of inactivity otherwise called sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor to cardiovascular disease. In recent times, cardiovascular disease has led to a significant increase in deaths among administrators in Nigeria. Therefore, this study examined impact of Health Education on awareness of sedentary life style as predisposing factor to cardiovascular diseases among secondary school principals in zone 4, Oyo State, Nigeria. The study adopted a single group pre-test-post-test quasi experimental research design. Participants were given Health education on sedentary lifestyle and related diseases as its resultant effect. A split plot analysis of variance (SPANOVA) was employed to find the difference in pre-test-post-test scores of the participants. The result showed that, health education given was effective. The participants’ awareness level increased, thus willing to refrain from sedentary lifestyle and adopt a sporting lifestyle. It was recommended that, the Ministry of Education should mandate school managements to create time during the school hours for principals and members of staff to engage in physical exercises. Also, health education in which disease prevention will feature prominently should form part of the agenda during meetings of school principals.
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    Management practices as correlates of information and communication technology use for health education delivery among practitioners in Oyo State Nigeria
    (The Institut Bilingue Libre Du Togo, 2017-12) Odelola, J. O.
    Health education is a proven cost effective disease prevention strategy. Effective health education delivery to heavy disease- burden-carrying- community people depends largely on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This study therefore examined management practices as correlates of information and communication technology use for health education delivery among practitioners in Oyo State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population was all community health practitioners in Oyo State. The instrument used for data collection was a self-constructed questionnaire with 0.87 reliability coefficient The collected data were analysed using Pearson's Product- Moment Correlation, Analysis of Variance and Regression statistics. Findings show that variables of management practices correlated significantly with effective health education delivery. It was concluded that good management practices can enhance use of Information and Communication technology in the delivery of health education. Therefore, it is recommended that infrastructure maintenance, personnel training, usage of monitoring and supporting policy that can facilitate the use of ICT by community health practitioners to deliver health education effectively should be put in place.
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    Constraints to bedside health education of diabetic patients at the University College Hospital, Ibadan Nigeria
    (Nigerian Association of Health Educators, 2017) Odelola, J. O.
    The study examined institutional and personal factors as constraints to bedside health education of diabetic patients among nurses at the University College Hospital, Ibadan Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was employed in the study. A sample of 50 respondents was selected using purposive sampling technique. Two research questions were answered and six research hypotheses were tested. Self-developed and validated questionnaire with reliability co-efficient of 0.89 was used to collect data. Data were analysed with the use of percentage and inferential statistics of chi-square at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that workload, health education training programme, health education teaching aids, ward environment, attitude of nurses to patients and communication skills were constraints to bedside health education of diabetic patients. Provision of human and material resources are recommended to facilitate effective health education of hospitalised patients.
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    Enhancing attitude towards e-waste management through environmental health education among electronic technicians in Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria
    (University of Alexandria, Egypt, 2017-02) Odelola, J. O.; Omeboh, N. E.
    Health hazard of e-waste is emerging as alarming public health problem in Nigeria. E- wastes are generated in an increased manner because electrical and electronic equipment purchased originally as second hand reached its end-of-life rapidly. Disposal of e-waste is done using unsanitary methods due to poor attitude of electronic technicians to e-waste management. This study sought to enhance attitude towards e-waste management through environmental health education among electronic technicians in Oyo State, Nigeria. A pretest-post test control group quasi-experimental research design was adopted for this study. Purposive and systematic sampling techniques were used to select one hundred participants. Three research hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha level. Data collected were analysed using Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA). Findings revealed that, there was a significant main effect of treatment on attitude towards e-waste management among electronic technicians in Ibadan Oyo State, Nigeria. [F(1.84)=4.900, p<0.05, η2=0.055). Based on the finding, it was recommended that environmental health education should be organised for electronic technicians.
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    Safety and digital economy in the global south: an educator’s approach
    (African Academic Research Forum, 2024) Akinyooye, F. E.
    The rapid growth of the digital economy has created various opportunities for individuals, organisations and communities particularly in the Global South. High rates of poverty and wealth inequality plague many of the Global South nations such as China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, among others which has resulted in notable differences in the digital divide and restricted access to education. Education systems in the Global South often face challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, insufficient funding, and a shortage of qualified teachers. The digital economy’s disruptive effect can also be seen in a variety of sectors, including health, family life, financial services and communication networks. These problems require safeguarding individuals’ safety and security in the ever-changing contexts. This paper uses systematic literature and critical analysis to investigate the main significant benefits of an internet-based economy with improved access to information and markets, job prospects, and economic growth. It will then introduce the notion of safety education in a digital economy and its role in equipping individuals to traverse the digital landscape. Safety education can help to reduce the risks posed by digital economy.
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    Reading habit and gender as predictors of adult learners’ performance in english language in literacy centers in Oyo state, Nigeria
    (2024-06) Akinyooye, F. E.; Popoola, D. I.
    Reading is an effort to understand the writer's message for development on a personal level and professional achievement. As a result, psychologists view it as a complex cognitive process where meanings are constructed from texts. The current study was carried out in literacy centres in Oyo State, Nigeria, to ascertain the associations between adult learners' academic accomplishment in English language, gender, and reading habits. A descriptive survey design was used in the study. The study employed a purposive sampling technique to choose 120 participants from literacy centers located in the city of Ibadan. Data were gathered using the Reading Habits Questionnaire (RHQ) and the English Language Achievement Test (ELAT). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the responses. The empirical findings indicated that reading habit (β = -0.097; t = -0.277; p 0.783 > 0.05) and gender (β = -0.526; t = -1.577; p 0.119 > 0.05) have negative and insignificant relationship with adult learners’ academic performance. The results also indicated reading habit and gender jointly accounted for 0.04% of the total variance in the dependent variable (adult learners’ performance in the English language) among adult learners in literacy centers in Oyo State. Lastly, the findings revealed that age significantly influences adult learners ’ performance in the English language (F3,17 = 2.46; P<0.05). It is implied that adult educators should design these kinds of projects and assignments with reflective thinking in mind, taking into account the importance of reading habits for academic success. In addition, facilitators could collaborate to develop schedules for library instruction to help adult learners develop a reading habit.
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    Promoting digital technology for labour leaders training in Nigeria: issues and perspectives
    (2022-06) Akinyooye, F. E.
    Labour union leaders are very important to the success of any union activities. The labour leaders are expected to drive their members towards the achievement of the various goals set by the union. These leaders therefore need the necessary leadership skills to enable them lead effectively. Hence, the need for regular training programs to equip them with adequate skills such as. empathy, communication, problem solving, creativity, interpersonal and team work. However, such regular training programmes aimed at equipping, building and enhancing union leaders’ capacity may not be possible due to constraints like time and finance. The break out of COVID-19 which ravaged the whole world has also served as a deterrent to physical training or gathering of people in large numbers. In order to overcome these barriers, there is a call to promote digital industrial training programmes for the labour leaders through the principles of Adult Education. This paper examined the rationale and perspectives for promoting digital industrial training programmes among labour union leaders in Nigeria.
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    Principal leadership styles and work climate on performance of public senior secondary schools’ teachers in Ibadan metropolis
    (2023-09) Akinyooye, F. E.; Fajimi, B. A.; Oluwatuyi, O. J.
    There has been a concern that counterproductive leadership styles of principals and schoolwork environment have negative effects on teachers’ job performance in secondary schools. The study examined the impact of principal leadership styles and work climate on teachers’ performance in selected public senior secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis. The study adopted correlational survey design. A sample of 270 participants was drawn from nine public senior secondary schools in selected three local government areas in the metropolis through multistage sampling techniques. The study used validated nstruments labelled “Principal’s Leadership Styles Questionnaire’ (PLSO), ‘School Work Climate Questionnaire’ (SWCQ), and ‘Teachers’ Performance Questionnaire’ (TPQ). The Cronbach Alpha test-retest reliability coefficient of 0.71, 0.68, and 0.81 were obtained respectively for the questionnaires after trail-tested among 30 teachers outside the sample. The study found that both principal leadership styles and work climate have a significant impact on the performance of public senior secondary schools’ teachers in Ibadan metropolis. The study also identified different leadership styles used by principals in public senior secondary schools in Ibadan Metropolis which were directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented leadership styles. The work climate was found to be positive with teachers reporting high levels of job satisfaction and motivation. The school management board should institute conducive work climate and organise leadership development programmes for the academic staff to increase leadership competencies of principals, boost teachers’ performance in all areas of school operations, maintain the right work climate, and improve staff morale.