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Item A case of adrenal myelolipoma mimicking pheocromocytoma(2001) Atalabi, O. M; Ogunseyinde, A. OA 34 year-old hypertensive para 2 + 0 (1 alive) woman, was found to have right suprarenal mass during routine ante-natal investigation. The suprarenal mass, which was initially diagnosed as phaeochromocytoma was excised was found at histology to be myelolipoma. The radiological investigations and appearances (compared with phaeochromocytoma where necessary) have been discussed. The complications, differential diagnoses and treatment were mentioned.Item Accidental ingestion of a drawing pin a case of an unusal foreign body in the Oesphagus(2001) Agunloye, A. M.; Atalabi, O. M.; Obajimi, M. O.Item Case report-Abdominal cocoon(WAJM, 2001-10-12) Irabor, D. O; Atalabi, O. M.Abdominal cocoon is a rare cause of acute intestinal obstruction seen almost exclusively in young adolecent females. Almost all cases are diagosed at surgery and cured by excising the fibrous cocoon. This case although diagnosed accidentally too was treated conservatively successfully.Item Rigid retrograde endoscopy under regional aneasthesia:a novel technique for the early realignment of traumatic posterior urethral disruption(2002) Olapade-Olaopa, E. O.; Adebayo, S. A.; Atalabi, O. M.; Popoola, A. A.,; Ogunmodede, I. A.Item Occult metastic follicular thyroid carcinoma masquerading as a soft tissue sarcoma of the gluteal region(WAJM, 2002-06-05) Atalabi, O. M; Ogunseyinde, A. OThis is a case of an occult follicular thyroid carcinoma in a 61 year old civil servant presenting with bony metastasis to the left iliac bone twenty years after an initail subtotal thyroidectomy. There was a soft tissue mass with associated cup shaped lytic destruction of the thyroid gland appeared macroscopically within normal limits but histology confirmed follicular thyroid carcinoma.Item Metacarpal index in Nigerian Adults and children.(2002-10-12) Atalabi, O. MThe metacarpal index(MI) is used in screening for patients with arachnodactyly especially Marfan's syndrome. It is a radiographic measure of the slenderness of the 2nd-5th metacarpals, which was measured in a total of 608 Nigerians of which 55 (9%) were childrens and 553(91%) were adults. The study shows that the MI increases steadily in children approaching the adult value at about the age of 9 years in females and 13 years in males coinciding with menarche and puberty respectively. A metacarpal index of up to 11 can be considered to be within normal limits for a Nigeria adult. In both children and adults, the MI was found to be higher in females than in males. In both sexes the metacarpal index for the left hand in the adult subjects is generally higher than that of the right hand, but in children, no significant difference is observed. As in other Africans, Nigerian adults have a higher MI than caucasians.Item Cranial computerrized tomography in the evaluaaton of stroke patients in Ibadan(2003-12) Ogunseyinde, A. O; Atalabi, O. M.206 patients clinically diagnosed as stroke/cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) were investigated using computerized tomography (CT) scan. 19 patients(9%) had normal scan, while 20(9.7%) patients had other lesions including atrophy and tumours. Of the 167 (18.1%) patients proven to have suffered a cerebro-vascular accidents (CVA/ stroke), 73(43.7%) were haemorrhagic, 92(55.1%) were infarcts; and left side when it is heaemorrhagic than infarct (16.7%;38.3). The parietal and frontal lobes were affected when lesions occur in single site while caudate nucleus, putamen and ventricles are commonly affected when lesion is in more that 2 sites. The occipital lobe i.e. posterior cerebral artery territory is infrequently involved.Item An unusual presentation of congenital bronchoesophageal fistula(2004-01-03) Atalabi, O. M; Falade, A. G.; Obajimi, O. M.; Akinyinka, O. O.; Lagundoye, S. B.; Ibinaiye, P. O.We present the case of a 5-week-old neonate with multiple congenital abonormalities including a broncho-oesophageal fistula, which showed radiological features suggestive of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Emergency limited barium swallow done was initially reported as a case of diapragmatic hernia. Autopsy revealed pus within the right lung, and a fistulous connection between the oesophagus and an intra-abdominal organ abnormality were seen, and an occipital meningomyelocoele was also confirmed.Item Computed tomography and childhood seizure disorder in Ibadan(2004-04-06) Obajimi, M. O; Fatunde, O. J.; Ogunseyinde, A. O.; Omigbodun, O. O.; Atalabi, O. M.; Joel, R. U.Background: Computed Tomography (CT) is an important tool for neuroimaging, it offers an opportunity to investigate structural lesion as a cause of seizures with little morbidity. This study is designed to evaluate its's applicability in children with epileptic seizures. Method: It is a descriptive study of the CT scans of the 103 consecutive children who were referred to the CT suite of the University College Hospital on account of seizure disorders over a 5 year period (1997-2001). Results: Only 103 (4.6%) of the subjects who had cranial scans done in five years were children with seizures disorders. The CT scans were abnormal in 53 (51.5%). Hydrocephalus was the most common finding in 14(13.6%). Cerebral atrophy and infarct were reported in 10.6% and 8.7% respectively. the outlined cranial fractures found in 6.8% were all depressed. A high incidence (74.4%) of abnormal scans was reported in the children with partial seizures. Thirty-three (62.3%) of the abnormal scans were amenable to surgery. The presence of neurologic deficit increased the yiled of abnormal CT features. Conclusion: CT scans are extreme value in the screening and difinitive evaluation of seizures in children. It is advocated for excluding treatable conditions and monitoring progression of the disorder.Item Choledochal cysts in African infants: a report of 3 cases and a review of the literature.(2005) Akinyinka, O. O; Falade, F. O; Akinbami, T. A.; Atalabi, M.; Irabor, D.; Ogunbiyi, O.; Faweya, A. G.; Madarikan, B. A.; Onojobi-Daniel, A.; Johnson, A. O.Choledochal cysts are relatively rare and are an uncommon cause of cholestasis. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment can prevent complications such as cholangitis, cirrhosis and portal hypertension. This article reviews a rarely reported disease in Africans in whom only 3 cases were documented over the 18 year period between less than a month and 13months at presentation. All presented with abdominal sweeling with or without jaundice or alcholic stools. The use of real-time ultrasonography antenatally and postnatally aided the diagnosis in our patients. Two of the patients presented and were operated and both made full recovery confirming the importance of early surgical intervention. The third patient died, and exemplified the consequences of delayed diagnosis and treatment which occur not uncommonly in dveloping countries mostly because of sparse and or expensive tertiary health care facilities.Item Clinicoradiologic and sonographic patterns of metastasis in hepatocellular carcinoma(2006) Otegbayo, J. A.; Atalabi, O. M.; Yakubu, A.Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage, when little remedy could be offered. There is a need for relatively affordable, available and non- invasive tests for diagonsis, staging and detection of metastasis among individuals at risk. A clinical, chest radiographic (CXR) and abdominal ultrasonographic examination was carried out to detect and evaluate the pattern of metastasis among 53 untreated patients. One patients had clinical paraparesis with no outward evidence of metastasis. CXR revealed lund metastasis in 11(20.8%), with multifocal deposit in one. Two (3.8%) patients had perihilar lymphadenopathy and consolidation, respectively, while 18 (34%) patients had elevated right hemidiaphragm and four (7.5%) had pleural effusion. One right hemidiaphragm and four (7.5%) had pleural effusion. One had right basal pneumonitis, multiple cavitatory lesions in the lungs fields and soft-tissue wasting. No abnormality was seen in 17 (32.1%) cases. Abdominal ultrasonograph showed probe tenderness in 22(41.5%), hepatomegaly in 49(92.5%), with 33(62.3%) of these having nodularities of varying sizes. The spleen was enlarged in 10(18.9%) cases, with para-aortic lymphadenopathy. Portal hepatic lymphadenopathy was demostrated in two (3.8%) cases, while pleural effusion was detected in seven (13.2%). Metastasis is common in HCC at presentation, the lung is the commonest site of spread. Clinically visible metastasis appears uncommon in HCC.Item Intrauterine fetal death of one of twins, coexisting with hydranencephaly in the surviving co-twin: a case report(West African College of Physicians and the West African College of Surgeons., 2006) Olowu, J. A.; Lagunju, I. A.; Tongo, O. O.; Atalabi, M. A.Hydraenencephaly, a relatively rare malformation of the brain, is characterised by absence of the cerebral hemispheres and their replacement by sacs filled with cerebrospinal fluid. It is one of the recognized forms of intracranial malformations associated with intrauterine fetal demise of one of twins in monochrionic twin gestation. This report illustrates the development of hydranencephaly in a surviving twin sequel to intrauterine fetal demise of the cotwin.Item Dermatofibroma of the foot mimicking neurofibroma radiologically(2006) Agunloye, A. M.; Atalabi, O. M.; Obajimi, M. O.; Adeyinka, A. O.Item Malignant haemangiopericytoma of the left thigh with metastases to the bones and lungs: A case report(2006) Atalabi, O. M; Ibinaiye, O. P.; Obajimi, M. O.; Ogunseyinde, O.; Akang, E. E. U.Haemangiopericytoma is an uncommon mesenchymal neoplasm. Haemangiopericytoma is believed to arise from the pericytes, contractile spindle cells that surround the capillaries and post-capillary venules. We present an unusal case of histologically confirmed malignant haemangiopericytoma of the thigh in a 70 year old male with metastasis to the lungs and left femoral bone.Item Bilateral congenital cystic adenomatiod malformation of the lungs: a case report(2006) Atalabi, O. M; Ogunseyinde, A. O.; Obajimi, M. O.; Falade, A. G.; Adebo, A. O.; Jite, I. E.A six weeks old infant presented with scalp ulcer and fever, and on examination was found to have resonant percussion notes bilaterally. The initial chest radiograph revealed multiple lucencies which were initially thought to be due to diaphragmatic hernia, but the dilemma was resolved by Computerized tomography which revealed the lucencies to be multiple cysts characteristics of Congenital Cystic Aaenomatiod Malformation (CCAM) type II.Item Renal Length, packed cell volume and biochemical parameters in subjects with chronic renal failure: a preliminary report(2006-12) Salako, B. L; Atalabi, O. M.; Amusat, A. M.; Adeniji-Sofoluwe.The constellation of laboratory and imaging findings that distinguish progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD) from acute renal failure are bilaterally small kidneys, elevated PTH, creatol, carbamylated haemoglobin levels, anaemia, hyperphosphataemia and hypocalcemia with elevated parathyroid hormone levels, and a urinary sediments that reveal proteinuria and broad casts. There has been a documented significant correlation between renal legth and GFR, but, the relationship between length and other ureamic and biochemical parameters is still unclear. This study assessed the relationship between renal length and serum biochemistry among chronic renal failure and patients seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. Patients withchronic renal failure who presented for the first time in predialytic phase were recruited.Renal ultrasound was used to assess renal length and based on this subjects were classified into those with shrunken kidneys and those with normal kidneys. Blood chemistry including PCV, serum urea and creatinine were performed. Creatinine clearance was calculated using Gault and Cockroft equation. The data were processed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) by comparing the means of biochemical parameters of the two groups. Twenty-one patients completed the study; there were 14males and 7 females with age range between 24-72 years, means age of 44.2 (15.4SD) years. Thriteen (61.9%) of them haad kidney length in the abnormal rannge (less than 9cm). No patients had enlarged kidneys. Majority of the patients in this study had bilateral shrunken kidneys but there were no correlations between kidney length and serum creatinine, urea, PCV and creatinine clearance.Item Hydrostatic reduction of intussusception under ultrasound guidance: an initial experience in a developing country(2007-07) Atalabi, O. M; Ogundoyin, O. O,; Ogunlana, D. I,; Onasanya, O. M.; Lawal, T. A.; Olarinoye, A. S.Background: Intussusception is one of the most common causes of acute intestinal obstruction in children. Hydrostatic reduction with barium enema is the widely accepted and preferred mode of treatment of uncomplicated intussuception. The aim of this study was to report our initial experience with hydrostatic reduction of intussusception. Patients and methods: We present our initial experience in which 8 patients had ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction of intussusception over a period of 2 years. All patients that presented within 48hours of onset of symptoms were recruited into the study. Clinical diagnosis of intussusceptions was made in all of them while abdominal ultrasound was used to confirm the diagnosis. Results: Half of the patients presented after 24 hours of onset of symptoms. Five patients (62.5%) had a successful reduction of thier instussusception while was completed by surgery. There was only one (12.5%) recurrence and there was no peritonitis. Conclusion: Ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction of intussusceptions in this environment is possible when patients present early with low risk of complication and low recurrence rate.Item Abdominal ultrasonography inHIV/AIDS patients in southwestern Nigeria.(BioMEd Central Limited, 2008) Obajimi, M. O.; Atalabi, M. O.; Ogbole, G. I.; Adeniji-Sofoluwe, A. T.; Agunloye, A. M.; Adekanmi, A. J."Though the major target of the HIV-virus is the immune system, the frequency of abdominal disorders in HIV/AIDS patients has been reported to be second only to pulmonary disease. These abdominal manifestations may be on the increase as the use of antlretroviral therapy has increased life expectancy and improved quality of life. Ultrasonography is an easy to perform, non invasive, inexpensive and safe imaging technique that is invaluable in Africa where AIDS is most prevalent and where sophisticated diagnostic tools are not readily available. Purpose: To describe the findings and evaluate the clinical utility of abdominal uitrasonography in HIV?AIDS patients in Ibadan. Methods:A Prospective evaluation of the abdominal ultrasonography of 391 HIV-positive patients as well as 391 age and sex- matched HIV-negative patients were carried out at the University College Hospital, Ibadan.Results: Of the 391 cases studied, 260 (66.5%) were females; the mean age was 38.02 years, (range 15-66 years). The disease was most prevalent in the 4th decade with an incidence of 40.4%. Compared with the HIV-negative individual group of patients had a significantly higher proportion of splenomegaly (13.5% vs. 7.7%; p < 0.01), lymphadenopathy (2.0% vs. 1.3%; p < 0.70), and renal abnormalities (8.4% vs. 3.8%; p < 0.02). There were no differences in hepatic and pancreatic abnormalities between the HIV+ and HIV- groups. There were significantly fewer gallstones in the HIV+ group (1.4% vs. 5.1%; p < 0.01). Conclusion:AIDS is a multi-systemic disease and its demographic and clinical pattern remains the same globally. Ultrasond optimally suited for its clinical management especially in Africa. Its accuracy and sensitivity may be much improved with clinico-pathologic correlation which may not be readily available in developing countries; further studies may provide much needed diagnostic algorithms. "Item Bilateral tardus-parvus waveform in kidneys secondary to mid-aortic syndrome in a hypertensive child(2008) Atalabi, O. M.; Lee, E. Y.Item Abdominal paraganglioma in a pediatric patient(2008) Atalabi, O. M; Lee, E. Y.
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