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    Assessment of the pattern of SS1 students pre-level mathematics cognitive and content achievement
    (2018-06) Adeleke, J. O.; Ariyo, S. O.
    This study investigates cognitive and content pattern of SS1students' pre-level Mathematics achievement. The study also investigated gender role on the pattern of cognitive and content of SS1 pre-level mathematics achievement. A total of 355participants were drawn from six public secondary schools across two randomly selected local governments in Ibadan Metropolis in Oyo State. The instrument has a reliability of 0.74. Three research questions were answered. Results obtained indicated that SS1 students demonstrated highest strength in geometry and mensuration ( x = 46.45) algebraic processes ( x = 37.05), statistics and probabilities ( x = 33.27) are the contents that students are still finding most difficult Students performed poorly on questions that required higher order thinking ( x = 40.04) but found questions that tested recall ability quite easy ( x = 45.35). The way both male and female SS1 students performed based on content and levels of cognition does not differ significantly al 0.05 level of significance. Teachers should explore the findings to identify areas of mathematics that demand more efforts for improved performance
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    Cognitive entry characteristics in mathematics and teaching effectiveness as correlates of students' achievement in quantitative chemistry in rivers state, Nigeria
    (2018) Mitee, T. L.; Obaitan, G. N.; Adeleke, J. O.
    Past studies have attributed poor performance of students to teachers ' and students' characteristics. However, no study seems to have related these characteristics to students' achievement in quantitative chemistry. This study therefore investigated the extent to which cognitive entry characteristics in mathematics and teaching effectiveness correlated with students' achievement in quantitative chemistry. The study adopted descriptive research design. Simple random sampling was used to select 3 local government areas (LGA) in Rivers State, 10 schools from each LG A and a Science class consisting of all chemistry students from each school. A total of 1652 students participated in the study. Instruments for data collection included: CEC in Mathematics Test, Students' Rating of TE and Quantitative Chemistry Achievement Test. Data was analysed using multiple regression. There was a positive and significant composite contribution of CEC in mathematics and TE to students’ achievement in quantitative chemistry (R= .27, R2 = .074, F(2, l649)= 66.310, p < 0.5). The CEC in mathematics contributed more (β = .262, t = 11.065, p< .05) than TE (β = . 066, t = 2.784, p < . 05). The study recommends that Chemistry students should be encouraged to improve on their CEC in mathematics needed to learn quantitative chemistry topics by revising their previous lessons. Chemistry teachers should be encouraged to attend seminars, conferences and workshops to improve on their teaching effectiveness
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    Using after school programme to improve mathematics achievement and attitude among grade ten low achievers
    (2018) Ariyo, S. O.; Adeleke, J. O.
    Importance of mathematics in technological development of any nation requires that more attention be given to students with consistent failure in the subject. This study established the effectiveness of an after school programme among low learners in mathematics. Pre- and post-test, control group quasi-experimental design was used for the study. Participants (grade 10. ages 14-15 students) who scored 40% and below in the diagnostic assessment were selected across the four schools far the experiment. Two schools each were randomly assigned to control (conventional) and treatment (use of diagnostic assessment followed by the after school programme) groups. A total of 95 participants (49 males and 46 females) formed the sample far the study. Four research instruments were used. A t-test was used for the analysis. No significant difference in students ' achievement and attitude was evident before treatment; however, there was significant effect of treatment on students’ posttest mathematics achievement t(9S)=9.22, p<0.05 but not on attitude. Teachers are encouraged to use diagnostic assessment to identify students with learning needs and use after school programme to enhance their performance
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    Validation of learning hierarchy of instructional content on bearing in mathematics
    (2013-01) Adeleke, J. O.
    Facing Sequencing of Instructional content is one of the major problems mathematics teachers are encountering in schools. Attempt was made to review literature on the identified problem. Sufficient research findings revealed that there are substantial evidences to support the general theory of the hierarchical structure of knowledge. A learning hierarchy for teaching Bearing and distances in Senior Secondary School was constructed. Based on the hypothesized ordering of the nine subunits (eight Cognitive Entry Characteristics-CEC and one criterion task), a diagnostic test was constructed to assess mastery of each of the eight units in the hierarchy and Summative test (Mathematics Achievement Test-MAT) was constructed to assess the mastery of the criterion task. The reliability coefficient (r) and difficulty level (p) of MAT are 0.80 and 0.4 respectively. The nine instruments were administered to Four hundred and ninety two SS 3 students selected through multi- stage random sampling technique from public co-educational secondary schools in three of the five local government areas in Ibadan Metropolis. The hierarchical orderings of the nine subtasks (eight CEC and one Criterion task) were generated in flow-chart form. Task analysis was basically used to establish links among units and criterion task. A correlation analysis technique was used to determine the indices of agreement of each pair of units as well as pair of each unit with criterion task. All the indices (r) were significant at 0.05 alpha level, hence all the subunits in the hierarchy were retained. It is sufficient to recommend for the entire practicing mathematics teacher that adequate sequencing of instructional objectives to reveal the prerequisite subtasks is an adequate procedure for enhancing better achievement in any mathematics topic
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    Types and methods of data analysis
    (Department of Educational Management, University of Ibadan, 2017) Adeleke, J. O.
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    Presentation of results/ findings, discussion and conclusion
    (Institute of Education, University of Ibadan, 2013) Adeleke, J. O.
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    The basic of research and evaluation tools
    (Somerest Ventures, Lagos, 2010) Adeleke, J. O.
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    Effects of communal conflict on enrollment, attendance and achievement of primary school pupils in Rivers State
    (Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, 2015-06) Opiki, O. C.; Adeleke, J. O.
    Insecurity is a factor that has potency, capable of affecting various activities and engagements in a community or nation adversely. Enrolment, attendance and learning outcomes in schools, located in the areas ravaged by communal conflicts are not equally exempted. This study therefore, investigated the effects of communal conflict on enrollment, attendance, and achievement of primary school pupils in Rivers State. This study adopted a non-experimental research design of the causal comparative type. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 10 conflict affected and 10 non-affected primary schools in Rivers State. Then 200 primary five pupils and 10 teachers and 10 head teachers from each stratum making a total of 440 subjects in all. School Record Sheet, English language(r=.88) and Mathematics(r=.84) Achievement Tests were used for data collection. Both Descriptive and Inferential Statistics were adopted for data analysis. The findings revealed that total enrolment in the affected schools dwindled, attendance reduced drastically and educational facilities were grossly unavailable in the conflict affected area. Unaffected schools experienced increased enrolment and attendance yearly during the four years under study. There was significant difference in the academic achievement t(324, 025)= 7.198, p< 0.05 between the affected and unaffected primary schools. It was recommended that educative approach should be employed by grassroot government in the state to enhance peaceful coexistence. This will provide enabling environment for schooling of the young ones. Non-Governmental Organizations as well as media should also direct significant effort towards educating communities on effect of conflict.