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Item Comparatives study of stool antigen test and serology for helicobacter pylori among Nigerian dyspeptic patients-a pilot study(2010) Aje, A. O.; Otegbaye, J. A.; Odaibo, G. N.; Bojuwoye, B. J."OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to compare the stool antigen (SAT) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) serology tests for Helicobacter pylori in dyspeptic patients in Nigeria, and determine their usefulness. METHOD:Forty six patients with dyspepsia and age and sex-matched healthy controls had their blood and stool collected and screened for H. pylori infection using the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) IgG serology and SAT respectively. Prevalence of H. pylori was 67.4% and 78.3%, among dyspeptics and controls respectively ((p = 0.48) with the SAT while the corresponding values for IgG serology were 67.4% and 91.3%, p = 0.005). RESULT:Patients aged > or = 50 years(8) were more positive to SAT (80%), compared with controls (13) which recorded more positivity in the age range 30-39 years (92.9%). The male gender had more positive SAT in patients (n = 15, 75%) but the SAT was more positive among the female controls 22 (84.6%). Controls in the age range < 30 years were more positive to H. pylori IgG while the patients were more positive at = 30 yrs 10 (100%). CONCLUSION:It is concluded that SAT and IgG serology for H. pylori are both useful in diagnosis of the infection, and are fairly comparable in their ability to detect infection, even in area of high endemicity."Item Pitfalls in diagnosis of hepatitis B virus infection among adults Nigerians(2009) Ola, S. O.; Otegbayo, J. A.; Yakubu, A.; Aje, A. O.; Odaibo, G. N.; Shokunbi, W."OBJECTIVE:Hepatitis B virus infection is common in Nigerians and its diagnosis is necessary for effective treatment and eradication. This study is aimed at highlighting the serological factors jeopardizing the diagnosis and treatment of the infection among Nigerians adults. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Three studies were carried out. The first study involved 56 Nigerian adults and it compared the assay of HBsAg by Haemagulation Method (HMA) with Enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA). The second study was a comparison of Glaxo Welcome HB rapid test(GWHB) with ELISA in sero-assay of HBsAg and HBeAg among 25 Nigerian subjects while the third study was on the assay of the sera of HBsAg positive patients for HBeAg and anti-HBe in forty two Nigerian patients by ELISA. RESULTS:The sero - prevalence rates of HBsAg were 41.8% and 61.8% by HM and ELISA respectively with false HBsAg sero-positives and sero-negatives by HM of 5.4% and 25.5% respectively. Similarly, there was sero-detection of HBsAg in 84% and 80% by ELISA and GWHB respectively in 25 Nigerian adults. In addition, 19% and 64% of the 42 patients with HBsAg sero-positivity were also positive for HBeAg and anti-HBe respectively, while 31% of the patients were both HBeAg and anti-HBe sero-negative. CONCLUSION:Sero-diagnosis of HBsAg and other serological markers of infectivity in patients with HBV should be carried out by ELISA rather than HMA among adult Nigerians. Furthermore, high infectivity of the virus abounds among Nigerian with HBV infection."