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Item Hepatitis B and E viral infection among Nigerian healthcare workers(2012) Ola, S. O.; Odaibo, G. N.; Olaleye, O. D.; Ayoola, E. A."BACKGROUND:There is dearth of information on Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection and its co-infection with HBV among Nigerian healthcare workers (HCWs). Hence, there is the need to determine the rate of HEV infection and its association with HBV among HCWs who are at greater risk of nosocomial infections. METHODOLOGY:Sera from 88 HCWs and 44 non-HCWs healthy adults as controls were tested for the presence of antibody to HEV (anti-HEV). The HCWs were also tested for HBsAg and antibody to Hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) using commercially available ELISA kits. RESULTS:The prevalence of anti-HEV obtained among the HCWs and controls were 43% and 94% respectively (p<0.005) while those of HBsAg and anti-HBc in HCWs were respective 13% and 56%. Overall among HCWs, the prevalence of HBV infection was 65.9%, higher than HEV infection (p<0.005) with only anti-HBc greater among the male participants (p<0.005) while co-infection of HBV with HEV was 27.3%. HEV infection was least among the Paediatricians (18%) and highest among the Surgeons (55%) while HBV infection was similar in all the different occupational groups of HCWs (44-59%) except among the Gynecologists and Obstetricians (80%). CONCLUSION:Infection with HEV is high among Nigerian HCWs but lower than the rate among non-HCWs. It is also co-infected with HBV especially among the different groups of the HCWs and could occur with the diverse clinico-serological patterns of HBV infection."Item HIV-1 drug resistant mutations in chronically infected teatment naïve individuals in the pre-ARV era in Nigeria.(2012) Odaibo, G. N.; Ola, S. O.; Landerz, M.; Dietrich, U.; Olaleye, D. O.In Nigeria the Federal Government rolled out antiretroviral drugs for the management of HIV infection in year 2002. This study was carried out to determine the circulating antiviral drug mutations among ARV naïve patients with chronic HIV infection during the pre-ARV roll out era in the country. DNA was extracted from stored whole blood samples collected from 75 HIV positive patients attending the Medical outpatient clinic between December 1996 and November 2001. The Reverse transcriptase (RT) and the protease (PR) regions of the viral genome were amplified by nested PCR and then sequenced by cycle sequencing and analyzed using the ABI 3100 DNA sequencer to determine the mutations associated with protease inhibitors (PI), nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). Ten of the 64 (15.6%) samples with positive PCR had mutations for PR inhibitors (PI) including R8D, I 15V, G16E, M36I, M46L, L63P and H69K, while 5 of 63 harbored RT inhibitor (NRTI/NNRTI); V179I, A98T, V179E and A98S. Detection ofARV drug resistant mutations when ARV was not known to be in use in Nigeria calls for caution in the interpretation of drug resistance profile of HIV-1 from infected persons on treatment ARVs in the country.Item Pitfalls in diagnosis of hepatitis B virus infection among adults Nigerians(2009) Ola, S. O.; Otegbayo, J. A.; Yakubu, A.; Aje, A. O.; Odaibo, G. N.; Shokunbi, W."OBJECTIVE:Hepatitis B virus infection is common in Nigerians and its diagnosis is necessary for effective treatment and eradication. This study is aimed at highlighting the serological factors jeopardizing the diagnosis and treatment of the infection among Nigerians adults. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Three studies were carried out. The first study involved 56 Nigerian adults and it compared the assay of HBsAg by Haemagulation Method (HMA) with Enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA). The second study was a comparison of Glaxo Welcome HB rapid test(GWHB) with ELISA in sero-assay of HBsAg and HBeAg among 25 Nigerian subjects while the third study was on the assay of the sera of HBsAg positive patients for HBeAg and anti-HBe in forty two Nigerian patients by ELISA. RESULTS:The sero - prevalence rates of HBsAg were 41.8% and 61.8% by HM and ELISA respectively with false HBsAg sero-positives and sero-negatives by HM of 5.4% and 25.5% respectively. Similarly, there was sero-detection of HBsAg in 84% and 80% by ELISA and GWHB respectively in 25 Nigerian adults. In addition, 19% and 64% of the 42 patients with HBsAg sero-positivity were also positive for HBeAg and anti-HBe respectively, while 31% of the patients were both HBeAg and anti-HBe sero-negative. CONCLUSION:Sero-diagnosis of HBsAg and other serological markers of infectivity in patients with HBV should be carried out by ELISA rather than HMA among adult Nigerians. Furthermore, high infectivity of the virus abounds among Nigerian with HBV infection."Item Occult HBV infection among a cohort of Nigerian adults(Creative Commons Attibution, 2009) Ola, S. O.; Otegbayo, J. A.; Odaibo, G. N.; Olaleye, D. O.; Summerton, C. B.; Bamgboye, E. A."OBJECTIVE:To determine markers of HBV infection and detect the presence of its occult infection in serum of a cohort of adult Nigerians. METHODOLOGY:The study involved 28 adult Nigerians with viral hepatitis (Group 1) and 28 apparently healthy adult Nigerians as controls (Group 2). Their sera were assayed for HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBe, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV, while HBV DNA was determined in 15 patients with chronic hepatitis. Significance of differences between the patients and control subjects was assessed using Chi-square test at a 95% confidence level. RESULTS:Sero-detection of HBsAg, HBeAg, anti-HBe and anti-HBc was higher among the patients compared to the controls. HBV infection was diagnosed by HBsAg (89%) and a duo of HBsAg and anti-HBc (100%) among the patients. Similarly, eleven and four types of different patterns of HBV markers were observed among the respective groups. Anti-HBe (9.5%), anti-HBc (14.3%), and anti-HBs (9.5%) were detected among all the subjects who were sero-negative for HBsAg. HBV DNA was also detected in 86.7% of the 15 patients with chronic hepatitis, while occult HBV infection was observed in 7.2% of the patients and none (0%) of the controls, p < 0.05. Furthermore, HCV infection occurred among subjects with all the different patterns of HBV markers, except those with occult HBV infection and natural immunity to HBV. CONCLUSION:This study shows that occult HBV infection is present among Nigerian adults and determination of HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBe, and HBV DNA will assist in its detection."Item Nigeria butchers and hepatitis B virus infection(2008) Ola, S. O.; Otegbayo, J. A.; Yakubu, A.; Odaibo, G. N.; Olaleye, D. O.Various target groups have been identified in Nigeria for studying the prevalence of hepatitis B virus infection; however there is no information on its prevalence among workers in slaughter houses. This study determined the seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus infection in Nigerian butchers at Ibadan, and comprised 360 healthy Nigerian adult subjects (180 butchers, 180 traders as controls) selected by multistage stratified sampling. A questionnaire was used to collect relevant information and included points about risk behaviour. ELISA was used to detect the hepatitis B surface antigen in the serum; the seroprevalence rate in butchers and controls was 9.4% and 3.3%, respectively (p<0.05). Risk behaviour was seen more commonly in butchers than in controls. The presence of hepatitis B surface antigen in the serum was not related to the duration of occupational exposure or the number of partners. In summary, butchers comprise a high-risk occupational group for exposure to hepatitis B virus infection. We conclude that routine screening for parenterally acquired infections in this group is thus necessary in order to identify those who will require treatment and immunisation, especially against hepatitis B virus infection.Item Serum ferritin and HCV infection in Nigerian patients with primary liver cell carcinoma(Experimental Microbiology, 2006) Ola, S. O.; Odaibo, G. N.A prospective study aimed at determining the relationship between hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and serum ferritin in Nigerian patients with primary liver cell carcinoma(PLCC) was carried out at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan; Nigeria, The study invovled 42 adult Nigerians maade up of 14 healthy subjects as controls and 14 patients each PLCC and liver cirrhosis(LC) who consented to participate in the study. The subjects were controlled for age and sex. The diagonosis of the disease was made from relevant clinical features, utlrasonography and histology of liver biopsy specimen. Blood specimen collected from the subject were analysed for ferritin by radio-immuno assay using Amersham Kits, hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection using HBsAg dtection and anti-HCV by ELISA (Sanofi Pasteur France). The study protocol was approved by the Joint UI/UCH Ethical Review Board. data obtained was analysed with the SSPS software at a level of significance of p<0.05. Serum ferritin> 700ng/ml was detected only in 50% and 14% of the patients with PLCC and LC respectively with specificity of 93% as well as negative (78%) and postive (79%) predictive value, Serum anti-HCV and HBsAg were present in 14% and 71% of patients with PLCC respectively (p<0.005). Similarly, 29% and 14% of the patients and the controls respectively were sero-positive for anti HCV while serum HBsAg was detected in equal proportions of the patients with LC(50%) and the controls (43%(43%). There was correlation elevated serum ferritin and HBsAg (X2 with yates correction=5.04, p=0.025) but none with serum anti-HCV. In conclusion, the study shows that serum ferritin level > 700ng/ml is indicative of PLCC among Nigerians especially in the presence of HBV infection but may not be useful when there is assocaited HCV infection.Item Demographic factors in HIV infected patients seen at UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria.(2005) Ola, S. O.; Ladipo, M. M. A.; Otegbayo, J. A.; Odaibo, G. N.; Bamgboye, E. A.; Nwaorgu, O. G. B.; Shokunbi, W.; Olaleye, O. D."There is a rising rate of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection in Nigeria. Good knowledge of the demographic characteristics of the patients with HIV/AIDS may be of great importance in understanding its epidemiology in Nigeria and could facilitate efforts at curtailing the spread of the infection. The study was planned to determine the demographic factors in Nigerian patients with HIV infection. The study was conducted at the University College Hospital (U.C.H), Ibadan, located in the South West of Nigeria. It was a retrospective study of patients with HIV infection attending the U.C.H. from 1988 to 2002. The data collected from the clinical records of the patients with HIV infection included age, sex, marital status, number of spouses, tribe, occupation, education and their religious affiliation. A total of 460 patients aged 1-76 years with peak at 30-34 years were studied. The male/female ratio was 1.06 and the males were the older group. Traders accounted for 40% with female preponderance while the artisans (19.9%) and the military (2.9%) were mostly males. The patients were of Yoruba (70.6%), Igbo (20.0%) and Hausa (9.1%) races. Among the patients with marital status, majority (71.4%) were married while those separated and widowed accounted for 3.5% and 2.6% respectively. Also, a higher proportion of the female HIV patients were Christians whereas the majority of the males were of Islamic religion. Although, there was a low frequency of records on education, the males had better formal education. In conclusion, the study shows that HIV infection is presently an adult disease affecting the most productive segment of the Nigerian population regardless of the individual occupation, educational status, tribe and religious affiliation. Also, it shows that the infection could be associated with heterosexual intercourse."Item Sero-prevalence of hepatitis C virus among patients attending STD clinic in Ibadan, Nigeria(2005) Oni, A. A.; Odaibo, G. N.; Ola, S. O.; Olaleye, O. D.; Bakare, R. A."In the tropics, hepatitis C virus (HCV) seroprevalence ranges from < 0.2% in whole Africa. A strong association between HCV and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-negative chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma has been described. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the most common cancers among Africans, and in Nigeria by 1970 the estimated rate was 6.6 per 100,000 populations per annum. Sexual transmission was regarded as a minor cause of HCV, the degree of which has not been properly evaluated in most environments. Since it has been established that sexual transmission is an important mode of acquisition of the infection, we therefore set out to find the seroprevalence of HCV among 95 patients attending sexually transmitted diseases (STD) clinic in University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria with a view to recommending preventive and control measures of HCV in our community. The sera collected from these respondents were used for screening for syphilis using the VDRL test, and for HCV antibodies using the MONOLISA anti-HCV (Sanofi, Pasteur France). Mid-stream urine was collected from all participants, and urethral swabs from all male participants while endocervical and high vaginal swabs were collected from female participants. Ulcer swabs were collected from those with genital ulcers. The prevalence of HCV infection was found to be 37.9% in patients presenting with STDs. This comprised 38.9% of males and 61.1% females. This prevalence rate is very high compared with the rate in the general population and other “high-risk” groups in previous studies in the same environment. Factors associated with HCV infection in this environment include high heterosexuality, high level of education, and previous instrumentations such as in scarifications and termination of pregnancy. Prevention and control of STDs will definitely reduce HCV infection and hence the attendant consequences, particularly hepatocellular carcinoma, in our environment. "Item HCV and HBV infection in Nigerian patients with liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carinoma(2004) Ola, S. O.; Odaibo, G. N.; Olaleye, O. D.Although efforts have made to determine the significance of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in Nigerians with chronic liver diseases, the role Hepatitis C virus (HBV) infections in Nigerian patients with Liver Cirrhosis(LC) and Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). The incidence of HBV and antibodies to HCV was determined by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) in 24 Nigerians Hepatocellular carcinoma (n=14), as well as healthy adult Nigerians who served as controls(n=14) at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. Incidence rates of 50%, 71% and 40% of HBsAg were obtained in patients with LC, HCC and Controls respectively while 20%, 14% and 20% were AntiHCV positive in the respective group (P<0.0005 for HCC). Co-infection by HBV and HCV was found in one patient with HCC. Infection by HCV occured in older age group (57.5_8 years) than HBV infection(47.8+4 years, P<).0.01) while both infections were commoner in male subjects. In summary, HBV infection is commoner than that of HCV in patients with HCC. However, both HBV and HCV might be contributory to the aetiology of LC and HCC. Efforts should be internsified at reducing the high prevalence of HBV infection as well as that of HCV in Nigerians by instituting active preventive measures.Item Serum Hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B surface antigenaemia patients with acute icteric hepatitis(2002) Ola, S. O.; Otegbayo, G. N.; Odiabo, G. N.; Olaleye, O. D.; Olubuyide, O. I.Acute hepatitis is common in Nigeria and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been a major aetiological factor. However, the role of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is yet undetermined. Forty-five consecutive Nigerian patients with Acute Icteric hepatitis (AIH) attending the medical clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria and 45 health adult Nigerians (controls) were studied for evidence of infection with both viruses. Questionnaire on risk procedures which predispose to acquisition of both HBV and HCV infections were administered to the patients. Blood samples were collected from all the subjects and tested for antibody to HCB (Anti-HCV) and Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) using the second generation enzyme linked Immunoassay (Monosila-R, Sansofi, Pasteur;France). Anit-HCV was detected in 21(47%) and 17 (38%) of the patients and controls respectively. The corresponding prevalences of HBsAg were 38(84%) and 11(24%), p<0.001. Hepatitis B virus infection was found to occur more than the controls. Combined HBV and HCV infection occured more frequently among the patients(42.1%) than in the control (11%)(;<0.001). Although there was no significant difference in the HCV infection between the two groups, isolated HCV infection is commoner in the control than in the patients with AIH, (p<0.001). Similarly, single HCV infection is commoner than lone HBV infection among the control, p<0.05. In summary, this study shows that while both HBV and HCV infections are common in Nigeria, AIH may be more associated with HBV than HCV in the country.