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    An improved PCR method for detection of HIV-1 proviral DNA of a wide range of subtypes and recombinant forms circulating globally
    (Elsevier Ltd, 2011) Weinder, J.; Cassens, U.; Gohde, W.; Sibrowski, W.; Odaibo, G.; Olaleye, D.; Reichelt, D.; Greve, B.
    Proviral DNAs are being measured increasingly as a marker of the efficacy of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) and is accepted for the early diagnosis of perinatal HIV-1 infections. This requires a standardized test which enables the detection of a wide range of subtypes worldwide including O, N and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs). Based on a previous publication, a PCR - Test for HIV-1 provirus detection in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was developed. Blood samples from 80 individuals infected with HIV-1 and 20 persons negative for HIV-1&2 from Africa and Germany were tested for the presence of HIV-1 provirus DNA. The primer system used enables the detection of proviral DNA despite the high concentrations of human DNA. The limit of detection was determined to be 5 copies per 10(5) cells. All 20 samples from persons negative for HIV were negative for HIV-1 proviral DNA while provirus DNA was amplified from 76 of the 80 (95%) samples from persons infected with HIV. The amplified products were detected by gel-electrophoresis, flow cytometry and real-time PCR. All three detection systems provided the same results.
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    Service uptake and performance of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme in Ibadan, Nigeria
    (2010) Oladokun, R. E.; Awolude, O.; Brown, B. J.; Adesina, O.; Oladokun, A.; Roberts, A.; Odaibo, G.; Osinusi, K.; Olaleye, D.; Adewole, I. F.; Kanki, P.
    The Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme in the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan has been in existence for more than five years and has scaled up to other sites. The study evaluated the service uptake and performance of the programme using national key indicators. Antenatal and delivery records of women enrolled between July 2002 and June 2007 were reviewed. A total of 51952 women attended first antenatal visits and received HIV pre-test counselling. Of these, 51614 (99.5%) accepted HIV test and 49134 (95.2%) returned for their results. Out of the tested patients, 2152 (4.2%) were identified to be HIV positive. Partners of positive patients accepting HIV testing were 361 (16.7%) with 87 (18.6%) testing positive. There were a total of 942 deliveries out of which 39.2% of the mothers and 95.2% of the babies respectively received ARV prophylaxis. In all, 85.8% (788/918) of the mothers opted for formula as the method of infant feeding. Out of the 303 babies eligible for ELISA testing, 68.3% reported for the test and 17 (8.7%) tested positive. There has been progress in the programme, reflected in the increase in the number of new clients accessing the PMTCT service. However, partner testing and follow up of mother-infant pairs remain formidable challenges that deserve special attention.
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    Human Immuno-deficiency Virus and Hepatitis B virus coinfection in pregnancy at the University College Hospital, Ibadan
    (2010) Adesina, O.; Oladokun, A.; Akinyemi, O.; Adedokun, B.; Awolude, O.; Odaibo, G. O.; Olaleye, D.; Adewole, J.
    Human Immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) share common modes of transmission which include blood borne and the vertical routes. Although, the natural course of HIV does not appear altered by HBV, the rate of liver-related deaths is several times higher among HIV/HBV co-infected persons. Clinicians providing care for HIV positive individuals, including pregnant women, need to be aware of this problem. This is a 2-year cross-sectional study that commenced in January 2006, among HIV positive pregnant women seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. During the study period, 721 HIV positive pregnant women were screened for hepatitis B virus infection. Sixty-four women (8.9%) were positive for HBsAg, 14(1.9%) were HCV positive and 642 (89.2%) were negative for both HBV and HCV. One patient was positive forboth HBV and HCV. There were no remarkable differences between HIV infected and HIV-HBV coinfected patients in terms of the hematological, albumin and bilirubin measurements. Alanine transaminase was however higher in the HIV-HBV co-infected patients than HIV patients and this was statistically significant (17.5 iu/ ml vs. 15.0 iu/ml, p value--0.009). In addition, the CD4 cell count was lower and the viral load marginally higher in the hepatitis B virus positive patients. The differences were however not statistically significant (p value--0.114 and 0.644 respectively). HIV-HBV co-infection in HIV positive pregnant women is not of negligible proportions as demonstrated in this study. Thus, HIV positive pregnant women should be screened for HBV and assisted to access care targeted at preventing morbidity and vertical transmission.