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Item The 5ws: the epidemiologist's quest(Ibadan University Press, 2017) Fawole, O. I.Item The anaemias: a peep through the looking glass of genes(2004) Falusi, A. G.Item Arabic, the muslim prayer and beyond(Ibadan University Press, 1999) Malik, S. H. A.Item Atmospheric dynamic and the regional contributions of the earth's energy balance and global warming(Ibadan University Press, 2010) Oladiran, E. O.Item Atomic energy: the myth and the truth(Ibadan University Press, 2011) Farai, I. P.Item Balancing life equation with continuing education(Ibadan University Press, 2015) Egunyomi, D. A.Item The best seeds of the best crop varieties: a basis for Nigeria's food security(Ibadan University Press, 2010) Akoroda, M. O.Item Bilingualism(Published for the University College, Ibadan, by Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, 1948-11) Christophersen, P.Item Bleed not, my son(Ibadan University Press, 2011) Shokunbi, W. A.Item Blood: different strokes for different animals(Ibadan University Press, 2011) Oyewale, J. O.Item Bridging the gap - let the children come unto me(Ibadan University Press, 2016) Denloye, O. O.Item By their teeth you shall know them: prosthodontist's perception of the contribution of tooth loss to health(Ibadan University Press, 2015) Dosumu, O. O.Item Chemical environmental pollution: how significant is the local contribution?(Ibadan University Press, 2015) Onianwa, P. C.Item Chemistry for industry, wealth, and life(Ibadan University Press, 2011) Oderinde, R. A.Item Chemopreventives: untapped genii that compromise the science of the killer(Ibadan University Press, 2016) Farombi, E. O.Item Choose your mother right and live(Ibadan University Press, 2010) Osinusi, K. OItem Competing with competitors in an endless competition(Ibadan University Press, 2016) Tijani - Eniola, H. A.Item Culture and civilization(Ibadan University Press, 1975) Evans, H. G. J.Item Danger, men at work: the pitfalls, the perils and, the panacea(Ibadan University Press, 2016) Omokhodion, F. O.Item Darkness to light: evolution and unmasking of shadows and images(Ibadan University Press, 2009) Ogunseyinde, A. O.