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Item Gender, age, academic level and department as correlates of students' perceptions of social networking as learning tool(Department of Educational Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2013-01) Adedoja, G. O.; Olasunkanmi, I. A.Technology, over the ages is recognised as a tool for doing things in neater, faster, better and particularly easier ways. People use technology to make their operations more fascinating, interesting and motivating in all facets of human endeavour including education. The study examined the contributions of age, gender, level of study, and department as correlates of Distance learning students' perceptions of social networking technology as a collaborative learning tool. A validated 4-likert scale questionnaire on students' perception was administered to 360 participants selected through stratified sampling technique. The results of this study showed that gender, field of study, academic level and age group have significant influence on student's perceptions of social networking as a collaborative learning tool. It was recommended that both students and teachers intending to integrate social networking to enrich instructions delivery should be adequately trained and motivated to acquire needed skills and confidence.Item Student-factor as determinants of student pastors’ attitude, perception and motivation to use icts for learning of languages in Baptist College of Theology, Lagos(2019) Adeniran, A. A.; Olasunkanmi, I. A.This study examined student-pastors’ attitude, perception and motivation to use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for the teaching and learning of languages in theological institutions. Forty- six (46) 100, 200. 300 and 400 levels student-pastors selected by purposive random sampling from the Theology, Religious Education, and Church Music Departments of Baptist College of Theology, Lagos participated in the study. Teaching and Learning Languages Questionnaires (TLLQ) was used to collect data in order to test four null hypotheses at p<. 05 level of significance. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-test. Findings indicated that there is no significant difference in the student pastors’ perception, motivation and attitude to the use of instructional software in learning languages across subject areas, gender, age and levels of studyItem Creating learner-generated content: graduate students' experience and challenges(Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, 2017) Adedoja, G. O.; Olasunkanmi, I. A.Item Lecturers' assessment of impact of diamond radio on open distance education (ODE) programmes of University of Ibadan(2019-05) Oni, M. T.; Ojokheta, K. O.; Otunla, A. O.The University of Ibadan, established as the pioneer higher educational institution by the colonial masters in 1948 has the responsibility of teaching, research and community service with Lecturers from inception employing different delivery modes in carrying out the mandates. Advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has led to a lot of developments occurring in teaching and learning which cannot be ignored; especially, the use of Radio broadcasting in facilitating teaching and learning activities in a conventional environment. The Distance Learning Centre (DLC) of the University was established in 1988 and in 2008, the Diamond Radio of the University was commissioned and immediately went into full operation. Just like many other Universities in Nigeria that operate campus radio, the Diamond Radio is not without clearly stated objectives part of which is the provision of teaching-learning interactive forum for relevant departments in the university and especially to enhance the Open Distance Learning programmes. Diamond Radio, which is a community radio has the responsibility of enhancing teaching by providing adequate platform for interaction between the open distance learning students and their respective lecturers, thereby enhancing the dual mode of open and distance education. This study investigates Lecturers’ Assessment of the impact of Diamond Radio on Open Distance Education of University of Ibadan. The study adopted ex-post facto research design of descriptive survey type. It involved two hundred (200) respondents including 58% males and 34% females, who were purposively drawn from the conventional and distance learning lecturers of the University of Ibadan. A structured questionnaire named "Diamond Radio Teaching Learning Activities Assessment Scale (DRTLAAS) was designed and validated at (r=0.98). Findings reveals that majority (70%) believed that that lectures are better delivered by University lecturers using Diamond Radio. Findings affirmed that Diamond Radio facilitates the provision for feedback mechanism especially from students after each lecture (63%>), further, Diamond Radio promotes interaction between lecturers and students in the University of Ibadan (89%). Findings also showed that Diamond Radio operates a standard platform for lecture delivery especially to Distance Learning Students of University of Ibadan (69%>). It was evident that Diamond Radio affords various Departments to participate in open air teaching (79%). Moreover, Students receive lectures regularly through Diamond Radio (66%), again information from the findings showed that students are incorporated into various activities of Diamond Radio (74%). It became clear that Diamond Radio has a standard training platform for students (70%). Findings helped understand that for students who desire to further advance in real world of work in mass communication, Diamond Radio is a good resource channel (67%). Operations of Diamond Radio show expected level of professionalism (72%) and Students are allowed to handle programmes in Diamond Radio (68%)Item Demographic Factors as Predictors of Open Educational Resources Awareness and Usage among Open and Distance Learning Students in Southwestern Nigeria(2019-01) Itasanmi, S. A.; Jegede, T. E.; Oni, T. M.This study assessed the joint and relative contributions of demographic factors (age, sex, marital status, school, and academic level) to the prediction of Open Educational Resources awareness and usage among open and distance learning students in Southwestern Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research design of the survey type. Three ODL institutions (University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre, University of Lagos Distance Learning Institute, and the National Open University of Nigeria, Ibadan Study Centre) were purposively selected. A structured questionnaire titled "OER awareness and usage Questionnaire" was pilot-tested, and an Alpha coefficient of .95 was obtained. Data collected from the study were analyzed using frequency count, simple percentages, and multiple regression analysis. Results of the study revealed that there is a joint contribution of age, sex, marital status, school, and academic level to the prediction of OER awareness and usage. It was further revealed that while school, academic level, and age had a significant relative contribution to the prediction of OER awareness among the students, sex and marital status had no significant relative contribution. Also, sex, marital status, and school have a significant relative contribution to OER usage, but age and academic level of students had no contribution. It was therefore concluded that if all these demographic factors are properly considered in the drive towards increasing OER awareness and usage among ODL students, there is a greater chance that high feet could be achieved both in terms of awareness and usage of open educational resources among the students in order to boost the academic performance and in turn improve productivity level of ODL institutions in the countryItem Teacher curriculum-awareness and students' achievement in english oracy skills in Ibadan, Nigeria(2018-06) Akanbi, O. O.; Araromi, M. O.; Kolawole, C. O. O.This study investigated English language teacher curriculum awareness at senior secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria. The descriptive design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised all Senior Secondary English Language teachers and students in senior secondary schools in Ibadan, Nigeria. Simple random sampling was used to select six local government areas in Ibadan. Three public secondary schools were randomly selected from each local government area making a total of 18 schools, while purposive random sampling method was used to select three English language teachers and 50 students from each school making a total of 54 teachers and 900 students. The instruments used were: Teacher Curriculum Awareness Questionnaire (r=0.93) and Teachers Oral interview Guide for teachers on curriculum awareness (r=0,87). Descriptive statistics of frequency counts, mean and standard deviation were used in analyzing the quantitative data generated from the questionnaire, while qualitative data from oral interview were content-analysed. Results revealed that 63.3 7% of the teachers (mean=2.67) are aware of the English Language curriculum on oracy skill and their awareness is high. It is recommended that curriculum planners and designers should endeavor to make the copies of the English language curriculum available because it is one thing to plan and design the curriculum it is another thing for the curriculum to be readily available for the teachers.Item Teachers' awareness and utilization of assessment techniques as predictors of students' achievement in english reading comprehension in Ibadan North local government area(2019-06) Araromi, M. O.; Oyesola, D. O.This study investigated teachers' awareness and utilization of assessment techniques as predictors of students' achievement in English reading comprehension in Ibadan North Local Government. Descriptive research design of correlational type was adopted. Simple random sampling technique was used to select thirty English language, teachers and nine hundred and sixty students from public senior secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government. The instruments used for data collection were: Questionnaire on English Language Teachers' Awareness of Assessment Techniques in Reading Comprehension (OOELTAARC) (0.77). English Language Teachers' Observation Scale on the Utilization of Assessment Techniques in Reading Comprehension (ELTOSUATRC) (0.75) and Reading Comprehension Achievement Test (RCAT) (0.88). Data collected were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics of Mean. Standard Deviation. Frequency Count and Percentage. Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) and Multiple Regression Analysis. Findings revealed that there were negative, non significant relationships between English language teachers' awareness of assessment techniques, utilization of assessment techniques and students' achievement in Reading Comprehension. The composite contribution of English language teachers' awareness and utilization of assessment techniques to students' achievement in Reading Comprehension was not significant. The relative contribution of English language teachers' awareness of assessment techniques, utilization of assessment technique to students' achievement in Reading Comprehension was not significant. None of the independent variables significantly predicts students' achievement in Reading Comprehension. Based on the findings, it was recommended that various assessment techniques should be given more prominence in assessing students' achievement in Reading Comprehension.Item Language policy implementation in multilingual Nigeria: french and mother-tongue experience(2018-02) Araromi, M. O.By all standards, Nigeria is a multilingual and Multicultural state parading more than five hundred indigenous languages existing alongside English language as an official language and French language as the defacto second official language. Choosing a national language among the existing indigenous languages has become a complicated issue and a subject of controversy among the diverse ethnic groups and stakeholders in the political landscape of Nigeria due to multiplicity and plurality of languages in Nigeria. One cannot underestimate the significant value of languages in the socio- economic development of a nation. Thus, this necessitated the formulation of language policy religiously entrenched in the National Policy on Education. Though the language policy is quite laudable favouring the promotion of the indigenous languages and French language as a language of diplomacy and international relation, proper implementation of the policy provisions and most especially the teaching and learning of French language in a multicultural and multilingual country like Nigeria still suffers tremendous setback. However, this paper looked critically at the major constraints to the implementation of the language policy provisions as stated in the National Policy on Education having in focus the advantages inherent in the multilingualism and multiculturalism to promoting peaceful co-existence and socio-economic development in Nigeria. It was however recommended that government should endeavour to match policy formulation with policy implementation.Item Foreign language education in Nigeria and the development of entrepreneurial skills among learners(Faculty of Education and Extension Services, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto, Nigeria, 2017-12) Araromi, M. O.; Oladunni, Y. A.Foreign language education has not been given a pride of place in Nigeria due to poor policy implementation and negative attitude towards the teaching and learning of the languages. The rate of unemployment experienced by graduates of foreign languages has reached an alarming level and this has generated a concern among stakeholders in the field of foreign languages in Nigeria. Graduates of foreign languages are not expected to be redundant, jobless or unemployed or rely entirely on teaching jobs to survive as some people in some quarters frequently claim. Stakeholders in foreign language education have failed to take critical look at the curriculum content of the various foreign languages on the curriculum to. see whether they are relevant to the socio - economic realities and values in Nigeria. This paper however seeks to examine the curriculum content of the foreign languages on the curriculum with the view to ascertaining their relevance to the socio economic realities and values in Nigeria. It was affirmed that the content of the foreign language curriculum should be able to meet the vocational and entrepreneurial needs of the teeming unemployed youths in Nigeria. There is urgent need to disabuse the mind of people on the erroneous belief that the only career available for graduates of foreign languages is teaching career. We therefore recommended that government should focus more attention on the teaching of foreign languages for specific, technical and vocational purposes in order to resolve the problem of unemployment ravaging Nigeria as a country and African continent in its entirety.Item French-english bilingualism as a determinant of learners general language competence in some selected secondary schools in Ibadan(Benchmark Journals, Department of Vocational Education, University of Uyo, Nigeria, 2017-04) Araromi, M. O.; Akinsola, N. A.The poor performance in English and French language in public examinations has called for concern among stakeholders in the field of language education in Nigeria. While students recorded low performance in English across the years, there is low turn- out of students in French language. Researchers have looked into the viability of bilingualism in English and French as a symbiotic measure to finding lasting solution to the problem of general language deficiency among Nigerian learners’ of English and French language respectively. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the complimentary role of English and French language in the attainment of general language competence of some bilingual students in Ibadan, Oyo state. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 156 students in four junior secondary schools in Ibadan. Three research questions were raised. Two instruments were used to collect data i.e. English language achievement test (ELAT) and French language achievement test (FLAT). The result shows that there was significant difference in the bilingualism in French and English language among the selected students in the secondary school in Ibadan (t = 7.922, df = 155, P<0.05). There was no Gender difference in the attainment of Bilingualism in English and French from the selected secondary schools. (t-cal=-279 lesser than t-crit-1.95, P>0.05) There are significant relationships between students’ performance in English and French Language (r- 0.363, P<.05). It is therefore recommended that French and English should be taught concurrently to the students as their performance in French will aid their performance in English language The study examined the influence of anxiety on the success of some pre-service teachers of French Language in selected tertiary institutions in southwestern Nigeria. Descriptive research design was adopted. A total of 130 preservice teachers (male — 40 and female — 90) participated in the study. The results showed that the test anxiety level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety is slightly low (X = 2.32, Std. Dev = 1.162). The findings further showed that the fear of negative evaluation level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety is a bit high (X = 2.65, Std. Dev = 1.227). Data collected were analysed using PPMC and Regression Analysis. The results showed that the communication apprehension level of pre-service teachers' foreign language anxiety was slightly low (X = 2.29, Std. Dev — 1.188). There was no influence of age on pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (F value —1.349, P>0.05). There was no gender difference in the pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (t-Critical value (t-Crit—1.99, P>0.05). Length of years of French study had no influence on the pre-service teachers’ foreign language anxiety in classroom (F value — 1.349, Pro— 0.262>0.05). It was however recommended that pre-service teachers of French language in tertiary institutions should pay maximum attention to the variants of foreign language anxiety of fear of negative evaluation, communication apprehension and test anxiety in the process of learning French language as a foreign language.