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    Digitalising yoruba orthography instruction using interactive e-content
    (Department of Arts and Social Sciences Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2020-06) Olasunkanmi, I. A.; Odeleke, D. O.
    This study examined the effects of interactive e-content package, intelligent quotient and language orientation on students' achievement in Yoruba orthography. The study adopted the pretest-posttest, control group, quasi experimental design with a 3x3x2 factorial matrix. Participants were 80 JSS II students (in intact classes of two public schools randomly selected from two Local Government Areas in Oyo State. Two instruments, Yoruba Language Achievement Test (r=0.69) and Language Intelligence Quotient Test (r=0.5) were used while three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data were analysed using ANOVA. Results showed significant effects of treatment, language orientation and intelligence quotienton students' achievement in Yoruba orthography The study concludes that teachers should consider language orientation and intelligence quotient in using e-packages for Yoruba orthography instruction. Therefore, teachers should adopt Yoruba interactive e-content package for the teaching of Yoruba orthography to improve achievement in Yoruba language.
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    Assessment of pre-service teachers’ satisfaction on the frequency and mode of ICT use in teacher training programmes in Nigerian universities
    (Crawford University, Press, 2021) Olagbaju, O. O.; Omilani, N. A.; Olasunkanmi, I. A.
    In compliance with the realities of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-driven society and global indexes in terms of quality assurance in university education, the use of ICT has been integrated into the Nigerian university system. In Nigeria, university education has received the most attention in terms of funding, technical support and policy reengineering. With the inevitable rise in ICT-based instruction globally, National Universities Commission (NUC) emphasized the use of ICT in Nigerian universities. Thus, ICT was integrated into teacher-training programmes in most Nigerian universities with huge investments made in staff training, internet connectivity, interactive smart boards, multimedia projectors and other e-learning channels. In spite of these, the use of ICT resources by university lecturers has been inconsistent or nonexistent largely due to lecturer-related variables such as age, gender and exposure. This has dire implications for pre-service teachers' satisfaction on the use of ICT in teacher-training. Therefore, this study examines pre-service teachers' satisfaction on the frequency and mode of ICT use in teacher-training in University of Ibadan. Seven research questions are raised and data were collected with ICT using online survey comprisingl40 participants. The results shows that pre-service teachers are not satisfied with frequency and mode of ICT use in teacher education. The study also found that younger lecturers make use of ICT-resources more than the older colleagues in Nigerian Universities. Regular training of lecturers on the use of ICT and improved power supply are recommended for optimal gains in the integration of ICT in teacher education.
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    (2023-04) Olagunju, M. A.; Okari, D.
    The World Health Organization's record of 5th July 2023 shows that confirmed global cases and deaths of COVID-19 have scaled up to 767 726 861 and 6 948 764 respectively, while the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (NCDC) had earlier given a situation report on the 26th of February 2023 that there were cumulative numbers of 266 313 confirmed cases and 3 155 deaths from inception of COVID-19 in Nigeria: and 10 350 confirmed cases and 202 deaths in Oyo State. These may have caused heightened anxiety and emotional imbalances that may reflect in the attitude of the citizens of Nigeria across different sectors, including the educational sector, hence the assessment of senior secondary school Biology teachers’ and students’ attitude towards COVID-19 in Oyo State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research survey design with two research questions, and one research hypothesis. The sample size of the study included 620 Biology students (31 students per school) and 20 Biology teachers (1 teacher per school) from 20 senior secondary schools across 5 Local Government Areas in Oyo State. Two research instruments were used to collect data from respondents, these were Biology Teachers’ Attitude towards COVID-19 Questionnaire (r = 0.83) and Biology Students Attitude towards COVID-19 Questionnaire (r = 0.79). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as per centage (%), mean, and standard deviation; and inferential statistics such as Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. This study revealed that senior secondary school Biology teachers and students in Oyo State had positive attitude (with 2.58 weighted mean and 2.52 weighted mean respectively) towards COVID-19; a weak positive relationship that is not significant (r = 0.34; p>0.05) exist between them. Conclusively, the study revealed that teachers’ and students’ participants had positive attitude towards COVID-19. This is an assurance that they were prepared in attitude relating to the disease if there should be a resurgence. However, the relationships in attitude between teachers and students towards the disease was not significant, indicating a gap that needed to be filled.
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    (2023-04) Olagunju, M. A.; Okari, D.
    The disease caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS – CoV-2) called COVID-19 has claimed a lot of lives across the world that the World Health Organization on 11 of March 2020, declared it a global pandemic. The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has also been updating Nigerians about the pathogenic nature of the virus. Objectives This study assessed senior secondary school biology teachers’ and students’ concept knowledge of COVID-19 in Oyo State, and to show the type of relationship that existed between their concept knowledge. Methods A descriptive survey research design was adopted with two research questions and one research hypothesis. The sample size of the study included 620 Biology students (31 students per school) and 20 Biology teachers (1 teacher per school) from 20 senior secondary schools across 5 Local Government Areas in Oyo State. Two research instruments were used to collect data from respondents, these were Biology Teachers’ COVID-19 Concept Knowledge Test (r = 0.71), Biology Students’ COVID-19 Concept Knowledge Test (r = 0.79). The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as per centage (%), mean, and standard deviation; and inferential statistics such as Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. Results It was revealed that senior secondary school biology teachers and students in Oyo State had high (63.15% and 61.17% respectively) levels of concept knowledge of COVID-19, however a moderate negative relationship that is not significant (r = -0.47; p>0.05) existed between them. Significance Biology teachers’ and students’ good concept knowledge of COVID-19 was an assurance that they were equipped with requisite concept knowledge of the disease, if there should be a resurgence. However, the not significant relationship between their concept knowledge of the disease, indicated a gap that needed to be filled.
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    (2023-04) Olagunju, M. A.; Okari, D.
    COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS – CoV-2) which affected all sectors of human endeavours (including the education sector) globally and resulted in the loss of lives. Owing to this, the World Health Organization (WHO) on the 11th of March 2020, declared the disease a global pandemic. In the same vein, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) disseminated requisite information on appropriate practices relating to the disease to its populace. This study is therefore designed to assess senior secondary school Biology teachers’ and students’ practices related to COVID-19 in Oyo State, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research survey design with two research questions, and one research hypothesis. The sample size of the study included 620 Biology students (31 students per school) and 20 Biology teachers (1 teacher per school) from 20 senior secondary schools across 5 five Local Government Areas in Oyo State. Two research instruments were used to collect data from respondents, these were Teachers’ Practices related to COVID-19 Test (r = 0.9), and Students’ Practices related to COVID-19 Test (r = 0.85). The data were analysed using descriptive statistics such as per centage (%), mean, and standard deviation; and inferential statistics such as Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient. This study revealed that there were high levels of Biology teachers’ and students’ proactive practices (74.11% and 62.68% respectively) related to COVID-19 that had a strong positive relationship which is significant (r = 0.69; p<0.05) between them. Conclusively, the study revealed that teachers’ and students’ participants had good practices related to COVID-19. It is an assurance that the participants were proactively prepared in relation to the disease if there should be a resurgence. To improve on the current state of Biology teachers’ and students’ preparedness it was therefore recommended that the government should innovate the current senior secondary school Biology curriculum by including contents that will appreciably help teacher and students have necessary knowledge on protective practices regarding the viruses; train teachers on COVID-19; and include Information and Communication Technology in all public schools’ academic activities.
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    Perceived senior secondary students' level of computer anxiety and competences in Oyo education zone of Oyo state, Nigeria
    (2020-05) Tiamiyu, Y. B.; Adamolekun, W.; Oni, M. T.; Otunla, A. O.
    The Nigerian government policy statement on design and development of innovative materials for effective teaching in Nigerian schools is yet to be fully realized because it depends on students' competency in computer and associated technologies. Therefore, this study investigated perceived senior secondary students' level of computer anxiety and competences in Oyo Education Zone of Oyo State, South-West, Nigeria. This baseline study adopted ex-post facto of survey type and purposively selected public secondary schools that are equipped with computer facilities. It involved one hundred and sixty (160) senior secondary schools, one student from four schools including one private school in Iseyin and Itesiwaju Local Government Areas of Oyo Education zone in Oyo State, South-West, Nigeria. Four research questions guided the study with the use of two instruments namely i.e. Students' Computer Anxiety Questionnaire (SCAQ) r=0.86 and Students' Computer Competence Questionnaire (SCCQ) r=0.87. Findings from the study indicated that majority of the participants perceived themselves of having positive disposition to computers, thereby having no computer anxiety. Also, majority perceived that they are skillful in general Window skills, Word processing and presentation software respectively. Therefore, the study recommends exposure of students to practical computer activities during computer studies lessons and effective use of computer facilities where there are provisions. It also recommends adequate provision through the involvement of the parent-teacher association and non-governmental organisations as well as public spirited individuals, where such facilities are lacking.
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    Tertiary institution students' perceived preparedness to adopt mobile-learning technology (MLT) innovation in south western, Nigeria
    (2020-05) Otunla, A. O.; Tijani, R. A.; Adamolekun, W.
    Modern telecommunication technology devices, tools and applications have become mobile-learning (m-learning) platforms for learning and innovative teaching strategies. Such technologies are adaptable to tertiary education for both open and distance learning (ODL) as well as blended learning in the conventional school environment. However, it has been observed that most tertiary institutions are still engrossed in face-to-face teaching and learning approaches in a situation where most of the students are perceived to be digital natives with perceived high potentials for technology adoption. Therefore, this study investigated tertiary institution students' perceived preparedness to adopt mobile-learning technology (MLT) innovation in South-Western, Nigeria. The study adopted ex-post facto research design of descriptive survey type; it involves a total sample of450 tertiary institution students from three public institutions in Oyo State. Data was collected using a duly validated researcher-designed instrument titled 'Tertiary Institution Students Mobile-Learning Questionnaire' (TISMLQ) r=0.84; it measures students' self-efficacy on use of mobile technology and level of preparedness towards mobile-learning technology (MLT) adoption. Data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed perceived high self-efficacy on use of mobile technology and very high rate of mobile phone-ownership especially, the use of smart phones. The study concludes that tertiary institution students in Nigeria SouthWestern states are highly prepared to adopt mobile-learning technology. Hence, we recommend that tertiary institution lecturers should explore curriculum integration of mobile-learning, while students should channel mobile phone use towards academic activities. Lastly, workable institutional Information Technology (IT) policy should be implemented by tertiary institutional leaders in South-Western Nigeria
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    Environmental factor as predictors of citizens’ participation in development activities in Ogbomoso town, Oyo state, Nigeria
    (MedCrave, 2023-07) Oni, M. T.
    The involvement of citizens in developmental endeavors is crucial to achieving rapid and enduring progress. However, the social context often displays varying attitudes that impact community participation. Despite numerous studies on citizen engagement, there is a shortage of research on how different environmental factors influence involvement in community development. This study, investigated the environmental factors that could predict citizens’ participation in developmental activities in Ogbomoso, Oyo State. The descriptive survey research design was adopted. The simple random sampling was used to select 100 respondents from the community of Ogbomoso North Local Government. The data was analysed using the descriptive statistics of percentage, frequency count and inferential statistics of multiple regression. Environmental factors (leadership impact and involvement in community groups) jointly influenced citizens’ participation in development activities (R = 0.46, p<0.05). These factors accounted for 0.20% of the total variance in citizens’ participation in development activities. The relative contribution of the variables is as follows; Leadership impact (β= 0.36; t = 3.59; p < 0.05) and Involvement in community groups ((β= 0.17; t = -1.68; p >0.05). The result showed that citizens participate in development activities irrespective of their involvement in community groups and leadership greatly influences citizens’ participation in developmental activities. Since leadership determines peoples’ participation in community development projects, it is recommended that community leaders should be exemplary in discharging their duties and also visualise projects that are need-based