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    Suburbia in Nigeria: a new approach to understanding rural community transformation and development
    (Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2024) Omokhabi, A. A.; Fajimi, B. A.
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    Physical activity and exercise as precursors of wellbeing of menopausal women in the community
    (2024-01) Moronkola, O. A.; Moronkola, O. A.; Omokhabi, A. A.
    Ageing or menopausal women do come up with variety of physical, psychological and social health related challenges in various community settings including educational institutions. This paper examined the impact of physical activity and exercise as a tool for the wellbeing of ageing and menopausal women in the community which they can use to manage or cope with their health related conditions at midlife period. Physical activity or exercise have been viewed by many experts as a coping menopausal coping strategy against various symptoms, women experience during the period that affect their quality of life
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    ICT and ODL delivery: the experience of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria
    (Stirling-Horden Publishers, 2018) Omokhabi, A. A.; Babalola, N. A.
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    Social work, social welfare and adult education in Ibadan
    (2019) Folaranmi, O. O.; Omokhabi, A. A.; Oladeji, O.
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    Access to literacy skills training as a pathway to better jobs for poor urban youths
    (Department of Adult Education University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2019) Edeh, J. O.; Omokhabi, A. A.
    Literacy skill are all the skills needed for reading and writing. Literacy is not merely the ability to read and write, but is a major vehicle for holistic social change and community development. Youths are very important stakeholders in any society. They are not only the future hope of Nigeria, but also major stakeholders and very useful resources in nation building. There is a great need for youths, especially the urban youths to engage in a form of education that seeks to equip them with capacities, skills, knowledge and understanding in specific skills to enable them become productive citizens of their nations and also to enable the them live productive and meaningful lives. This study therefore aims at examining access to literacy skills training as a pathway to better jobs for poor urban youths. Literacy skill training emerged as a proactive response to the practical needs of and challenges facing poor households. It promotes literacy among learners through developmental activities that address their basic and practical needs, thus helping them to break out of the cycle of poverty. The study concludes and recommends that access to literacy skill and training will make urban youths to be self-reliant, therefore government and private sectors should seek the promotion of skills acquisition.
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    Lifelong learning targets of education 2030 agenda and policy-implementation modalities in Nigeria
    (2018) Ojokheta, K.O.; Omokhabi, A. A.
    Education 2030 Agenda, popularly tagged the "Incheon Declaration ", is the new vision of education agreed upon by over I, 600 participants from 160 countries at World Education Forum held in Republic of Korea from 19-22 May, 2015 with the theme “Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all". This paper critically examined the lifelong learning opportunities for all targets of the Agenda and discussed policy directions and implementation modalities for achieving the cardinal focus areas of the targets. The paper began with the examination of the components of access, equity and inclusion, quality and learning outcomes, and lifelong learning for all opportunities. It also examined the lifelong learning opportunities targets of the Agenda and identified the pillars upon which the targets are anchored. The recommendations on policy direction and implementation modalities for each of the pillars were suggested. The paper was concluded with the submission that adult education, adult learning and training opportunities, literacy, education for sustainable development, global citizenship education framework must be given utmost priority in order to achieve the targets of the lifelong learning opportunities for all in Nigeria
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    Organisation and management of literacy programmes
    (2018) Egunyomi, A. A.; Omokhabi, A. A.
    Organisation and management of literacy programmes are very germane to the success of literacy delivery. It is against this background that this paper examined strategies that Nigeria needs to put in place for the revitalization of literacy programmes. The paper concluded that for education to enrich an individuals’ knowledge and develop his/her potentials to prepare for future challenges in an ever-changing world, education, particularly literacy, ought to be effectively and efficiently organised and managed
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    Factors influencing reproductive health behaviour of female non-academic staff in the Nigerian Universities
    (2016) Omokhabi, A. A.
    It has become imperative that there is the need to tackle reproductive health problems in Nigeria because many women die due to pregnancy related complications. However previous studies on women's reproductive health behaviour had focused majorly on adolescents, rural and non-literate women without due consideration for females in the forma! wage system. Thus leading to a dearth of literature on reproductive health behaviour of the working class women particularly those in Universities. This study examined the influence of some factors on reproductive health behaviour among female non- academic staff in the Nigerian universities. The study adopted descriptive research design of an ex-postfacto type I he simple random sampIing technique was used to select 217 female non-academic staff from purposively selected five Nigeria universities.. The instruments used were Reproductive Health Behaviour Scale (r=f).8l).Age at marriage and Reproductive Health Behaviour Scale (r-0.79). Socio-economic status and Reproductive Health Behaviour Scaleir- 0 79.). Educational attainment and Reproductive Health Behaviour Scale(r=0.75). These were complemented with three sessions of Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and two sessions of In-depth interview (11)1) with female non-academic staff from each of the five Nigerian universities. Three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data were subjected to Pearson's Product Moment correlation and content analysis. The findings indicated that there was significant relationship between reproductive health behaviour and age at marriage of female non-academic staff in the Nigerian Universities, (r - .568' \ p<.05). There was significant relationship between reproductive health behaviour and socio-economic status of female non-academic staff in the Nigerian Universities (r = - 449'. p<.05). There was significant relationship between reproductive health behaviour and educational attainment of female non-academic staff in the Nigerian Universities/r = .511'. p< 05).Age at marriage, socio-economic status and educational attainment strongly influenced reproductive health behaviour of female non-academic staff in the Nigerian Universities. However, to ensure improved reproductive health behaviour of female non-academic staff, there is the need to strengthen the use of mass media complimented with women's networking groups and religious institutions aimed at promoting better reproductive health behaviour
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    Developing alternative methodological framework for facilitating adult learning: the outcome of an experiment
    (2016) Ojokheta, K.O.; Oladeji, S.B.; Omokhabi, A. A.
    This paper presents the outcome of an experiment on an alternative method of facilitating adult learning called DISSAAP. It is an acronym where D stands for Discussion of learning content, I for identification of Deductions, S for Summation of recurring major deductions, S for synthesis of deductions in order of importance, A for Agreement of synthesis, A for Adoption of the synthesis, and P for Presentation. This approach was experimented with a group of adult learners participating in a University Distance Learning Programme with the concept of motivation as the course content Learners were allowed to discuss individually what could motivate them to achieve effective learning. From the discussion, deductions made by them were identified. The major recurring deductions were recognised and summed up for synthesis which were, thereafter, arranged in their order of importance. In collaboration with the facilitators, agreement of the synthesis was reached with the learners for adoption of what motivate adult learners. The adoption led to the presentation of the new knowledge on motivation of adult learners for general acceptability by the learners. Findings of the experiments show that learners' intuitive capacity, power, and empowerment to arrive at knowledge themselves were greatly enhanced which led to active participation of the learners in the teaching and learning process. The experiment proved that "DISSAAP" is an effective methodological approach for facilitating adult learning and is, therefore, recommended for adult educators and facilitators