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Item Accessibility and use of records in educational policy-making in selected ministries of education in South-west, Nigeria(Information Technology Application Group (ITAG) International, 2017-09) Abioye, A.; Onwuka, M.Purpose: This study investigated accessibility and use of records for educational policy making by senior civil servants in selected state ministries of education in South-West, Nigeria. Design/Methodology/Approach: The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of 1,205 senior civil servants in Ministries of Education in South-west, Nigeria out of which a sample size of 241 respondents was derived. A questionnaire was used for data collection. The data collected through the questionnaire were complemented with interview conducted with a Director, Deputy Director and a senior officer in Lagos State, Ogun State and Osun State by the researchers. The data collected with the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and regression analysis while content analysis of the recorded interviews was made. Findings: The study revealed that accessibility and use of records significantly predicted educational policy making (R2=.055, F (2,240) = 6.898, p<-05) with 5.5% explanation of the variability of the dependent variable. It also revealed that records needed for educational policy making include academic records of students, annual reports from schools, inspection reports and yearly approved estimates. It identified politics, power supply and bureaucratic system as the major constraints to timely accessibility and use of records. Implication: The study has implication for the management of records in the public sector. Suggested solutions to the challenges in the accessibility and use of records include putting in place mechanisms to remove or reduce the constraints to timely accessibility and use of records for educational policy making, setting standard for formulating, implementing and sustaining educational policies made and considering continuity in the established policies. Originality/Value: the originality of this study lies in the finding that accessibility and use of records significantly predicted educational policy making.Item Application of copyright law in libraries and archives in Nigeria(2016-01) Abioye, A.All over the world, the products of man's intellect are recognized and protected by the intellectual property law. The essence of the recognition and protection is to ensure that man's creativity and ingenuity are not unduly harnessed and exploited. A broad division of intellectual property law is the copyright law which protects, among others, literary) and artistic works. Like any other civilized country, Nigeria has a copyright law. Libraries and archives, being the main custodians of and the most prominent intermediaries between users and copyrighted works, it is essential that they should be abreast of copyright law in Nigeria. Unfortunately, not much exposition has been made on the application of copyright law in libraries and archives in Nigeria. This paper, therefore, takes a look at Nigeria's Copyright Act and interprets its provisions for libraries and archives in Nigeria. Making reference to the practice in other countries, particularly the developed world, as well as relevant statutory’ provisions, the paper defines the obligations of libraries and archives in the enforcement of copyright law. The paper concludes by emphasizing the need for information professionals to be abreast of legislations relating to information provision and to balance the interest of information resources users with that of copyright owners in order to protect intellectual property rights.Item Application of information technology (IT) in the management of court records in the supreme court of Nigeria(2005) Abioye, A.Information technology (IT) being crucial to the management of records in all sectors, the study investigated the level of awareness and application of IT to court records management in the Supreme Court of Nigeria. It examined the facilities available, use, constraints and prospects. The research instruments adopted for data collection were interview and observation. The results showed that there is high level of awareness of the importance of IT. The technology is used mainly for record creation and distribution. Constraints include poor funding and lack of well-trained staff in the use of IT for records management. The study concluded and made necessary recommendations for the improved use of IT for court record management in the Supreme Court of Nigeria.Item Back to the drawing board: the role of information service manager redefined(Nigerian Library Association, 2004) Abioye, A.This paper examines and redefines the role of information service manager in the light of the new information communication technologies (ICT). It takes a look at the growth of information service and the place of information service manager in the information environment of the 21st century. It discusses the emergence of knowledge management and the consequent challenges of knowledge transfer. It concludes by advising the information service manager to chart a new course suitable to meeting the information needs of the 21st century.Item Basic archival principles and book preservation in Nigerian libraries(Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2015) Abioye, A.In view of the vital importance of archives administration and preservation to access information resources, the paper takes a look at the archival principles of arrangement and description as well as book preservation in Nigerian libraries. It analyses the various levels of arrangement through which the physical control of archival materials is established. The value of archival description as a means of facilitating the intellectual control of and access to archival materials is also identified. It highlights the variation in access procedure in archives and libraries and concludes that the variation notwithstanding, access to information resources goes to the very root of archives and libraries in Nigeria. The strategic importance of preservation in facilitating access to information resources is also explored. Factors that account for book deterioration, particularly in the tropics are identified. Finally, suggestions are made for tackling the challenges of deterioration of information resources in Nigeria.Item Collection development and preservation of indigenous knowledge in selected federal university Libraries in South West, Nigeria(Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017-09-28) Abioye, A.; Oluwaniyi, S. A.In view of the importance of indigenous knowledge in development process, this paper investigated the efforts of selected federal university libraries in South West, Nigeria in indigenous knowledge collection development and preservation. The study adopted a descriptive survey design that involved the use structured questionnaire, unstructured interviews and observation as instruments for data collection. Seventy six (76) professional librarians constituted the target population of the study; therefore seventy six (76) copies of questionnaire were administered to the professional librarians in the selected university libraries. The data collected using the questionnaire complemented by interview and observation were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings from the study revealed the tremendous efforts of selected university libraries in IK collection development and preservation in the libraries as the study revealed the existence of IK materials. It also established that dearth of fund and linguistic problem were the challenges facing the collection development and preservation of IK in the selected university libraries. It therefore recommended that the university libraries should liaised with the international bodies for financial support for the sustainability of IK resources collection development and preservation in the libraries.Item Confidentiality and protection of official records in the freedom of information era: Nigeria’s situation(2010-04) Abioye, A.Records of great value are generated daily in the public sector in the course of carrying out the affairs of the state. These records document the activities of the government and much of the information they contain is crucial for decision making. The information may, however, also be of strategic value or sensitive nature such that unrestricted access to them may be inimical to national or personal interests. This paper examines the specific provisions in existing laws and public service rules in Nigeria which restrict access to public records and information in Nigeria. It reviews the provisions in terms of the need to protect the privacy of individuals and safeguard national security and interests. It also examines potential areas of conflict between these restrictive provisions and some of the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill which the country is seeking to pass into law. The paper highlights the importance of striking a right balance between the need to promote access to public records in the interest of open and responsible government through FOI legislation and the equally important need to restrict access to such records and information in order to protect national strategic security and interests.Item Court records management and efficient administration of justice in Nigeria(2014-04) Abioye, A.This study investigated the records management practices in Nigerian courts as they affect the administration of justice in Nigeria. Focusing particularly on the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Nigeria, the population of the study comprised 634 records personnel out of which 160 were purposively sampled. The descriptive survey research method was adopted with questionnaire, interview and observation as the instruments for data collection. The study established that courts in Nigeria generated huge volumes of records predominantly in paper format but the management of the records did not follow the critical elements of records life cycle model. This had some adverse implication for efficient administration of justice in the country. Based on the findings, the paper made a case for the formulation of a comprehensive records management policy for court records and the implementation of an integrated records management programme in Nigerian courts to facilitate efficient administration of justice in Nigeria.Item Documenting and disseminating agricultural indigenous knowledge for sustainable food security: the efforts of agricultural research libraries in Nigeria(De Gruyter Saur, Berlin, 2014) Abioye, A.; Zaid, Y.; Egberongbe, H.Developing the agricultural sector remains a critical factor towards the achievement of sustainable food production and, indeed, global food security. While indigenous agricultural knowledge is of immense value in improving food production, its documentation and dissemination remain a big challenge confronting librarians and other information professionals, particularly in Africa where traditional practices are prevalent. This study, therefore, investigated the efforts of agricultural research libraries in Nigeria in documenting and disseminating agricultural indigenous knowledge towards achieving sustainable food security in the country. It also determined the agricultural indigenous practices that have been documented as well as the obstacles to the documentation of agricultural indigenous knowledge. Librarians in selected agricultural research libraries in Nigeria constituted the target population of the study, and a questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations have been made aimed at improving the documentation and dissemination of agricultural indigenous knowledge in order to enhance food security in Nigeria.Item Education and training in preservation and conservation of cultural heritage materials: whither Nigeria?(2013) Abioye, A.Libraries, archives and museums, particularly those in the tropics, arc faced with the challenge of material deterioration. This constitutes a big threat to access to the invaluable heritage materials maintained by these institutions. One way of tackling the problem is to have qualified and highly skilled human resources in preservation and conservation. Knowledge and skills in preservation and conservation can be acquired only through education, training and re-training. This paper, therefore, examines the place of education and training in preservation and conservation in the survival of cultural heritage materials. It makes a survey of educational institutions around the world offering courses in heritage materials conservation. It zeros in on Nigeria, examines the training facilities available in the country and concludes that much still needs to be desired. Finally, it makes a case for the establishment in Nigeria of a centre of excellence Tor the preservation and conservation of heritage materials.Item Enhancing library and information science education through cross-border collaboration: the experience of University of Ibadan, Nigeria and University of Ghana(De Gruyter Saur, Berlin, 2014) Abioye, A.Collaboration has been widely acknowledged as a potent tool for meeting the challenges of library and information science (LIS) education. Collaboration is forged not only among LIS institutions within national boundaries but also across borders. While collaboration is known to have been well developed in the developed countries of Europe and North America and is, indeed, advancing the cause of LIS education, not much seems to have been done in developing countries, particularly those in the West African region. Nigeria and Ghana are two West African countries with strong historical ties. They share, among others, a common colonial experience which culminated in the establishment of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and the University of Ghana in the same year (1948) as affiliate colleges of University of London. The University of Ibadan’s Department of Library, Archival and Information Studies and the University of Ghana’s Department of Information Studies are notable centres of LIS education in West Africa. While the Ibadan LIS department started as the Institute of Librarianship in 1959 and admitted its first batch of six students in 1960, the Ghana LIS department evolved from the Ghana Library School established in 1961 under the auspices of Ghana Library Board. The two LIS departments have since been in the forefront in the development and sustenance of LIS education in West Africa. In view of their unique position and the long-standing relationship, what is the level of collaboration between them? This is what this study investigated. A survey research design was adopted with questionnaire and semi-structured interview with faculty in the two LIS institutions as instruments for data collection. Based on the findings and in the light of experiences in other parts of the world, recommendations are made towards improving collaboration in US education in the region.Item Evaluation of deterioration of library materials at Olabisi Onabanjo university library, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria(2005-10) Bankole, O. M.; Abioye, A.The nature and extent of deterioration of four categories of library materials (newsprints, textbooks, dissertations and journals) at Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria was investigated. The pH, fold endurance and the extent of mutilation were determined, while the microorganisms associated with decomposing library materials were isolated and identified. The library materials with acidic papers constituted 69.0% for textbooks, 52.2% for journals, 73.2% for dissertations and 85.3% for newspapers. About 93% of textbooks, 98% of journals and 89% of dissertations did not break up to six folds. The percentage of mutilated books was 11.9% for textbooks, 5.7% for journals and 10.4% for dissertations. The microorganisms associated with deteriorating library materials were Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp. Staphylococcus sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Flavobacterhcm sp. for bacteria, while the moulds included Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium sp., Cladosporium sp., Neurospora sp, Penicillium sp and Rhizopus sp. The ability of these microorganisms to degrade (utilise) native cellulose (filter papers) was investigated so as to be able to know whether these organisms could actually deteriorate papers. All the moulds except Neurospora sp. effectively utilised filter papers than the two bacterial species Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. that also degraded filter papers. A. niger and A. flavus most utilised the filter papers for growth among the moulds. Apart from the deteriorative effect, the health implications of the presence of microorganisms particularly the moulds on library materials to library users are discussed.Item Evaluation of deterioration of library materials at Olabisi Onabanjo university library, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria(2005-10) Bankole, O. M.; Abioye, A.The nature and extent of deterioration of four categories of library materials (newsprints, textbooks, dissertations and journals) at Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State, Nigeria was investigated. The pH, fold endurance and the extent of mutilation were determined, while the microorganisms associated with decomposing library materials were isolated and identified. The library materials with acidic papers constituted 69.0% for textbooks, 52.2% for journals, 73.2% for dissertations and 85.3% for newspapers. About 93% of textbooks, 98% of journals and 89% of dissertations did not break up to six folds. The percentage of mutilated books was 11.9% for textbooks, 5.7% for journals and 10.4% for dissertations. The microorganisms associated with deteriorating library materials were Bacillus sp., Streptococcus sp. Staphylococcus sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Flavobacterhcm sp. for bacteria, while the moulds included Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium sp., Cladosporium sp., Neurospora sp, Penicillium sp and Rhizopus sp. The ability of these microorganisms to degrade (utilise) native cellulose (filter papers) was investigated so as to be able to know whether these organisms could actually deteriorate papers. All the moulds except Neurospora sp. effectively utilised filter papers than the two bacterial species Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. that also degraded filter papers. A. niger and A. flavus most utilised the filter papers for growth among the moulds. Apart from the deteriorative effect, the health implications of the presence of microorganisms particularly the moulds on library materials to library users are discussed.Item An exposition of the legal issues relating to health records management in Nigeria(Govan Mbeki Research and Development Centre, University of Fort Hare, 2012-10) Abioye, A.Efficient health records management is crucial to health care delivery. Pertinent legal issues are involved in health records management which health records managers must be conversant with to avoid legal liability. This paper discusses legal issues such as access to health records, patient’s confidentiality and retention of health records. It examines the general principles of law governing health records management and also makes reference to the provisions of the relevant laws in Nigeria and elsewhere. It concludes that the law relating to some of these aspects is still evolving in Nigeria as specific legislation on them are absent compared to what obtains in some developed countries. Finally, it calls on stakeholders in the field of health records management to forge a common front to help develop the law in the field as a basis for providing guidelines for health care institutions in the management of health records in Nigeria.Item Fifty years of archives administration in Nigeria: lessons for the future(Emerald Publishing, 2007) Abioye, A.Purpose - In commemoration of the 50 years of archives administration in Nigeria, the purpose of this paper is to look at the establishment of the National Archives of Nigeria, its expansion and development over the years and its role in coordinating records management in Nigeria. Design/methodology/approach - The paper is based on published literature and documentary evidence from records. Findings - The paper discusses the gains of the past, particularly the high hopes of the 1970s and the expansion and consolidation of the 1980s which rolled into the early 1990s. Notes the decadence of the 1990s and highlights the problems that bedevilled the institutions and archives and records management in the country among which are poor funding, lack of appreciation of the importance of archives, obsolete equipment and high staff turn over.Item Freedom of information law enforcement in Nigeria: emerging issues from court cases(Nigerian Library Association, Kwara State Chapter, llorin, 2017) Abioye, A.The promotion of access to information has become an entrenched feature of most democratic societies. This is against the backdrop of the appreciation of the value of information as a veritable tool for fostering transparency and accountability in governance. Freedom of information legislation has been enacted across the world to guarantee and promote the right of access to information and it has become the hallmark of a democratic society. In Nigeria, the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act was enacted in May 2011 after a long and tortuous sojourn in the Nigeria’s federal legislative houses of a bill erroneously perceived as the Media Bill probably because the struggle for its passage was championed by Media Rights Agenda and. some other civil rights societies in the country. The euphoria that greeted the enactment of the law having subsided, attention shifted naturally to the implementation and enforcement of the provisions of the law. Since its enactment, cases have arisen in Nigerian courts bordering on the exercise of the right of access guaranteed by the law in situations where applications for record or information have been refused. This study navigated through court decisions in some of the cases instituted to challenge denial of access to information under the FOI Act with a view to underpinning the issues raised and canvassed on the relevant provisions of the law. An analysis of the decisions was undertaken and the pronouncement of presiding judges on the issues canvassed highlighted. Based on the issues arising and the position of the court on them, recommendations were made that could impact positively on the implementation of the FOI Act in Nigeria.Item Global best practices in film archives management and services: lesson for Nigeria(Department of Educational Management, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2014-01) Abioye, A.Vital information resources required for education, enlightenment and decision-making are contained in films. In view of its composition and chemical make-up, film as an information container requires special care and attention if the information residing in it is to endure for a long time to serve its purpose. There exist international best practices in the management of film which have been developed over the years. This paper makes an exploration of the global standards in film preservation, paying particular attention to the efforts of film archives and organizations around the world in setting standards for film management. These standards are considered in key areas of film management like film handling, storage, cataloguing and access. Finally, the paper enjoins developing countries like Nigeria to avail themselves of these global standards in film management in order to ensure the survival of information resources in film format.Item Gone so far, yet on the threshold: Nigerian library association at fifty(University Press Plc, Ibadan, 2012-07) Abioye, A.; Zaid, Y.; Olatise, O.In commemoration of the fifty years of the existence of Nigerian Library Association (NLA), this paper goes down the memory lane and takes a critical look at the founding and activities of the NLA as a professional association in the lastfifty years. Relying on published literature and documentary evidence, it, examines the efforts of her founding fathers and successive leadership inputting the Association on a firm footing as a reputable professional association in Nigeria. It notes, in particular, the role of the Association, not only in promoting the welfare and professional development of her members, but also in uplifting the library and information profession and engendering access to information which is a critical resource for national development. It also examines the efforts of the Association in reaching out to other professional bodies in the task of national development in Nigeria as well as fostering co-operation and collaboration with sister associations outside the country for the development of library and information science (LIS) profession at the international level. The paper assesses the performance of the Association over the years based on local minimum standard for professional associations and scores her moderately high. However, applying the benchmark of international best practices, the paper notes some shortcomings in the Association’s performance and concludes that she is still on the threshold. Suggestions on how to move the NLA forward and make her the arrow-head of rapid development in LIS profession in Nigeria are provided.Item Human, conceptual and technical skills as determinants of preservation management in university libraries in Southern Nigeria(Emerald Publishing, 2018) Rasaki, E. O.; Abioye, A.Purpose – Preservation is an essential component of library management that requires special skills and competencies. This critical area seems to have been neglected by management of university libraries in Nigeria. This paper aims to examine threats to library information resources and contributions of skills of library personnel to preservation management in university libraries. Design/methodology/approach – Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. This facilitated the collection of data from large population of respondents. Questionnaire and focus group discussion were used as data collection instruments. Findings – Preservation management is one of the core areas of library practice that requires special skills. The study revealed that university libraries in Nigeria are confronted with threats to their information resources. The study found that human, conceptual and technical skills of library personnel significantly determine preservation management in university libraries in Southern Nigeria. Practical implications – The paper will allow the management of university libraries to appreciate the importance of personnel skills as the key factor for effective preservation management in libraries and accord it the necessary priority. Originality/value – While literature is replete with different aspects of preservation management in university libraries in Africa, little has been written on personnel skills and preservation management in libraries. The paper presents one of the few empirical studies that focus on the relationship between personnel skills and preservation management in university libraries in Nigeria and Africa.Item Influence of access to HIV/AIDS information on the knowledge of federal university undergraduates in Nigeria(De Gruyter Saur, Berlin, 2018) Bankole, O. M.; Abioye, A.Information and knowledge are the foremost tools in fighting the scourge of HIV/AIDS. Previous studies have focused more on HIV/AIDS and Nigerian undergraduates’ attitudes, beliefs and protective practices than how information factors influence their knowledge of the pandemic. This study, therefore, investigated the influence of access to HIV/AIDS information on its knowledge among undergraduates of federal universities in Nigeria. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design, with a combination of the purposive, proportionate and stratified random sampling technique used to select 1,679 undergraduates from five universities across five geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Questionnaire was the instrument used for collecting data, which were analyzed using Pearson’s product moment correlation and multiple regression. The most accessible sources of HIV/AIDS information among undergraduates were television (94.5 %), radio (93.0 %) and the Internet/ICT centers (90.5 %). The types of HIV/AIDS information frequently assessed were information on how to refuse sex (Mean = 3.15), how to be faithful to one partner (Mean = 3.12), sharing of sharp objects (Mean = 3.12), blood transfusion (Mean = 3.11), unprotected sexual intercourse (Mean = 3.10) and how to use condoms correctly (Mean = 3.09). Access to HIV/AIDS information (r = 0.15) resulted in positive significant relationships with HIV/AIDS knowledge, thus access to HIV/AIDS information has a positive influence on the promotion of knowledge of HIV/AIDS among undergraduates. The level of study was also a predictor of HIV/AIDS knowledge, which was not the case for factors of age, discipline, gender, marital status, tribe and religion. The AIDS service organizations and program developers should come up with strategies that would strengthen and improve the content, accuracy and ease of understanding of HIV/AIDS information that students have access to in order to facilitate its use.