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Item Academic self-efficacy, learning styles and motivational factors as correlates of academic achievement of high ability secondary school students in Owerri, Imo State(2022-03) Adelodun, G. A.; Ibeabuchi, G. I.The academic achievement of students is an important indicator of the academic success in school. Some high-ability students exhibit a discrepancy between their potential and achievement thereby demonstrating negative abilities and low achievement in their academic pursuit. It has however been noted that some cognitive and psychological factors such as academic self-efficacy, learning styles and motivational factor contribute to superlative performance of high- ability students. This study, therefore, investigated the relationship among academic self-efficacy, learning style, motivational factor and academic achievement of high-ability students in senior secondary schools Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design of correlational type. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 240 respondents with high-ability from the sampled schools in Owerri, Imo State. Inferential Statistics of Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) and Pearson Product Moment Correlation, (PPMC) were used for data analysis. The instruments used in the study are Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT), English Language and Mathematics Achievement Test (ELMA), Student’s Academic Record (STAR), Motivational factor Scale (MAS), Academic Self-efficacy Scale (ASS) and Leaming Style Scale (LSS). The result showed that there is a significant relationship among academic achievement of high-ability students and academic self-efficacy (r=.554, p(.000)<.05), motivational factor (r=.720, p(.000)<05), and learning styles (r=.717, p(.000)<.05) respectively and are related to academic achievement among high-ability students in Owerri: Hence, there is a positive significant relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. This implies that academic self-efficacy, motivational factor, and learning styles improve academic achievement. Therefore, it was recommended that teachers of high-ability students should expose their students to the relevance of academic self-efficacy, learning styles and motivational factor to the academic achievement of high-ability students.Item Effects of cognitive learning styles on the academic achievement of secondary school adolescents: implications for counselling(2009) Ogundokun M.O."The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive learning styles on the academic achievement of adolescent in secondary schools in Ibadan. Descriptive survey research design was employed. A total of 500 (male 267; female 233) adolescent students randomly selected from ten secondary schools were involved in the study. Their age ranged between 12 and 15 with mean age of 13.5 years. The academic records of the students were obtained from their principals. Student t-test statistic and Pearson's product moment correlation was used to analyse the data collected. Results indicated that there was a significant influence of gender on the academic achievement of male and female students; also a significant relationship was found between the cognitive learning styles and academic achievement of the students. The implications of the findings from this study are that educational and counselling psychologists could use cognitive learning styles as variables to predict the academic achievement of the students. Teachers should also provide active learning opportunities rather than chalk and talk, provide immediate feedback and emphasize mastery over performance goals. "Item Emotional intelligence and academic achievement: the moderating influence of age , intrinsic and extrinsic motivation(African educational research network, 2010-12) Ogundokun M.O.||Adeyemo D.A.The study examined the moderating influence of emotional intelligence, age and academic motivation on academic achievement of secondary school students. The study adopted a survey research design. The participants in the study were 1563 (male=826, female=737) secondary school students from Oyo state, Nigeria. Their age ranged between 12 years and 17 years with mean age 0f 15.96 years. Two valid and reliable instruments were used to assess emotional intelligence and academic motivation while achievement test on English Language and Mathematics were used as a measure of academic achievement. Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s product moment correlation and hierarchical regression were used to analyse the data. The result revealed that the Emotional Intelligence, Age and Academic Motivation were potent predictors mildly associated to academic achievement. The study has implications for the curriculum developers to integrate emotional intelligence into the school curriculum of secondary school. That teachers, counseling and educational psychologists should encourage the development of a strong achievement motivation in the students through the provision of appropriate counseling intervention programmes and enabling environment. By so doing, the academic performance of the students could be improved barring all other teaching-learning obstacles.Item Influence of institutional policy factors on learners' academic achievement in two distance learning institutions in Nigeria(2019) Muibi, T. G.This study examined the influence of institutional policy factors (learners' support services, course material development, information communication technology', staff capacity development, quality assurance and feed back method) on learners' academic achievement in two distance learning institutions in the Southwestern Nigeria. The study was anchored on Kember's system model, while the descriptive survey design was adopted. The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and Distance Learning Centre (DLC), University of Ibadan that are foremost distance learning institutions are purposively selected. The proportional to size sampling technique was adopted in selecting 10.0% of learners across 200 to 500 cohorts in the two institutions: NOUN -1,120 and DLC - 636. Learner Support Services (r-0.86). Course Material Development (r=0.84), Information Communication Technology(r=0.83), Staff Capacity Development( r=0.80), Quality Assurance(r=0.78), Feedback Method(r=0.75) questionnaires and students' cumulative grade performance were used for data collection. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 level of significance. Learners' support services (r=0.67), course materials (r=0.63), information communication technology (r=0.65). staff capacity development (r=0.39). quality assurance (r=0.31) and feedback method (r=0.35) had positive significant correlations with learners' academic achievement. Learners' support services, course material development, information communication technology, staff capacity development, quality assurance and feedback method policies contributed to learners' academic achievement in distance learning institutions in the Southwestern Nigeria. The management and staff of distance teaming institutions should ensure effective implementation of these policies in order to assist and improve learners' academic achievement.Item Institutional policy factors and learners' academic achievement in two open distance learning institutions in Nigeria(Department of Adult Education, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 2021-06) Muibi, T. G.The paper examined the influence of institutional policy factors on learners' academic achievement in National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and Distance Learning Centre (DLC), University of Ibadan. The institutional policy factors used for the study were learner supports services, course material development, information communication technology, staff capacity development, quality assurance and feedback method while learners' academic achievement was measured based on cumulative grade performance average records. The population comprised distance learners of 200 to 500 cohorts in the institution with sample size: NOUN -1,120 and DLC – 636. The instrument used for data collection was an Adapted Course Experience Questionnaire Scales developed by graduate careers Australia 2009 of Learner Support Services (r=0.86), Course Material Development ( r=0.84) , Informa t ion Communication Technology(r=0.83), Staff Capacity Development (r=0.80), Quality Assurance(r=0.78), Feedback Method(r=0.75). Data obtained were analysed through descriptive statistics and Multiple regression analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that the Institutional policies significantly influenced students' academic achievement (F(6.1388) =499.75;R2 =0.68), and jointly accounted for 68.2% of its variance. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the management and staff of distance learning institutions should ensure effective implementation of these policies inorder to assist and improve learners' academic achievement. This paper, therefore, concluded that it is pertinent to note that the institutional policy factors implemented by the two institutions to a large extent played significant role in learners' academic achievement.Item The role of memory strategies in academic achievement of secondary school students with learning disabilities(Department of Guidance and Counselling, University of Ibadan, 2012) Lazarus, K. U.Memory represents a core cognitive or psychological process that enables learners to achieve optimally in their academic pursuits. Without efficient use of memory strategies, students with learning disabilities who have problems with memory may not succeed in their studies. These students may have the ability to process information, but, they do so with great inefficiency. It is a typical far most students with learning disabilities to be unaware of basic strategies that effective learners use in their academic activities. Most authorities recognize that students with learning disabilities have uneven development of cognitive skills. They also agree that the demands of the secondary curriculum can place a strain on the student capacity to attend to the varied sources of input from teachers, instructional materials, and peers. Besides, many educators and psychologists maintain that far effective instruction far students with learning disabilities teachers must understand the flow of information among three types of memory: sensory register, working (short-term) memory, and long-term memory. There is also particular concern about memory and executive function. Teaching implications based on the information model of learning was also discussed Therefore, teachers of student with learning disabilities should ensure that their students acquire and use memory strategies used by efficient learners. If this is done, academic achievement far these students in major subject areas such as reading, mathematics, written expression, speaking and listening will improve.