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Item THE SELF AS PREDICTOR OF EQUITY COMPARISON AND JOB SATISFACTION(1987-09) ADANIJO, I. B.Perhaps one of the most unresearched subjects is the impact of the self on employees' perceptions of and reactions to inequity (Locke, 1976; Mowday, 1979; Brockner, 1985). Therefore the purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of the self on equity comparisons and job satisfaction. The self variables in this study are the general and self; self-esteem, competence thema, ability and influence. Equity comparisons refer to: work-related aspects of the thema, ability and influence. (1) the degree of equity perceived relative to others (POOEQ) or the self outside the organization (PSOEQ),(2) the kind of comparative referents selected in making pay equity evaluations (e.g. self or others inside or outside the organization). Questionnaires were used to collect data from 550 employees from 11 banks (275 bank workers) and 6 ministries, (275 Government workers) in Ibadan. Sixty-six percent were males while thirty-four per cent of the respondents were females. Their average age was 39.9 years and their median educational level was high school certificate or its equivalent. Results of a series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that as expected, competence thema and influence showed significant positive association with perceived self-outside and other-outside equity. Unexpectedly, self-esteem and ability showed negative relationship with perceived equity states. However, further analysis revealed that although both low self-esteem and ability groups made relatively more favourable evaluations, on the average, low and high self-esteem or ability groups all made equitable comparisons. Expectedly, the self variables (except ability) showed significant positive associations with job satisfaction. An interesting finding was that this self variable set accounted for 25% (P<.001) of the total variance in job satisfaction, with competence thema accounting for 16% (P<.001). This is remarkable considering the little attention the self variable has been given in previous studies. Also consistent with expectations, both POOEQ and PSOEQ showed significant positive relationships with job satisfaction. In addition, the results showed that the comparison of many job outcomes have cummulative effect. Individuals who feel relatively more disadvantaged on many job outcomes exhibit less satisfaction than those who feel more advantaged on many jobs. Also, employees who used few referents for pay equity evaluations tended to make more favourable equity comparisons than those who use multiple referents. A series of 2 x 2 ANOVA revealed that employees who used self referents for pay evaluations are those who exhibit higher self-esteem and influence than those who used other referents. Also, individuals who used outside referents scored higher on ability and self-esteem than those who used inside referents. Stepwise multiple discriminant analysis showed that the most important predictors of referents' selection were competence thema job tenure. Finally, path analysis results suggested that consistent with the proposed model of association, the self exerted direct influences on both perceived equity and job satisfaction, and an indirect influence on job satisfaction through relationships with perceived equity. It was concluded that in order to enhance employees' affective responses to work, organizations must strive to satisfy employees' implicit needs by providing rewards (motivation) which constantly give them ample opportunities to fulfill those perceived characteristics of the self.Item Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Nigeria: a review of the Literature(Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Nigeria: a review of the Literature, 1992) Gureje, O; Olley, D.Item Logotherapy’s knowledge and wisdom(The International Forum for Logotherapy, 1993) Asagba, R.B.Item Do Young Schizophrenics with Recent onset of Illness Show Evidence of Hypofrontality?(1994) Gureje, O.; Olley, O.; Acha, R. A.; Osuntokun, B. O.Young schizophrenic patients (n = 43), manic controls (n = 32), both groups diagnosed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria and on remission from acute illness, and 53 normal subjects were given a battery of neuropsychologic tests selected to assess different functional areas in the brain. Compared with normal controls, patient groups showed evidence of impaired functioning of many cortical areas but with the schizophrenics having the worst performance. In addition, schizophrenic patients performed poorly in tests designed to assess frontotemporal cortical functioning. This pattern of deficits differentiated schizophrenics from both manic and normal subjects. The results suggest that widespread cognitive deficits are a feature of both schizophrenia and mania but that frontal lobe dysfunction may be more specific to the former. It would also appear that these impairments are not artefacts of age, chronicity or of institutionalization, and are present even in schizophrenic patients who may have an illness with putative better outcome than those studied in previous reports.Item Premorbid Functioning in Schizophrenia: A Controlled Study of Nigerian Patients(W. B. Saunders Company, 1994) Gureje, O; Aderibigbe, Y. A; Olley, O.; Bamidele, R. W.We compared the premorbid social adjustment of 38 schizophrenic patients with that of 20 manic patients. Even though the small sample size affected the number of significant differences obtained, schizophrenic patients consistently showed evidence of poorer premorbid functioning than manics at various stages of social development. Schizophrenic men also tended to have functioned more poorly than women. Poor premorbid functioning was associated with negative syndrome, but not with positive or disorganization syndromes. Our findings suggest that poor premorbid adjustment is an early sign of schizophrenic illness even among patient populations who may be characterized by good short-term outcome.Item Post Disaster Psychiatric Disorder: A Case of Study of a Liberian Refuge Woman in Nigeria(African Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1995-09) Olley, B. O.Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is the latest classification of neurotic disorders emanating nom traumatic experiences (DSM III). It has been a focus of empirical interest among contemporary researchers. This interest has grown over the years as a result of concern for adequate intervention to victims of both natural disasters and deliberate human torture. The present study is a case report of a Liberian refugee woman in Nigeria who was referred for expert management. Efforts were made to systematically draw inference about how the process of trauma could devastatingly dispose an otherwise premorbidly stable individual to a state of psychiatric breakdown.Item The pursuit of democracy in Nigeria(The International Forum for Logotherapy, 1996) Asagba, R.B.Item Development of a scale for measuring television commercial efficacy(African Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1996) Ehigie, B. O.; Shenge, A. N.Item Some Psychosocial Correlates of Relapse among Drug Dependents in Nigeria(African Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1996) Olley, B. O.This study tried to find out some psychosocial correlate of relapse among drug dependants in Nigeria. The subjects were 67 in and outpatient drug dependants of the Neuro-psychiatric Hospital Aro, and its annex at Lantoro, Abeokuta, and the Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba, Lagos. They were 65 males and 2 females with the mean ages of 26.3 and 22.5 years respectively who fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the study. Fifteen were dependent on cocaine/heroine, 16 on alcohol, and 36 on cannabis. A questionnaire containing some socio-demographic items and questions designed to measure the degree of difficulty encountered in some daily living activities/conditions, was used. Subjects, case files were also used. Result showed that difficulty experienced in daily living activities/conditions and the duration of illness significantly and positively varied with relapse rate. Age and type of family (polygamous/monogamous) did not show any significant relationship with relapse rate. It is therefore concluded that the degree of difficulty experienced in daily living activities/conditions and duration of illness can be used to predict the subjects who stand a high risk of relapsing after hospital treatment. This would help in the proper utilization of the Limited mental health manpower and facilities available in the Nigeria- especially as far as rehabilitation of drug dependants after treatment is concerned.Item Traditional Healers Approach to the treatment of Puerperal Psychosis(1997) Madu, S. N.; Olley, B. O.This paper presents an African (Nigeria) traditional healers approach to the treatment of puerperal psychosis. The authors interviewed the traditional healer. Result shows that such patients are treated in 4 stages: Stage 1: Observation of abnormal behaviours of patient and immediate withdrawal of the baby from the patient, especially if danger for the baby is foreseen by the traditional healer. Stage 2: Oral administration of a mixture of some sedative herbs (Epo mango, Atare, Kan, Ewe Eripo - all mixed with pap). Stage 3: If the origin of the puerperal psychosis is seen by the traditional healer to be a broken taboo or adultery on the part of the patient, the traditional healer takes her to a flowing stream, washes her head with black native soap, while he sings some Incantations. Thereafter oracle consultation and sacrifice to the gods will follow. Stage 4: When patient starts to get better, she is encouraged to start to breast feed the baby and to socialise with the society. The authors conclude by stressing the importance of the knowledge of the cultural beliefs, involvement of the relatives, involvement of some psychotherapeutic components, and reintegration programme in the treatment methods.Item Perceived Stress Factors and Coping Mechanisms among Mothers of Children with Sickle Cell Disease in Western Nigeria(Oxford University Press, 1997) Olley, L. B.; Brieger, W. R.; Olley, B. O.While many studies have looked at the stressful effects of chronic illness of those who suffer such conditions, less is known about the effects on caregivers, especially in developing countries. Mothers in particular must bear the brunt of care and stress for children who have sickle cell disease (SCD). A sample of 200 mothers attending six SCD clinics in both public and private hospitals in the Ibadan-Ibarapa Health Zone of Oyo State, Nigeria, were interviewed. Stress levels were measured using an instrument comprised of stressors listed by mothers themselves in focus group discussions that preceded the survey. Higher levels of stress were associated with less educated and older women, as well as non-married women and those in polygamous households. Stress levels were also greater when there was more than one child with SCD in the family and when the index child was of school age. Coping mechanisms varied according to the category of stressor. Financial stress and disease factors were met with confrontation, while family sources of stress were either complained about, accepted or avoided. Knowledge of the different types of mothers who experience more stress and of their preferred coping mechanisms can be useful in designing clinic-based counselling.Item Multiple versus singular presentation of television commercials(African Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 1999) Ehigie, B. O.; Shenge, A. N.This study experimentally assessed combined and singular measures of Television (TV) commercial efficacy. Eighty (80) senior secondary (SS) 2 students, randomly selected from two priavte secondary schools in Lagos metropolis, served as subjects. They watched experiment – specific commercials which had presentation, type of stimulus and source credibility as independent variables. Multiple measure consisted of a subject’s aggregate score on recall of advertised product information, attitude towards and intention to try advertised product. Singular measures were the individual scores on recall of advertised product information, attitude towards and intention to try advertised product. A ten item standardized questionnaire measured advertised product information while Belch’ s (1981) standardized differential scales measured attitude towards anti intention to try advertised product. Using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) as tool for analysis, it was found that although there were some significant effects of the independent variables on the singlular measures of efficacy, their effects on the combined measures (efficacy) were strongest and more encompassing. The implication was that advertisers stand better chances of getting true advertising results when combined measures of efficacy are used than when singular measures are usedItem Abnormal Psychology(Department of Psychology, University of Ibadan, 1999) Olley, B. O.Item Psychological aspects of death(Nigerian psychological association, 1999) Tamen, F. I.; Taiwo, A. O.; Ekore, J. O.; Edewor, D.; Ojo, S.; Ojedokun, O.Item Perceived sexual harasment as a function of locus of control and other personal characteristics(Nigerian journal of psychology, 1999) Balogun, S.K; Olapegba, P.O.The perception of sexual harasment as a function of locus control and personality characteristics was investigated using 200 female and male respondents who were randomly selected among university students, secondary school teachers and bank workers with a mean age of 22.97 years. they were administered the self esteem scale, locus of control scale and perceived sexual harasment scale that was purposely developed for this research. It was observed that age, locus of control and sex have an interactional influence in the perception of sexual harasment (R2= 0.14, p<. 001), married people have a higher perception of sexual harasment than single people (t=4.5, p<.05), but no significant difference difference between students and workers in their perception of sexual harasment. The findings were discussed in line with the Riger's (1991) theory of attribution. The implication of the findings for legal interpretation of sexual harasment and psychological dynamics involved were highlightedItem Influence of customer expectations and service encounter on perception of service quality in fast food retailing(Nigerian journal of psychology, 2000) Taiwo, K.O; Aigbodon, I.A.; Olapegba, P.O."The influence of customer expectations and service encounter on perception of service quality in fast food retailing was investigated in this study, using 196 patrons of three fast food outlets in Oshodi-Jsolo Local Government Area of Lagos State. The instrument used for data collection consisted of three different scales; service encounter scale: customers' expectation scale, and perception of quality scale. A 2*2 analysis of variance and independent t-test were used to analyse the data. The results showed that there was interactive effect of service encounter and customers expectations on perceived service quality. (F1, 108=5.54;P<(0.05) . However, there was no difference in the perceived service quality of males and females (t=0.13;df=1 94.n.s). The findings of this study reveals that there are implications for consumer psychologists fast food operators, it also emphasized the need for proper training of outlet staff to deliver quality service and the provision of an enabling service climate "Item Fear of sudden death and dying among resident postgraduate students of University of Ibadan(2000) Shenge, A. N.; Balogun, S. K.Item Abortion an Sudden Death among Adolescents in Nigeria: A Hidden Psychological Enquiry(Stirling-Horden Publishers (Nig.) Ltd., 2000) Olley, B. O.; Okpara, C. U.Item Analysis of social support network among civil servants in Oyo State, secretariat Ibadan.(African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 2000) Asagba, R.B.; Okechukwu, O.Analysis of social support networks of young adults was conducted on the basis of two scales. The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the Whom Do You Turn To Scale (WDYTT) among 150 Junior and Senior Civil Servants of the Oyo State secretariat Ibadan. Their mean (X) age was 37.5 while the Standard Deviation (SD) was 15.1. The VAS and WDYTT scale were used to assess the extend of variation in the social network in the adult period of the life cycle. That is, a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) assesses the extent of closeness for seven interpersonal relationships and a second scale determining to whom the respondents would turn to in 14 situations (WDYTT). Chi-Square-test and t-test analyses were employed. The result showed significant differences, between the best female friend mother etc. Family of orientation vs friends as well as intergenerational vs intra generational were also compared on WDYTT scale. Result also showed significant difference on the friends (interpersonal as first and second choice. The implication and recommendation of the study were made on the need for further researches on social network and relationship across the life-span in Nigeria.Item Attitude toward rape as a function of personality types, educational status and religion.(2000) Olapegba, P.O.||; Olumuyiwa, O.This study examined the attitude of people toward rape as a function of some psychosocial variables (personality types, educational status and religion). Participants in the study were made up of 200 people (118 males & 82 females). Attitude Toward Rape (ATR) Scale and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire were used for data collection. Results show that there is no significant difference in the attitude of introverts and extraverts on rape. t=-1.56. df198.,p>.05. subjects with higher educational status have significantly higher anti-rape attitude. t=3.06, df=198, p<.05. Males have higher anti-rape altitude than females, t=2.29. df=198. p<. 05.