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    Machiavellian personality dimensions and work ethics among bank employees in Nigeria
    (2013) Ekore, J. O.
    Work ethics which has been a major concern in Nigerian public and . private financial institutions is not known to be given much research attention on contemporary workplace issues that impact employee productivity. This necessitated the survey, which involved a sample size of 230. Participants that include male and females were drawn from employees of different branches of a commercial bank in Lagos. Using standardised scales for data collection, results of multiple regression analysis confirmed the first hypothesis which predicted that Machievallian personality would influence work ethics (R2 = .33; F [7, 221] = 13.58; p<.00l). The second hypothesis was rejected based on the t-test result which showed no significant difference between male and females on work ethics. It was concluded that the dimensions in Machievallian personality among dispositional characteristics are important factors that influence work ethics among bank workers, whereas being male or female is not a necessary factor. It implied that the personality dimensions are important characteristics to consider in behavior modification to achieve higher work ethics among employees. A major recommendation is the need to consider the assessment of employees during selection in order to incorporate their modification in induction training programmes
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    Job satisfaction and gender differences in university employees' attitude toward labour union
    (2014-06) Ekore, J. O.
    University labour unions are seen as powerful in Nigeria. Most of the industrial actions they embark upon on behalf of members have successfully brought about improvement on members conditions of service. But what is rarely understood is the university employees' attitude toward their unions and the possible roles played by individual and job factors. The study involved a survey design with sample size of 240 purposively drawn from staff members in the three main unions at the Univers ity of Ibadan. Results showed that female staff have more favourable attitude toward unions than their male counterparts. Similarly, those who indicated higher level of job satisfaction also reported more favourable attitude toward unions. Finally, the non-academic members of staff showed more favourable attitude toward their union than the academic staff. It was concluded that female members of staff, those higher on job satisfaction, and non-academic members of staff have more favourable attitude toward labour union. A major implication is that apart from the non-academic staff members being more cohesive, labour unions can promote their effectiveness by having females take up leadership positions. It was therefore concluded that there is the need to encourage females to take up leadership positions in university labour unions, while the academic staff union also need to learn from its non-academic counterpart on strategies for building cohesion among members which results in favourable attitude toward their union. Despite the major contribution in providing insight to attitude toward university's labour unions, future studies in the area should be encouraged to broaden the scope in order to enhance generalization of findings
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    Sex role expectations as predictors of career interests among senior secondary school students in Ibadan metropolis
    (Ife Centre for Psychological Studies, Ile Ife, 2014-06) Ekore, J. O.
    The cultural practices that seem to over emphasize expectations for male and females have affected human capital development. Not much is known however, the extent to which sex role orientation among senior secondary school students can influence their career interests. This necessitates the study that set to investigate the prediction of career interests using sex role expectations. The survey involved a sample size of 997 comprising of both male and female respondents drawn from 5 private and 5 public schools in Ibadan metropolis. Questionnaires with standardized scales were used for data collection. As hypothesised, sex-role expectations except androgyny, significantly predicted career interests. While femininity significantly predicted' all the six career types, masculinity did not predict realistic career type. It was concluded that sex role expectations play important role in career interests among senior secondary school students. While vocational and career counsellors are encouraged to sensitise students and parents on overcoming social orientations in career choice, future researchers are advised to broaden the scope
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    Gender differences and entrepreneurial factors in psychological adjustment during organizational restructuring
    (2014) Ekore, J. O.
    Typically, organizational restructuring come with change and the challenge of what to do when there is job loss. This can impact psychological well-being for both male and female employees. Hence, the study with a sample of 496 [233 (46.9%) males and 263 (53.1%) females]. Their mean age was 39.1 years (sd=10.31). Questionnaires were used for data collection. Two hypotheses were tested with ‘Pearson r’ and t-test. Results showed positive and significant correlation between entrepreneurial factors and psychological adjustment: Entrepreneurial role models (r = 0.28, df = 494, p<.001); promotion of entrepreneurship (r= 0.11, df=494, p<.05); entrepreneurial readiness (r= 0.11, df= 494, p<.05); and subjective norms (r= 0.16, df= 494, p<.05). Gender differences was found in psychological well-being (t = 24.7; df = 494; p<.001). Males (Ẋ=13.30) significantly differ from females ( Ẋ= 7.94) on psychological adjustment. Entrepreneurial factors showed positive relationship with psychological well-being. Gender was also important. Findings implied that the factors are relevant in employees’ psychological adjustment during organization restructuring. Therefore, in preparing workforce for exercise leading to job-loss, organizations need to consider these factors as important in their staff exit/ lay-off sensitization training. This would help them to cope with the change associated with restructuring.
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    Dispositional factors in adjustment among cadets of Nigerian military academy
    (Department of Educational Management, University of Ibadan, 2014-01) Ekore, J. O.; Atafo, D. O.
    Training outcomes of cadets in Nigerian military academy may be well determined by their adjustment capacity. The discouraging statistics of graduation rote (59%- 63% over a 5-year period) at the Nigerian Defence Academy reflect adjustment problem. This necessitated the need to investigate dispositional factors in adjustment of cadets in the Academy. The cross-sectional study was designed as a survey using questionnaires with scales for data collection. It involved a sample size of 63 drawn from cadets in their first to the fourth year (100L- 400L). The proposition that those who score higher on core self-evaluation will significantly report better adjustment than others was confirmed (t=10.9, df=61, p< 001). There was no significant difference in adjustment between cadets who attended military secondary schools and those from secular (civilian) secondary schools. It implied that self-esteem, emotional stability, generalized self-efficacy; and locus of control need to be considered in policy to prepare cadets to effectively cope in the academy. It was suggested that the current selection method which does not discriminate type of secondary school attended need to be a sustained policy. Finally, assessment of the dispositional factors in cadets during skill development programme would be necessary in order to adequately prepare them on the traits because they are significant factors in adjustment
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    Work-family conflict and job- demand control in psychological adjustment of lawyers in private practice
    (Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, 2014-03) Ekore, J. O.
    Despite the continuous interest in psychological adjustment of entrepreneurs as important factor in wellbeing and business outcomes, lawyers in private practice especially in Nigeria have not been covered and largely documented in the body of literature that exist. Hence this study that examined the roles played by work-family conflict and job demand control on psychological adjustment among lawyers as entrepreneurs in private practice. It involved a sample of 156 male and female lawyers in Ibadan metropolis. Three hypotheses were tested by using pearson 'r' and multiple regression statistics. It was found that work-family conflict was negatively related to psychological adjustment (r = -0.412, P<.0l) while job demand control positively correlated with psychological adjustment (r = -0.185, P<.01). Also, work-family conflict and job demand control jointly predicted psychological adjustment (F (2,153) = 20.55, P <.05). Independently, predictions were found for work-family conflict (B=-0.640, t = 5.86, P<.05) and job demand- control (B=-0.077, t=-2.85, P<.05). It was concluded that work-family conflict and job demand-control are important factors in the psychological adjustment of lawyers in private practice. It implies that the variables are deserving of attention in personal development for lawyers as entrepreneurs. More so, attempt at improving their adjustment capacity need to focus on preparing them with coping skills to balance work-family demands and exercise control over their job related activities
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    Career interest survey of secondary school students in Niger-delta region of Nigeria
    (Harvesting global scientific knowledge for development of African Higher education, 2014-01) Ekore, J. O.
    The study examined the career interests of secondary school students in the Niger-Delta area of Nigeria. The survey research utilised qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection. A total of 860 (male-49.1%) female-50.9%) respondents attending private schools in Warri and Port-Harcourt participated in the study. Both descriptive and inferential methods were used for data analysis. Male students were found to be more interested in studying engineering related courses while the females showed greater interest in Health Sciences. Further analyses however) showed no significant difference based on gender in terms of pursuing a career interest. Most of the participants indicated course preference based on potential for financial benefits. It implies that career guidance and policy formulation need to consider interest as a factor in result oriented planning and intervention towards the educational development of the Niger-Delta
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    Co-morbidity of alcohol and psychiatric problems: impaired moral-ethical self as sources of irrational beliefs among custodial patients
    (2013) 0ttu, I. F. A.; Afolabi, A. B.; Ekore, J. O.; Osinowo, H.
    Alcohol and drug problems are pervasive throughout the world and constitute major disruptive conditions to people's social and family lives. This study examined the comorbidity of substance use and psychiatric problems among patients in a psychiatric setting. The central hypotheses in this study are that substance abuse impairs one's moral-ethical self which in turn leads to a cicious circle of behaviours, especially the generation of irrational beliefs: Confirming the hypothesis that the emergence of a psychiatric condition through alcohol and drugs is a product of irrational thoughts and beliefs, the study established a significant negative correlation between moral-ethical self and irrational beliefs (r = -335; P <.05). It was also confirmed through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) that there is a significant main effect of impaired moral-ethical self on generation of irrational beliefs. (F{1,42) = 6.10; <.05), Main effect of unimpaired moral-ethical self was not significant. Also, a t-test for independent samples show a statistically significant difference between high moral-ethical patients and low moral-ethical patients (t = -,199, df (44), p<.05). Participants with low moral-ethical self relapse more into bouts of irrational beliefs than a comparative group. The results were discussed in relation to past findings and health policy to reduce substance related psychiatric problems among people
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    Dispositional and situational factors predicting psychological adjustment among fresh students (JAMBITES) in universities
    (2013-12) Ekore, J. O.
    Psychological adjustment of new students to universities has become an increasing concern to stakeholders (parents, management, teachers, and the students). A major reason is that those who are unable to adjust effectively can get involved in prostitution and cultism- two major problems that are major concern to university administrators in Nigeria. This necessitated the investigation of the influence of dispositional and situational factors on psychological adjustment of jambites' (freshmen). The study involved a sample size of 250 selected from fresh students in the University of Ibadan. The two hypotheses tested with multiple regression statistics were confirmed. Both personality and family background are significant predictors of psychological adjustment among jambites (R2=0.94; p<.05, R2=0.16; p<.05 respectively). It was concluded that all the personality traits contained in the Big five (McCrae & Costa, 1997) are significant predictors of psychological adjustment. Similarly, family background issues are major influences in students' psychological adjustment when they get into the university. The need to do family background and personality profile for newly admitted students was suggested in order to identify those who require assistance for effective adjustment in the university
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    Gender differences in perception of sexual harassment among university students
    (Ife Centre for Psychological Studies, Ile Ife, 2012) Ekore, J. O.
    The investigation of gender differences in perception of sexual harassment among students was necessitated by the need to address interpersonal violence as a psychosocial problem. Though it has attracted much attention by universities in developed countries, it is not the case in Nigeria where the level of awareness among students and staff is low while the problem exists. The survey utilized a 12 item sexual harassment scale designed for the research. Data collection involved a sample of 420 respondents (both male and females) who are students in various faculties in the University of Ibadan. Findings revealed a high perception of sexual harassment on all the items, and females were higher than the males on all the sexual harassment items (t=2.57, df=418, p<05).This confirmed the predicted hypothesis that male and females differ in their perception of what constitute sexual harassment in the university. The need to establish a center to handle sensitization of the university community about the contents and consequences of sexual harassment on one hand, and its prevention and control on the other was recommended