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    Psychosocial analysis of fear of corrupt practices among university students: a case study of Olabisi Onabanjo University
    (2007) Ojo, S.; Sodeinde, O. O.; Okhakhume, A.S.
    The study investigated psycho-social analysis of fear of corrupt practices among students of Olabisi Onabanjo University. The study was a cross-sectional research which specifically adopted Ex-post facto design. Questionnaire format was utilized for data collection. The questionnaire included the Big-five personality inventory, fear of corrupt practices and personal data scales. Four (4) hypotheses were stated and tested using multiple regression analysis. The result showed that personality characteristics of extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, openness to experience and conscientiousness significantly and co-jointly predicted fear of corrupt practices {F(5,244) =4.48, P<.05,R2 =.08}. However, only personality traits of extroversion [a=-.17, t = 2.42, P<.05J and openness to experience [a=.23, t = 3.04, P<.05] had significant independent influence on fear of corrupt practices respectively. The results showed also that males and females were not significant different on fear of corrupt practices [t = -1.69, df= 248, P>.05J; student within the age group 18 - 30 years reported more fear of corrupt practices than students with the age group 31-45 years. The results showed further that students who had prior criminal victimization experience reported more fear of corrupt practices than student who had no prior criminal victimization [t = 2.94, df = 248, P<.01J; ordinary students were not significantly different on fear of corrupt practices, [t = -.056, df = 248, P>.05], Female and male who were political office holder were not significantly different on fear of corrupt practices [t = -1.15, df= 91, P>.05J. The study was concluded by establishing that some personality characteristic, specifically extraversion and openness to experience were found to have significant independent influence on fear of corrupt practices. Similarly, all the considered personality characteristics had significant co-joint influence on fear of corrupt practices. Age and prior victimization experience were found also to significantly influence fear of corrupt practices
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    Attitudes of subordinates toward women in leadership position
    (Ife PsychologLA, 2008-12) Okhakhume, A.S.
    The study investigated how women in leadership position are perceived accepted and evaluated by their subordinates. In an attempt to elicit subjects' response, the subordinates attitude questionnaire scale was constructed and was administered to 222 workers consisting of 111 males and 111 females drawn from University of Ibadan, Oyo State Secretariat, Nigerian Bottling Company, National Bank of Nigeria, First Banks Nigeria, Chartered Bank, and Cooperative Bank. The t-test of independent sample was used to analyse the research data. The findings revealed that: (a) Male subordinates have negative attitude toward women leader; (b) Subordinates with higher educational qualification have positive attitude towards women leaders; (c) Young subordinates have negative attitudes toward women in leadership position; (d) Christian subordinates have positive attitude toward women in leadership positions than their Moslem counterparts
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    Psychological well-being: impact of workplace violence and demographic variables on employees of ministry of physical planning and urban development, Ibadan, Oyo State
    (2016) Okhakhume, A.S.; Awopetu, R. G.
    The study investigated the influence of demographic factors and work place violence on psychological well-being among employees of ministry of physical planning and urban development, Ibadan , Oyo State. A structured questionnaire was adopted for data collection which was administered on two hundred employees. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Five hypotheses were stated and tested. Result showed there was a significant influence of workplace violence on psychological well-being [t(-15.418;df=199, p<.05).There was a significant influence of academic qualification on psychological well-being (F(2,198)=6.305; p<.05). age had significant influence on psychological well-being [t(-2.509;df=199, p<.05)]The mean observation however shows that older employees score higher (X=55.06) on psychological well-being than their counterparts (X=51.63). There was also a significant influence of years of experience on psychological well-being {t(-2.039;df=199, p<.05)}. Furthermore, the mean observations shows that respondents with high experience scored higher (X=55.19) on psychological well-being that their counterparts with lower experience (X=52.31). it was recommended that, future study can include a larger and more broader-based sample. It would be appropriate to conduct quantitative and qualitative studies with a larger and more heterogeneous sample
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    Socio-demographic factors and intimate partner violence as determinants of depression among female workers of University of Ibadan
    (2016-12) Okhakhume, A.S.; Mkpelanga, D.
    Community based research on intimate partner violence against women using valid epidemiological methods both for descriptive and analytical studies has an important role in the planning for intervention against domestic violence. One of the weaknesses with previous studies is that they have used less specific diagnostic concepts for depressions and methodologies that is likely to underestimate intimate partner violence. Therefore, this study examined influence of demographic factors and interpersonal violence on depression among women at University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study utilized survey design using random sampling technique across four selected Faculties of the University. Three hundred (300) women participated in the study yielding a return rate of 95%. Their ages ranged between 24 and 54 years with mean of 35.54 and standard deviation of 7.45. The instrument used was closed-ended questionnaire divided into three sections. This comprised of demographic variables, interpersonal violence and depression. Five hypotheses were tested. The result shows that younger participants reported less prevalence of depression than the older participants. Further, single workers reported significant lower score on depression than married and divorced workers. Additionally, female workers with school certificate and OND/NCE reported significantly higher score on depression than those with HND/Degree, Masters and Ph.D holders. There was no significant influence of religion on depression. Finally, inter-personal violence significantly predicted of depression. Based on the findings of the result, it was recommended that establishment of counselling units be included in the current federal service reforms being embarked upon. Also, the finding that interpersonal violence affects depression may encourage health professionals to identify groups of women at high risk of developing depression, and devise appropriate and effective measures or behavioural interventions to help abused women reduce their depression
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    Influence of socio-economic status and marital satisfaction on domestic violence among couples living in Nigeria
    (Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2016) Okhakhume, A.S.; Oguntayo, R.; Aroniyiaso, O. T.
    Adversely, increase rate of conduct disorder, low self-esteem, low education standard, drug dependence/alcoholism and sexual risk behaviour among children from violent couples thereby becoming hazardous to themselves and society at large attracted the attention of this study to investigate factors predicting domestic violence. This study investigated influence of socioeconomic variables and marital satisfaction on domestic violence among couples in Nigeria. The study adopted cross sectional research design, purposive sampling technique was used to select 250 consisting of 112 males and 138 females who participated in the study and questionnaires was used for data collection. The results of the finding revealed that income significantly predicts domestic violence among couples in Nigeria. Further analysis revealed that there is significant influence of marital satisfaction on domestic violence. Therefore, it was concluded that income and marital satisfaction are predictors of domestic violence among couples in Nigeria and it is recommend that government and non-governmental organisation should endeavour to implement or boost effective poverty alleviation programmes that will alleviate poverty in our society
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    Influence of social support, stress and coping strategies on depression among children with physical disability in Nigeria
    (Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2016) Okhakhume, A.S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T; Olagundoye, O. A.
    This study examined the influence of social support, stress and coping strategies on depression among children with physical disability in Nigeria. The study adopted cross sectional research design, purposive sampling technique was used to select 120 children with physical disability and questionnaires were used for data collection. The result of the findings revealed that there was a significant influence of social support on depression {t(118)=4.55; p<.05} and further analysis indicated that participants with low social support experienced higher levels of depression ( Mean = 69.73 ) while participants with high social support experienced lower levels of depression (Mean = 62.22). More so, the finding depicted independent significant influence of stress and coping strategies on depression {β = .68, t = 11.47; P < .05 & β = .289, t = 4.96; p < .05}. Also, the finding depicted joint significant influence of social support, stress and coping strategies on depression {F (3, 116) = 881.39; p < .05}. Therefore, the study concluded that social support, stress and coping strategies are predictors of depression among children with physical disability in Nigeria and recommended that government and non-governmental organisation should endeavour to implement an ecological-based support programme to support, educate and enlighten physically challenged children, their family members and society on how to help the disabled children deals with life situation
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    Influence of demographic variable on quality of life among women in Ibadan metropolis, Oyo State of Nigeria
    (Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2016) Okhakhume, A.S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T
    The issues of poor quality of life among Nigeria women results to inadequate participation of women in the development of the country, high rate of maternal death, increasing rate of mentally, physically challenge and high rate of financial handicap of Nigeria women, which have significant influence on the society at large attracted attention of this study. This study examined influence of demographic variable on quality of life among women in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. The study utilized cross-sectional research design which involves the use of self-report questionnaire for data collection. A total number of 600 women participated in the study. Results outcomes shows that marital status had significant influence on quality of life at (F (4/595) = 13.324, P<0.05). The result also revealed that religion income and occupation had significant influence on quality of life of women in Ibadan metropolis (F (2/597) = 7.267, P<0.05. F (7/592) = 4.905, P<0.05 & F (3/596) = 3.190, P<0.05). It was concluded that marital status, religion, educational attainment, income and occupation of women living in Ibadan metropolis significantly influence their quality of life. Therefore, this study recommends that women should seek to acquire more knowledge through their educational status and government should create conducive workplace climate and improve financial assistance programme to built economic status of Nigeria women
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    Influence of personality factors and loneliness on mental health among undergraduates of distance learning, University of Ibadan
    (2015-03) Okhakhume, A.S.
    Over many decades, issue of mental health has not received the kind of attention that it deserves and has been neglected in many parts of the world. This neglect is a result of the lack of knowledge and the misunderstanding of mental health and the fear that the findings may reveal a mentally ill person. More sadly in Nigeria, the stigma associated with mental health is frequently encountered, often being regarded as a taboo and is seldom discussed. This study in\ tigated the influence ofpersonality factors and loneliness on mental health among undergraduates o distance learning of University of Ibadan. This study adc_ ted a cross-sectional survey design using questionnaire on the variables of the study. Data was collected from a sample size of three hundred and twenty-nine (329) distance learning undergraduates in the University of Ibadan using randomization technique. In the process, four hypotheses were generated and tested using appropriate inferential statistical tools. The results of regressions showed that extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience jointly predicted mental health at {.R2=.149; F(5, 323)=18.291;P< .05} & only extraversion and conscientiousness had significant independent influence on mental health at; {P< .05}. It was also found that loneliness had significant influence on mental health among UI.DLCstudents; (t (327)=2.499; p< .05}. Further, the result indicates that age had no significant influence on mental health among UI.DLC students; (t (327) =-l. 774; p> .05}.It was found that gender had no significant influence on mental health among UI.DLC students; (t (327); =1.736; p> .05}.This study concluded that Big-Five Personality factors and loneliness predicted mental health & that only extraversion and conscientiousness had significant independent influence on mental health among the population studied. Also age and gender did not influence mental health. One of the limitations of the study is the use of structured questionnaire which predisposed the data to random response error. However, it is suggested that further study should combine interview method with questionnaire to obtain more empirical findings
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    Psychological well-being of health workers: the role of psychological contract breach and organizational citizenship behaviour
    (2011) Okhakhume, A.S.; Raji, M. A.
    This research work is an exploratory study of Psychological Well-being among health workers in Ibadan. The main objective of the study was to assess some predictors of Psychological Well-being among health workers by considering the influence of psychological contract breach and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour. There were a total of 379 selected participants in the study. The Questionnaire used was a 51-item paper and pencil instrument having six sections. The instrument was content validated and each scale (section) had high reliability estimates. Scores obtained from the scales for Psychological contract breach and OCB were correlated with scores on the psychological well-being Scale using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. Multiple regression analysis was also run to determine their level of influence on psychological well-being. Findings in this study show that both Perceived Psychological Contract Breach and OCB had significant correlations with psychological well-being with the former being the most potent predictor of psychological wellbeing among health workers in Ibadan. Marital status and Age of the workers also had significant influence on Psychological Well-being. Implications of the results were discussed and suggestions were made towards improving quality of work among health workers in the society