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Item Socio-demographic predictors of perceived burden of care among care givers of non-mentally and mentally retarded students in Ibadan, Nigeria(Centre for Research on Islamic Banking & Finance and Business, USA, 2019) Olaseni, A. O.; Okhakhume, A. S.The care of mentally retarded children is often stressful experiences for family members, as the child grows up and disability becomes quite noticeable by others, parents face a very distressing predicament of social embarrassment and stigma, they require more attention and time while at the same time the need for special equipment, and medical care increases; implicating financial income and capability of the care providers. The aftermath effect on the care provider(s) most often is restrictive and disruptive to economic, social or emotional deficiency. The study examines the influence of socio-demographic variables on care burden of care providers of non-mentally and mentally retarded students in Ibadan metropolis. The study adopted cross sectional research design across types of job, social support, religion, ethnicity and age. A total number of 100 care providers participated in the study (50 care providers of non-mentally retarded students & 50 care providers of the mentally retarded students). The instruments that were used was Care Givers Burden Scale developed by Zarit et al (1980). The result of the study revealed that demographic variables (age, sex, marital status, education level, job type, religion and ethnicity) do not jointly predict burden of care among care providers of mentally retarded students in Ibadan metropolis. [F(7,43)=1.722;p>.05], but revealed that demographic variables jointly predict burden of care among care providers of non-mentally retarded students in Ibadan metropolis. [F(7,43)=2.39;p<.05], and finally revealed that social support had significant influence on burden of care among care providers of mentally retarded students in Ibadan metropolis [t(98)= 11.13; P<.05]. The study therefore concludes that demographic variables jointly predict burden of care among care providers of non-mentally retarded students not mentally retarded students. While social support was found to significantly influence burden of care among care providers of mentally retarded students in Ibadan metropolisItem Psychological well-being of correctional officers in Ibadan, Oyo State of Nigeria: predictive influence of job stress and job satisfaction(American Institute of Science, 2019) Okhakhume, A. S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T.It has been observed that correctional officers in Nigeria usually experience psychological related issues such as anxiety, self-consciousness, depression, emotional vulnerability and poor quality of life and these related issues could be linked to the observable increased low productivity, physical morbidity, reduced quality and duration of life and frequent visitation to health care centers among the officers. These aforementioned psychological related issues also have an implication on poor quality of life and maladjusted behaviours among inmates. This informed the direction of this study to examine the psychological well-being of correctional officers in prisons and its influencing factors. The study utilized cross-sectional research design which involves the use of self-report questionnaire for data collection. A total number of two hundred and seven (207) correctional officers participated in the study. Results outcomes shows that job stress and job satisfaction had significant joint influence on psychological well-being of correctional officers in Ibadan, Oyo State of Nigeria [F(2,204)=49.12; p<0.05; R=0.57, R2=0.33]. Also, it was discovered that job stress and job satisfaction made significant independent contribution to correctional officers’ psychological well-being in Ibadan, Oyo State of Nigeria (b= 0.26; t = 4.14; p<0.05, b=-0.40; t = 6.35; p<0.05). The study concluded that there was a significant independent and joint influence of job stress and job satisfaction on the selected correctional officers’ psychological well-being, and it was recommended that prison service, counseling psychologists, clinical psychologists and health related professionals should take cognizance of job stress and job satisfaction in the development of any intervention that will be designed to improve the psychological wellbeing of correctional officersItem Negative emotions as predictors of blood pressure among hypertensive and normotensive residents of Gwarinpa: a community-based study in Abuja, Nigeria(American Institute of Science, 2019) Olaseni, A. O.; Okhakhume, A. S.; Ayilara, N. O.The research was carried out to ascertain how negative emotions predict blood pressure among hypertensive and normotensive residents of Gwarinpa community. A cross-sectional ex-post-facto design was adopted for the study. A stratified random sampling technique was adopted in the selection process. Validated questionnaires were used to measure the six negative emotions, while a Sphygmomanometer was used to measure blood pressure. Binomial Logistic Regression Analysis was used to analyse the six hypotheses in the study. The result of the survey revealed that probability of being diagnosed of high blood pressure was more likely among participants with severe anxiety than participants with other levels anxiety (Exp (B) = 1.74, p <.01; 95% CI 0.60 – 0.92). The chance of being diagnosed of high blood pressure was significantly more likely among participants with severe psychological stress than participants with other levels of psychological stress (Exp (B) = 1.76, p <.001; 95% CI 1.66 – 1.891). The probability of being diagnosed of high blood pressure was significantly more likely among participants with emotional instability than participants with emotional stability (Exp (B) = 1.69, p <.001; 95% CI = 1.45 – 1.96). Findings further revealed that a unit increase in respondents’ level of dispositional optimism, significantly decreases the probabilities of being hypertensive (Exp (B) = -.40, p <.05; 95% CI 0.49 - 0.74). The study, therefore, concluded that severe anxiety, stress, emotional instability and high dispositional optimism were high-risk factors to high-blood pressure, while depression and life satisfaction are not necessarily risked factors for high blood pressure, while among the residents of GwarinpaItem Domestic violence among young couples and associated factors in south-west of Nigeria(2018-06-05) Okhakhume, A. S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T.; Ajayi, I. E.Domestic violence among young couples in Nigeria was observed to be an event that can happen anywhere but certain factors seem to increase its likelihood, and its adverse effect on psychological, physical and social wellbeing of the couples and their children. This attracted the attention of this study to examine the influence of personality factors, marital stress and hopelessness on domestic violence among young couples in south-west of Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive cross sectional research design and Questionnaires were used to gather data from the selected young couples. Multistage sampling technique was utilized; Simple random sampling technique was used to select two (2) states out of six (6) states in south-west geopolitical zone of Nigeria and purposive sampling technique was used to select two hundred young couples who participated in the study. The result revealed that personality traits had significant joint influence on domestic violence among young couples in south-west of Nigeria (F(5,193)=11.250; p<0.05; R=0.495, R2=0.245) and out the five personality trait (agreeableness, emotional stability, openness to experience, extraversion and conscientiousness) agreeableness, emotional stability and openness to experience had significant independent contribution to domestic violence (b=-0.191; t =-2.795; p<0.05. b=0.270; t = 3.762; p<0.05. b= 0.235; t = 3.476; p<0.05). The result also revealed that there was significant difference in the domestic violence of young couples with low marital stress compared to those with high marital stress (t(198)=-3.121, p<.05). Also, there was significant difference in the domestic violence among young couples with low hopelessness and those with high hopelessness (t(198)=-3.187, p<.05). Furthermore, it was discovered that marital stress and hopelessness had significant joint influence on domestic violence among young couples in south-west of Nigeria (F(2,196)=23.921; p<0.05; R=0.445, R2=0.198). The study concluded with discussion of findings and recommends that young couples with domestic violence should endeavor to seek help from clinical psychologist, mental health practitioners and counseling psychologist in order to help adjust to behaviours that will help keep their marriage from domestic violence before it results to psychopathologyItem Influence of work-family conflict and work stress on the psychological well-being among police officers in Makurdi metropolis(Society for Science and Education, 2017) Sunday, S.; Terzungwe, A. S.; Okhakhume, A. S.; Daudu, D. A.This study investigated the influence of work-family conflict and work stress on the psychological well-being among police Officers in Makurdi metropolis. The study employed a cross-sectional survey design, where three hundred and fourty six (346) police Officers consisting of 202 (58.7%) males and 143 (41.3%) females were used for the study. Their ages ranged from 18 to 64 years with the Mean of 411.61 (SD=11.226). Work- Family Conflict Scale (WFCS), Workplace Stress Scale (WSS) and Ryff’s Psychological Well-being Scale (RPWS) were used for data collection. Statistical analysis involved the use of Multiple regression. Findings from the hypotheses indicated that, work-family conflict significantly influenced psychological well-being among police Officers in Makurdi metropolis. Work stress significantly influenced psychological well-being among police Officers in Makurdi metropolis. Finally, the result showed that, work-family conflict and work stress had significant negative joint influence on psychological well-being among police Officers in Makurdi metropolis. Based on the findings, it was recommended that, Police Officers should be enlightened on how to manage work-family conflict and work stress. On policy basis, it was therefore recommended that government should evolve policies that are aimed at reducing work-family conflict and work stress among police Officers. Also, nongovernmental organizations with caring mind for the police Officers should help reduce work-family conflict and work stress, so as to enhance better policing by the Officers. Finally, more researches should be encouraged on the subject matter for further identification of long term solutions to the problems affecting psychological well-being of police Officers in Makurdi metropolis in particular, and Nigeria at largeItem Following psychometric procedures: the development and validation prison distress scale (PDS)(Cenresin Publications, 2017) Ajala, A. M.; Osinowo, H.O.; Ineme, M.E.; Okhakume, S. A.; Oyeleke, J. T.This study adopted qualitative and quantitative methods to develop and validate Prison Distress Scale as a tool for detecting onset of mental illnesses among convicted prison inmates. The study was conducted in two phases. During the first phase, the initial 51 items were generated through Focus Croup Discussion CFGD) using 24 convicted inmates and Fey Informant Interview (KlI) using 5 convicted. They were purposively sampled from Agodi Prison. Two clinical psychologists and 1 rehabilitation psychologist validated the FCD and Kll Guides. During the second phase, 5 clinical psychologists validated the initial 51 items leaving a total of 47 items. They were administered to 220 convicted inmates were purposively selected from Oyo and Ogbomoso prisons. Their responses were subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS Version 17 and 15 items were found reliable with Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.84, Spearman Brown Co-efficient of 0.89, and Guttman Split-half Reliability of 0.85. Alpha for the splitted items (A= 0.91 and B = 0,85) were reliable.. The scale was further analyzed using exploratory factor - analysis and van max rotation to address the dimensionality of the scale. The Bartlett Test, Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA), and Bartlett Test of Sphericity indicated that the correlation matrix had significant correlations can be factorized. Kaiser-Meyer measure of MSA and Exploratory Factor Analysis yielded five factors explaining a total of 65.26% of the total variance (FMO (91) = 1575.94) and factor loading for the items ranged from 0.58 to 0.78. Factors yielded include Frustration (r= 0.76), Mental Distress (r = 0.70), Loss of Freedom (r = 0.74), and Socio- Emotional., Deprivation A r= 0.62). They formed the sub-scales in the instrument. For the external convergence validity, overall distress was correlated with the Spielbergers State Anxiety Scale and the result demonstrated a strong convergent .validity (r = 0.42, p<.05).The cross validation of Prison Distress Questionnaire with Davidson Trauma Scale yielded low discriminant coefficient of -.52. With this, Nigeria now has a psychological instrument to measure distress among prison inmatesItem Demographic variable and job stress as predictors of depression among primary school teachers in Lagos state of Nigeria(European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, 2017-09) Okhakhume, A. S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T.; Odetunde, A. O.Issues of increase rate of sick leave, mood swing, fatigue and decreased energy, Feelings of worthlessness and helplessness which could be responsible for discontent and poor morale, low teaching efficiency, poor relationships with pupils, parents and subordinate, premature retirement, more internal conflicts and dysfunctional workplace climate among primary school teachers which can also be link with their wellbeing attracted the attention of this study. This study adopted cross sectional research design and Questionnaires were used to gather data from the primary school teachers. Purposive sampling technique was used to select two hundred primary school teachers who participated in the study. Data collected was analyzed using version 20.0 of statistical package for social sciences. The findings of this study revealed that that there is no significant difference in the depression of female teachers compare to male teachers among primary school teachers in kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos state, Nigeria (t(198)=-1.249, p>.05). it was also discovered that that out of the socio-demographic variable, only monthly income made significant independent contribution to depression among primary school teachers (β=-0.227; t = -2.780; p<0.05). The result also revealed that primary school teachers with high stress reported higher depression than their counterpart with low stress (t(198)=-12.41, p<.05). Further analysis revealed that job stress and working experience had no significant joint influence on depression (F(5,194)=2.975; p>0.05; R=0.171, R2=0.029), and also showed that job stress made significant independent contribution to depression (β=0.162; t = 2.287; p<0.05) while working experience had no significant independent contribution to depression (β=-0.077; t = -1.091; p>0.05). The study concluded that there is significant influence of job stress and monthly income on depression among primary school teachers in kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos state, Nigeria and recommend that government, stakeholders and investors in the field of education should review the job roles of primary school teacher as this study discovered that many of their roles constituted stress and result to depressionItem Marital stress, antenatal anxiety, social support, and postnatal depression among nursing mothers in Ibadan(Society for Science and Education, United Kingdom, 2017-06) Okhakhume, A. S.; Sunday, S.; Osuagwu, A. I.Postnatal depression is a mental health disorder afflicting between 15-18 percent of new mothers in Nigeria. Depressive symptoms and actual depression affects the psychological and social wellbeing of the affected mothers, their new infants, husbands and family members. Consequently, this study examined the effect of marital stress, antenatal anxiety, and social support on postnatal depression among nursing mothers in Ibadan. The study used an ex-post factor survey research design. A total of 128 nursing mothers (N=128; % = 98.4) were administered questionnaire in Ibadan. The participants’ average age was 29.68 years. Results revealed that antenatal anxiety has a significant correlation with postnatal depression (P<.05). Also, separate social support was found to have an inverse correlation with postnatal depression (r = .047); marital stress has a positive correlation with postnatal depression (r = .108). Also, finding showed that antenatal anxiety has a significant independent influence on postnatal depression (β=230; t = 2.633; P=<.05) and there was a joint influence of marital stress, antenatal anxiety and social support on postnatal depression (R2 = .070, F = 3.128, P<.05) with a 7% variability. Social support mediates the influence of antenatal anxiety on postnatal depression (r=.239) while family structure has a significant independent influence on postnatal depression (β=.266;t=2.880; P=<.05). Psychological interventions and assessment of the independent and joint risk factors that are related to postnatal depression in nursing mothers be undertaken in hospitals with the aim of reducing the overall impact of these risk factors on postnatal mothersItem Role of depression and impulsivity as determinants of suicidal ideation among students in Ibadan, Nigeria(2017) Okoro ., D. C.; Okhakhume, A. S.This study investigated the relationship between the risk factors of depression and impulsivity, and suicidal ideation among students of University of Ibadan. It adopted a cross-sectional survey research design and used questionnaire for data collection. Three scales were used in eliciting information from the students. Independent T-test Analysis was used in analyzing the data. P<. .001 level of confidence was considered significant. Two hypotheses were formulated and analyzed using independent t-test. The results show that high depressive and impulsive students have a greater likelihood of engaging in suicidal ideation than low depressive and impulsive ones (t - -5.694, df = 402, p< 0.001) and (t = -5.207, df = 402, p< 0.001). Consequently, students who are depressed as well as those who are impulsive must be closely monitored and assisted since they are at a higher risk of engaging in suicidal ideation than those who are not.Item Influence of coping strategies and perceived social support on depression among elderly people in Kajola local government area of Oyo State, Nigeria(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2017) Okhakhume, A. S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T.Health related issues like Dysphoric mood or loss of interest or pleasure in life and in free time activities, poor appetite, insomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, feelings of excessive guilt, lack of concentration, inability to think, withdrawn, despondent, disturbed sleep and reduced appetite observed among elderly people attracted the attention of this study to examine the influence of coping strategies and perceived social support on depression among elderly people. This study adopted cross sectional research design to examine the influence of coping strategies and perceived social support on depression among elderly people who are 60 years and above in kajola local government area of Oyo state, Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique was used systematically to select 200 elderly people that participated in the study. The result of the finding revealed that elderly people with low perceived social support reported higher depression than their counterpart with high perceived social support at [t(198)=-12.41, p<.05] and it was also discovered that elderly people with low coping strategies reported higher depression than their counterpart with high coping strategies among elderly people at [t(198)=-12.41, p<.05]. More so, the result of the findings depicted that, there was significant joint influence of coping strategies and perceived social support on depression [F(2,197)=43.86; p<0.05; R2=0.29] and further analysis revealed that coping strategies and perceived social support made significant independent contribution to depression among elderly people in kajola local government area of Oyo state, Nigeria [β=-0.15; t = -2.40; p<0.05 & β=1.24; t = 9.31; p<0.05]. This study concluded with discussion of findings and recommend that family, relative, neighbour and government should provide adequate support to the elderly people in order to reduce depressive symptoms and mortality rate among them