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Item Negative emotions as predictors of blood pressure among hypertensive and normotensive residents of Gwarinpa: a community-based study in Abuja, Nigeria(American Institute of Science, 2019) Olaseni, A. O.; Okhakhume, A. S.; Ayilara, N. O.The research was carried out to ascertain how negative emotions predict blood pressure among hypertensive and normotensive residents of Gwarinpa community. A cross-sectional ex-post-facto design was adopted for the study. A stratified random sampling technique was adopted in the selection process. Validated questionnaires were used to measure the six negative emotions, while a Sphygmomanometer was used to measure blood pressure. Binomial Logistic Regression Analysis was used to analyse the six hypotheses in the study. The result of the survey revealed that probability of being diagnosed of high blood pressure was more likely among participants with severe anxiety than participants with other levels anxiety (Exp (B) = 1.74, p <.01; 95% CI 0.60 – 0.92). The chance of being diagnosed of high blood pressure was significantly more likely among participants with severe psychological stress than participants with other levels of psychological stress (Exp (B) = 1.76, p <.001; 95% CI 1.66 – 1.891). The probability of being diagnosed of high blood pressure was significantly more likely among participants with emotional instability than participants with emotional stability (Exp (B) = 1.69, p <.001; 95% CI = 1.45 – 1.96). Findings further revealed that a unit increase in respondents’ level of dispositional optimism, significantly decreases the probabilities of being hypertensive (Exp (B) = -.40, p <.05; 95% CI 0.49 - 0.74). The study, therefore, concluded that severe anxiety, stress, emotional instability and high dispositional optimism were high-risk factors to high-blood pressure, while depression and life satisfaction are not necessarily risked factors for high blood pressure, while among the residents of GwarinpaItem Demographic variable and job stress as predictors of depression among primary school teachers in Lagos state of Nigeria(European Centre for Research Training and Development UK, 2017-09) Okhakhume, A. S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T.; Odetunde, A. O.Issues of increase rate of sick leave, mood swing, fatigue and decreased energy, Feelings of worthlessness and helplessness which could be responsible for discontent and poor morale, low teaching efficiency, poor relationships with pupils, parents and subordinate, premature retirement, more internal conflicts and dysfunctional workplace climate among primary school teachers which can also be link with their wellbeing attracted the attention of this study. This study adopted cross sectional research design and Questionnaires were used to gather data from the primary school teachers. Purposive sampling technique was used to select two hundred primary school teachers who participated in the study. Data collected was analyzed using version 20.0 of statistical package for social sciences. The findings of this study revealed that that there is no significant difference in the depression of female teachers compare to male teachers among primary school teachers in kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos state, Nigeria (t(198)=-1.249, p>.05). it was also discovered that that out of the socio-demographic variable, only monthly income made significant independent contribution to depression among primary school teachers (β=-0.227; t = -2.780; p<0.05). The result also revealed that primary school teachers with high stress reported higher depression than their counterpart with low stress (t(198)=-12.41, p<.05). Further analysis revealed that job stress and working experience had no significant joint influence on depression (F(5,194)=2.975; p>0.05; R=0.171, R2=0.029), and also showed that job stress made significant independent contribution to depression (β=0.162; t = 2.287; p<0.05) while working experience had no significant independent contribution to depression (β=-0.077; t = -1.091; p>0.05). The study concluded that there is significant influence of job stress and monthly income on depression among primary school teachers in kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos state, Nigeria and recommend that government, stakeholders and investors in the field of education should review the job roles of primary school teacher as this study discovered that many of their roles constituted stress and result to depressionItem Role of depression and impulsivity as determinants of suicidal ideation among students in Ibadan, Nigeria(2017) Okoro ., D. C.; Okhakhume, A. S.This study investigated the relationship between the risk factors of depression and impulsivity, and suicidal ideation among students of University of Ibadan. It adopted a cross-sectional survey research design and used questionnaire for data collection. Three scales were used in eliciting information from the students. Independent T-test Analysis was used in analyzing the data. P<. .001 level of confidence was considered significant. Two hypotheses were formulated and analyzed using independent t-test. The results show that high depressive and impulsive students have a greater likelihood of engaging in suicidal ideation than low depressive and impulsive ones (t - -5.694, df = 402, p< 0.001) and (t = -5.207, df = 402, p< 0.001). Consequently, students who are depressed as well as those who are impulsive must be closely monitored and assisted since they are at a higher risk of engaging in suicidal ideation than those who are not.Item Influence of coping strategies and perceived social support on depression among elderly people in Kajola local government area of Oyo State, Nigeria(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2017) Okhakhume, A. S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T.Health related issues like Dysphoric mood or loss of interest or pleasure in life and in free time activities, poor appetite, insomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, feelings of excessive guilt, lack of concentration, inability to think, withdrawn, despondent, disturbed sleep and reduced appetite observed among elderly people attracted the attention of this study to examine the influence of coping strategies and perceived social support on depression among elderly people. This study adopted cross sectional research design to examine the influence of coping strategies and perceived social support on depression among elderly people who are 60 years and above in kajola local government area of Oyo state, Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique was used systematically to select 200 elderly people that participated in the study. The result of the finding revealed that elderly people with low perceived social support reported higher depression than their counterpart with high perceived social support at [t(198)=-12.41, p<.05] and it was also discovered that elderly people with low coping strategies reported higher depression than their counterpart with high coping strategies among elderly people at [t(198)=-12.41, p<.05]. More so, the result of the findings depicted that, there was significant joint influence of coping strategies and perceived social support on depression [F(2,197)=43.86; p<0.05; R2=0.29] and further analysis revealed that coping strategies and perceived social support made significant independent contribution to depression among elderly people in kajola local government area of Oyo state, Nigeria [β=-0.15; t = -2.40; p<0.05 & β=1.24; t = 9.31; p<0.05]. This study concluded with discussion of findings and recommend that family, relative, neighbour and government should provide adequate support to the elderly people in order to reduce depressive symptoms and mortality rate among themItem Socio-demographic factors and intimate partner violence as determinants of depression among female workers of University of Ibadan(2016-12) Okhakhume, A.S.; Mkpelanga, D.Community based research on intimate partner violence against women using valid epidemiological methods both for descriptive and analytical studies has an important role in the planning for intervention against domestic violence. One of the weaknesses with previous studies is that they have used less specific diagnostic concepts for depressions and methodologies that is likely to underestimate intimate partner violence. Therefore, this study examined influence of demographic factors and interpersonal violence on depression among women at University of Ibadan, Nigeria. The study utilized survey design using random sampling technique across four selected Faculties of the University. Three hundred (300) women participated in the study yielding a return rate of 95%. Their ages ranged between 24 and 54 years with mean of 35.54 and standard deviation of 7.45. The instrument used was closed-ended questionnaire divided into three sections. This comprised of demographic variables, interpersonal violence and depression. Five hypotheses were tested. The result shows that younger participants reported less prevalence of depression than the older participants. Further, single workers reported significant lower score on depression than married and divorced workers. Additionally, female workers with school certificate and OND/NCE reported significantly higher score on depression than those with HND/Degree, Masters and Ph.D holders. There was no significant influence of religion on depression. Finally, inter-personal violence significantly predicted of depression. Based on the findings of the result, it was recommended that establishment of counselling units be included in the current federal service reforms being embarked upon. Also, the finding that interpersonal violence affects depression may encourage health professionals to identify groups of women at high risk of developing depression, and devise appropriate and effective measures or behavioural interventions to help abused women reduce their depressionItem Influence of social support, stress and coping strategies on depression among children with physical disability in Nigeria(Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2016) Okhakhume, A.S.; Aroniyiaso, O. T; Olagundoye, O. A.This study examined the influence of social support, stress and coping strategies on depression among children with physical disability in Nigeria. The study adopted cross sectional research design, purposive sampling technique was used to select 120 children with physical disability and questionnaires were used for data collection. The result of the findings revealed that there was a significant influence of social support on depression {t(118)=4.55; p<.05} and further analysis indicated that participants with low social support experienced higher levels of depression ( Mean = 69.73 ) while participants with high social support experienced lower levels of depression (Mean = 62.22). More so, the finding depicted independent significant influence of stress and coping strategies on depression {β = .68, t = 11.47; P < .05 & β = .289, t = 4.96; p < .05}. Also, the finding depicted joint significant influence of social support, stress and coping strategies on depression {F (3, 116) = 881.39; p < .05}. Therefore, the study concluded that social support, stress and coping strategies are predictors of depression among children with physical disability in Nigeria and recommended that government and non-governmental organisation should endeavour to implement an ecological-based support programme to support, educate and enlighten physically challenged children, their family members and society on how to help the disabled children deals with life situationItem Psychosocial variables influencing depression tendency and quality of life of stroke(2013) Okhakhume, A. S.Adaptation to stroke may require complex long-term change in stroke patients’ lives. This study examined the psychosocial variables influencing depression tendency and quality of life among stroke patients. The independent variables are personality traits and demographic variables while the dependent variables are depression and quality of life. Data were collected on stroke patients using a cross-sectional design and standardized questionnaires. A total of 112 stroke survivors took part in the study in which 57 (50.9%) were males and 55 (49.1%) were females with a mean age of 50.63 and standard deviation of 8.657 with age ranging from 30 to 74 years. Four hypotheses were tested using the multiple regression analysis and t-test for independent measures. The first hypothesis shows that jointly, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to experience and neuroticism significantly predicted Quality of life among the stroke patients in the study. The result revealed that conscientiousness and extraversion independently predicts Quality of life of Stroke patients while agreeableness, openness to experience and neuroticism did not independently predict Quality of life. The second hypothesis predicted that agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to experience and neuroticism significantly and jointly predicted depression among stroke patients. The result also demonstrated that there was independent influence of agreeableness, openness to experience and neuroticism on the level of depression in Stroke patients while conscientiousness and extraversion did not independently predict depression among stroke patients. The result shows that male stroke patients were more depressed than female stroke patients. However, female stroke patients have better quality of life than male stroke patients. The results were discussed exhaustively in relation to the existing literature and it was concluded that efforts should be made to consider personality factors such as agreeableness, openness to experience, neuroticism, conscientiousness and extraversion as a prerequisite in conducting rehabilitation programs among stroke patients this will go a long way to boost their recovery and increase their level of wellbeing. Rehabilitation programs for this group of people (stroke survivors) would be more effective if they are based upon a holistic approachItem THE EFFICACY OF GROUP COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY AMONG PATIENTS WITH DEPRESSION IN FEDERAL NEURO-PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, YABA(2015-03) AJIROTUTU, O. F.Depression is a major psychological disorder which is common among patients in psychiatric hospitals. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been used as complimentary intervention for depression, its efficacy on group cognitive therapy in Nigeria is yet to be established. This study therefore, examined the efficacy of group CBT in the treatment of depressed patients at the Federal. Neuro psychiatric Hospital, Yaba (FNPHY) Lagos. The cognitive and behavioural theories provided the theoretical basis. This study involved a survey, using cross sectional expost facto an experimental design. A total of 116 clinically diagnosed depressed patients were purposively recruited at the outpatient clinic of FNPHY. A Questionnaire which contained Becks Depressive Inventory-2 (BDI-II) and Centre for Epidemiological studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) were used for the experiment. Forty participants with highest scores on the depression rating scale were randomlyassigned into 4 groups of 10 each. Three of the groups: Individual and Group (I&G), Individual Therapy (IT), Group Therapy (GT) benefitted from psychological intervention while the last was the control (C). The three experimental groups had eight sessions on goals, identification of problems, activity of negative thoughts, correction of irrational beliefs/thoughts, review, evaluation and termination. The control group had no intervention. The four groups were re-assessed after intervention. Data were analysed with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), t-test and multiple regression (p<0.05). The mean age was 36±4.38, nineteen of the participants were single (47.5%), twenty-two were male (55%), and twenty-one had secondary education (52.5%).Participants who received GT and IT significantly reported lower scores on depression than the control, (t=-9.489, df=18).Participants who received group CBT significantly reported lower scores on depression than those who did not: t (18)=-2.218, and t(18)=-2.256, for BDI and CES-D respectively. Participants who received IT significantly reported lower scores on depression than those who did not: t (18) =-6.774 and t (18) =-8.316, for BDI and CES-D. Participants who benefited from GT and IT significantly reported lower score on depression than those who received only GCBT on CES-D t (18) =-4.979. Age, sex, marital and educational status did not predict depression among the participants. Combined Group and Individual Cognitive Behaviour Therapy produced higher efficacy in the treatment of depression. Group and Individual Cognitive Behaviour Therapy may be encouraged for the management for depressionItem Psycho-demographic factors as predictors of depression among person with diabete mellitus(International journal of scientific research and education, 2016) Onyencho, V. C.; Asagba, R. B.; Pindur, S.; Jidda, S. M.; Ibrahim, A.W.; Wakil, M. A.; Rabbebe, B.; Duwap, M.The study examined psycho-demographic factors as predictors of depression among persons with diabetes mellitus in Ibadan metropolis. A cross-sectional survey method was adopted to collect data from two hundred and thirty eight respondents with one hundred and fifteen (48.3%) males; and one hundred and twenty-three (51.7%) females and age ranging from 17 - 74 years with mean (x) 44.3 years and standard deviation (SD) 12.1. The result of regression analysis suggested that hopelessness, life purpose, and gender were significant independent predictors of depression, while the variables jointly predicted depression; R =.44; F (7,237) = 8.12; P < .005. Also, the variables jointly accounted for 17% (Adj. R2 = .174) variance on the depression. Low life purpose has a significant influence on depression (t = 3.48; P <.05). In conclusion, the study found that the above psycho-demographic variable has significant influence on depression. Therefore, it was recommended that government, and non-governmental organizations should create more public awareness on the possible effect of those variables that was found to have negative influence on depression in our society.