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Item Adie's syndrome as a cause of amblyopia(Slack Incorporated, Medical Publisher, New Jersey, 1987) Agbeja, A. M; Dutton, M. D.Adie's syndrome comprises a tonic pupil, which may be associated with impairment of accommodation, in the presence of diminished or absent deep tendon reflexes. We report a case of a 4-year-old boy with Adie's syndrome in which latent hypermetropia was made manifest by accommodative paresis and resulted in reversible amblyopiaItem Conjunctival incisions for trabeculectomy and their relationship to the type of bleb formation-A Preliminary Study(1987-04) Agbeja, A. M.; Dutton, G. N.The bleb which develops following trubeculectomy may be diffuse or cystic in nature. Cystic blebs can he complicated by infection, leakage of aqueous, astigmatism and problems related to contact lens wear, whereas diffuse blebs are not associated with such problems. We report a preliminary prospective photographic evaluation of bleb formation following each of three types of conjunctival incision: (a) fornix bascd (b) straight limbus based and (c) curved limbus based. The vascular patterrn and morphology of the drainage bleb formed was dependent upon the type of conjunctival incision made. The fornix based flap was found most likely to give rise to a diffuse bleb with a normal vascular pattern.Item Sebaceous gland carcinoma of the eyelid: case report(1990) Agbeja, A. M.; Osuntokun, O.; Ogunniyi, J.This paper reports a case of sebaceous adenocarcinoma of the meibomian gland in a 69-yearold man. The tumour was excised and histopathological examination revealed the characteristic features of sebaceous adenocarcinoma should then consist of wide excision, with preparation of frozen sections during the operation to ensure tumour-free borders.Item One year study of CT scan in patients with visual field loss(1990-07) Agbeja, A. M.|; Dutton, G. N.19 patients from the Neuro-Ophthalmology clinic of the Western Infirmary, were found during a one year period, to have various types of visual field loss and on the basis of this were sent for CT Scanning. 12 out of the 19 patients had positive CT Scans, the other 7 had no demonstrablepathology on CT Scan.Item Ocular complications of head injury in children(Springer-Verlag, 1991) Shokunbi, T.; Agbeja, A.Ocular complications occurred in 28%, of children with head injury. Neuro-ophthalmological lesions made up one-third or these complications, mostly involved the optic nerve, and were associated with other focal neurological signs more frequently than non-neural ocular complications. Lesions or the posterior visual pathways were rare but tended to be permanent.Item Ocular gun-shot injuries in Ibadan(1991) Agbeja, A. M; Osuntokun, O.Twenty patients with eye injuries resulting from gun-shots were admitted to the University College Hospital, Ibadan, over a 10-year period. Three of the patients had involvement of both eyes, making a total of 23 eyes. Seven eyes had contusion injuries, while 16 had perforating injuries. Eight of the perforating group had primary evisceration, two refused evisceration and six had repair of corneal! corneo-scleral wounds. All seven eyes in the contusion group were treated conservatively and four retained a vision of better than 6/36. Seven out of the 20 patients were shot by someone else, six of whom were armed robbers. The other 13 patients were shooting animals while hunting, when the gun either backfired or exploded in their faces.Item Rehabilitation of the blind: A review(1992-06) Agbeja, A. M; Cookey-Gam, A. I.Rehabilitation of the blind is an active process whereby the blind person is helped to become an independent and useful member of the community. Rehabilitation thus improves the psychological wellbeing of the blind person as well as making him a happy, contributing member of the society.Item Intraocular lens implantation, the Nigerian experience(1994) Agbeja, A. M.Between April 1989 and December 1990, 51 patients underwent cataract extractions with implantation of intraocular lenses. A preliminary report of encouraging results is given inspite of limitations of equipment for microsurgical proceduresItem Astigmatism in post-operative cataract patients(1994-12) Agbeja-Baiyeroju, A. M.; Oko, H. O.The aim of the study was to find out the various degrees of post-operative refractive astigmatism in our cataract patients, causes of the astigmatism and ways of minimising this problem. The total number of post-operative refractive astigmatism was determined in patients following cataract surgery. 22% of the patients had an astigmatism of greater than 2 diopters although only 1.9% had the more intolerable astigmatism of greater than 4 diopters. Associated causes for the astigmatism included intraoperative vitreous loss, wound dehiscence, pterygium and corneal scars. With the advent of microsurgery and better magnification, suggestions are made as to how to minimise this condition which, if high proves very intolerable for the patient.Item Non-retrobulbar anaesthesia for trabeculectomy(1995) Agbeja, A. MA prospective clinical trial using sub-conjunctival (Sub- Tenon's) anaesthesia for trabeculectomy is reported. Forty-one eyes of 22 consecutive patients with glaucoma had trabeculectomy performed using the sub-conjunctival method of local anaesthesia. The effectiveness of the anaesthetic, intra-operative and post-operative complications were recorded. Sub-conjunctival injection of local anaesthesia was found to be painless and free from the complications associated with retrobulbar injections. Surgery was also found to be easier as a conjunctival bleb was already raised allowing easy access to the sub-conjunctival space. Voluntary eye movements remained but did not interfere with surgery.Item Congenital giant dermoid cyst of the orbit associated with microphthalmia and cataract(1995) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Thomas, J.A case of a giant dermoid cyst of the orbit associated with microphthalmia in a two-year old female child is reported. Clinical diagnosis of the condition was made when the child was two months old, although it had been observed at birth by the parents. Surgical excision of the tumour and the microphthalmic eye was undertaken when the child was two years old. Findings at the operation included a giant cyst that was partially intraorbital with a portion of it extending into the temporal fossa, a microphthalmic eye with cataract and non-closure of the zygomatico-frontal suture. Six months after surgery, there was no evidence of recurrence of the tumour.Item Fuch's heterochromic iridocyclitis in Ibadan(1995) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A.An uncommon form of uveitis, Fuch's heterochromic iridocyclitis is presented in 8 patients seen at the eye clinic of the University College Hospital. The spectrum of the disease is discussed in the African eye.Item Practical aspects of ophthalmic ultrasound in Ibadan(1995-08) Marinho, A. O.; Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Fatukusi, J. I.; Kalejaye, O.; Sogo, K.Objective: To highlight the clinical usefulness and the practical aspects of ophthalmic ultrasonography, Materials and Methods: We have described the practical aspects of ophthalmic ultrasonography and reviewed the results of over 200 ophthalmic ultrasounds in our hands. Result: Using ultrasonography, the normal eye is globular and measure 18-24mm in anterior posterior view. The vitreous chamber is c1ear of reflection. Various intraocular lesions like cataracts, debris, vitreous haemorrhage, retinal detachment, panophthalmitis and foreign bodies as well as retro-ocular masses were diagnosable using ophthalmic ultrasonography, Conclusion: Ophthalmic ultrasonography is recommended as all adjunct to the diagnosis of eye diseases as it is painless. in-expensive and gives accurate results.Item Diagnosis of ocular disease in Ibadan by ultrasound(1995-12) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Marinho, A. O.15 patients with ocular disease, in whom views of posterior segment of the eyes could not be obtained underwent ultrasonography of the eyes to aid in the diagnosis and further management of the patients. In some cases the ultrasound was then compared with the histological diagnosis when the eye was removed and in other cases to the ophthalmoscopic examination when a better view of the posterior segment could be obtained. This was done as a pilot study to ascertain the level of accuracy of our ultrasonic diagnosis and how much it could be depended upon for the very important decision of removal of the eye when indicated.Item Non-cardiac surgery and anaesthesia in children with congenital heart disease(1996-06) Soyannwo, O. A.; Baiyeroju, A. M.Children with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) presenting for non-cardiac surgery have various physiological and functional abnormalities and thus pose great challenges to the anaesthetist. This one year prospective study was undertaken to determine the incidence of CHD in children presenting for noncardiac surgery, the type of lesions and anaesthetic course. Five patients (1.5%) out of a total of 324 children aged from birth to twelve years who had surgery during the study period were found to have CHD, ventricular septal defect (VSD) being the commonest cardiac lesion. Surgery was for cataract extraction and herniorrhaphy. Although all the children had been previously treated or were on current treatment for additional medical problems, surgery under closely monitored balanced general anaesthetic technique was found to be safe.Item Advantages of simultaneous bilateral trabeculectomy over consecutive bilateral trabeculectomy in lbadan(1996-09) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Ajewole, J. F.A retrospective study of 26 patients who underwent simultaneous bilateral trabeculectomy over a 5year period was reviewed. Advantages of simultaneous bilateral trabeculectomy include a shorter stay in hospital compared to consecutive bilateral trabeculectomy, as well as a single general anaesthetic if required and this reduces the risk of exposure to anaesthetic agents within a short time. The turn-around time in theatre is also improved compared with separate operations. Preoperatively, 20 of the patients (77%) were on two or more antiglaucoma therapy. 69% of the patients (18patients) spent 7days in hospital, from admission to discharge, the normal duration of hospital stay for unilateral trabeculectomy. Only 31% spent over one week, none stayed in hospital beyond two weeks. Post operative complications occurred in 8 eyes (15.4%) but none led to blindness. Visual outcome was good in these patients as none had reduced vision postoperatively compared to preoperatively, 3eyes had an improvement in visual acuity postoperatively.Item Causes of removal of the eye In Ibadan(1996-12) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A.; Ajibode, H. A.The aim of the study was to enumerate the causes of removal of the eye in our community and find out ways of reducing this. 139 eyes were removed at the University College Hospital, lbadan, over a 5 year period between January 1989 and December 1993. Only 100 of the cases were available for inclusion in this study. The age, sex, causes of removal of the eyes and final diagnosis were obtained. Most of the patients (64%) were below the age of 30 years, the youngest being 3 weeks of age. The most common cause of eye removal was found to be infective (endophthalmitis/panophthalmitis), although in the age group of 0-10 years, Retinoblastoma was the commonest cause of the removal of the eye.Item Eye changes in Nigerian patients with Alopecia Areata(1997-03) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A. M.; Ogunbiyi, A. O.Eye changes have been reported in patients with Alopecia Areata. There are no local reports of this association. We decided to find out the prevalence and to document the various eye changes in patients presenting with Alopecia Areata in this environment. We examined 13patients presenting with clinical features of Alopecia Areata. A structured questionnaire was administered to gather relevant biodata, duration of illness and previous drug history. Nine of them showed eye changes, some of which had been previously described which include lens opacities, refractive errors and retinal abnormalities. Unlike what had been previously described. 4 of our patients had definite early posterior subcapsular cataracts. We suggest that patients with Alopecia Areata should have ophthalmological examination as part of their initial assessment.Item The relationship between ventricular size and visual function in children with hydrocephalus(1998) Odebode, T. O.; Shokunbi, M. T.; Malomo, A. O.; Familusi, J. B.; Agbeja-Baiyeroju, A. M.; Ogunseyinde, A. O.We examined the relationship between ventricular size and visual function in 50 children (36 males and 14 females) with hydrocephalus. The third and lateral ventricular sizes and the visual function scores did not significantly differ between the sexes. Ventricular enlargement was most pronounced at the trigones and least at the level of the foraminae of Monro. The visual function score correlated inversely with the size of the lateral ventricle measured at the levels of the anterior horn and the trigone and expressed as coronal diameter and "Modified" Evans' ratio (r = 0.49; P = 0.001 and r = - 0.38, P = 0.01 for the anterior horn; r = 0.48, P = 0.00 I and r = -0.35, P = 0.001 for the trigone). The size of the third ventricle did not correlate with visual function score. A "modified" anterior Evans ratio of 0.60 and a trigonal Evans ratio of 0.73 were associated with very low visual function score. Furthermore, there was significant inverse correlation between occipitofrontal circumference (OFC) and visual function (r = -0.6379, P = 0.001), but OFC was not valuable for predicting visual function before the onset of head enlargement.Item Ocular abnormalities in newborn infants needing special care(1998) Baiyeroju-Agbeja, A.; Omokhodion, S. I.A prospective study was carried out over a six-month period to determine the pattern and outcome of ocular abnormalities in newborn infants needing special care. All babies at risk of developing retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) were excluded from the study as they were included in a concurrently running ROP study. Twenty-eight of the remaining 84 babies examined were found to have ocular problems. These included retinal haernorrhages which were found in 64 percent of the 28 babies, deeply yellow retinae in 18 percent and retinal oedema in seven percent. Although all the changes encountered resolved by the time the babies were discharged, it is recommended that the eyes of babies admitted into the special care baby unit for whatever reason, should be routinely examined, in order to identify early changes that are amenable to treatment.
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